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South Korea to Transfer UAV, Missile Technologies to UAE

What about the UNITED-40 block 5(UAE),they say it has 10 hardpoints to carry missiles?

oh by the way . even thought the anka is the best UAV in the region it would be a lie if i said the turks had the ingenuity to do it alone . it is a carbon copy of the KUS-15 UAV from korea. go figure
oh by the way . even thought the anka is the best UAV in the region it would be a lie if i said the turks had the ingenuity to do it alone . it is a carbon copy of the KUS-15 UAV from korea. go figure
Ok,first it was made by the US then Israel and now South-Korea?
HHAHAHAHAHAHAH,unreal maybe next time some Marsians made it.
Whatever makes you happy.
KAI picked as preferred bidder for S. Korea's unmanned aerial vehicle

i dont care what other people have said . I know my stuff . and the next time you decide to be a pathetic douche please make sure your right
If you know your stuff,you should compare both systems first not just the looks.
TAI Anka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you read further on that site @cabatli_53 has given the answer.
You are comparing a mini UAV to the ANKA,so who knows his stuff?
Btw,i wont call you a retarded moron,not worth it.
Read post 16 on your link.
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Guys :pissed: calm down, get to the topic.
Why is it allways that people here start swearing instead of proving the opposite?
Go to the link and see for yourself,he is comparing a mini UAV to the ANKA,dont forget to read post 16 there.;)
If you know your stuff,you should compare both systems first not just the looks.
TAI Anka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you read further on that site @cabatli_53 has given the answer.
You are comparing a mini UAV to the ANKA,so who knows his stuff?
Btw,i wont call you a retarded moron,not worth it.
Read post 16 on your link.

okay apprently i am dealing with a person with a very low iq so this is a reply to clarify to the


1- when companies showcare their products at a show THEY SCALE IF DOWN . so the mock up is normally 1/10- 1/3 depending on the space .

2- turkey is more than capable of designing and creating its on aircraft but due to time constraints they bought this from the koreans in a joint development.

3- the koreans are far more advanced than any middle eastern nation when it comes to UAV's

4- Your still an idiot
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okay apprently i am dealing with a person with a very low iq so this is a reply to clarify to the


1- when companies showcare their products at a show THEY SCALE IF DOWN . so the mock up is normally 1/10- 1/3 depending on the space .

2- turkey is more than capable of designing and creating its on aircraft but due to time constraints they bought this from the koreans in a joint development.

3- the koreans are far more advanced than any middle eastern nation when it comes to UAV's

4- Your still an idiot
1-Read the specs princes.
I think you misread your own link moronito,next time come up with real evidence when making a claim.
If there is an idiot here,it should be you for providing proof that your claim is untrue.
Grow up then come back.
What a joke you are!
1-Read the specs princes.
I think you misread your own link moronito,next time come up with real evidence when making a claim.
If there is an idiot here,it should be you for providing proof that your claim is untrue.
Grow up then come back.
What a joke you are!

you are right . totally right i am an idiot for trying to speak to the likes of you . what ever makes you happy lool
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