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South Korea to Transfer UAV, Missile Technologies to UAE


May 9, 2007
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Korea promised to transfer technology for its unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), following its successful bid to build four nuclear reactors in the Middle East nation, a government source said Thursday. Defense Minister Kim Tae-young made the commitment during his visit to the UAE in November to discuss bilateral defense issues as well as to support the landmark $20 billion deal, the source told The Korea Times.

Kim also offered to provide key arms technologies related to the homegrown Hyunmoo ballistic and cruise missiles to the UAE as part of efforts to expand defense cooperation between the two countries, he said on condition of anonymity.Technology on an electromagnetic pulse bomb (EMP) is among the key items for cooperation promised by Korea, said the source.

The state-funded Agency for Defense Development (ADD) has been pushing to develop the bomb capable of neutralizing an enemy's command-and-control, communications and defense radar systems.EMPs can severely disrupt electronic equipment, which is susceptible to damage by transient power surges. An EMP attack is generated by a very short, intense energy pulse or high-altitude nuclear blast.

The agency plans to complete the development by 2014. "The UAE asked Korea to provide such key arms technologies as part of the package deal for the reactor contract," the source said. "Korea's positive response to the request played an important role in sealing the deal."

Speculation has been growing after the agreement that there could have been some behind-the-scene promises to satisfy the UAE needs. At that time, Seoul's defense ministry declined to elaborate, only saying the two sides exchanged views on ways to expand bilateral defense cooperation programs. As for the UAV, Korea will offer the technology on the Night Intruder-300, also known as RQ-101, built by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), according to the source.

KAI built the RQ-101 corps-level battlefield-reconnaissance UAV between 2001 and 2004. The Korean Army bought five sets of RQ-101s, with each set including six aircraft, a launcher and a ground-control station. KAI is also discussing the sale of the RQ-101 to Libya.The RQ-101 has a service ceiling of 4.5 kilometers and a cruise speed of 120 to 150 kilometers per hour. The 215-kilogram aircraft has a service radius of 200 kilometers and can operate for up to six hours in the air.

The UAV is capable of multipurpose operations to perform missions like wide area surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition, bombing guidance, battlefield supervision and checking target break-down. It is also possible to transfer real-time images, especially in unfavorable environments during day and night.

Some observers say, however, potential exports of the RQ-101 to either the UAE or Libya could cause a political or diplomatic row between South Korea and Israel given the ground-control station for the UAV was developed with technical assistance from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

IAI offered the technology when it sold its Searcher II UAVs to South Korea.Referred missile technologies are related to those for the 300-kilometer-range Hyunmoo-II ballistic missile and the 1,000-kilometer-range Hyunmoo-III surface-to-surface cruise missile developed by the ADD and LIG Nex1.

The Hyunmoo-III missiles have been operational with the Army since last year. The Hyunmoo-III can hit targets with a margin of error of plus or minus five meters aided by a Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) system.

South Korea to Transfer UAV, Missile Technologies to UAE ~ ASIAN DEFENCE

The latest version of South Korean-made cruise missile Hyunmoo-IIIB is able to hit a target at a maximum range of 1,000 km with high accuracy.
The UAE appears to be more interested in developing its own UAV via cooperations with nations known for their reliabilities in weapon industries, South Korea is a great country that we should seek to further our cooperation with.
The UAE appears to be more interested in developing its own UAV via cooperations with nations known for their reliabilities in weapon industries, South Korea is a great country that we should seek to further our cooperation with.

The tiny UAE puts all Arab world into shame.
The UAE appears to be more interested in developing its own UAV via cooperations with nations known for their reliabilities in weapon industries, South Korea is a great country that we should seek to further our cooperation with.

In the long term, it is my prediction that both Japan and South Korea (and unified Korea in the future) as opposed to China, will turn out to be the closest friends of Muslims:

Prior to world war II, Japanese were close to Muslims and South Koreans benefited greatly from the construction boom in Gulf countries in past 3-4 decades. Both Koreans and Japanese invested in Bangladesh to make factories. Those who invested in China now regret, many are moving to ASEAN countries, but those who invested in Bangladesh and ASEAN countries, are making long term profits. Because labor cost is still low and it will stay low for the foreseeable future. In China, the Chinese, once they acquired Japanese and Korean technology and know how, are now kicking them out, as they do not need them any more.

So for Muslim countries, if they have to source technology, I would recommend to go for:
1st South Korea,
2nd Japan and then
3rd China
- not anti-Islam West or Hindu India who do not have any tech know how to begin with.

So, excellent move by UAE govt.:tup:
That's the truth, it's such a tiny country but with such achievements that are way ahead of many much bigger Arab countries including the KSA.

I guess you're right bro :angel:

Don't take it on yourself hard. You can't race with the support of US.

Not really, Turkey is far develop than the GCC, yet the Turks are a bit behind in certain fields, that doesn't mean Turkey is backward though. That's why friends exist in this world.
Don't take it on yourself hard. You can't race with the full support of US.

Why do you give the credit to the US? As a matter of fact our relations with the US is better than the UAE. The credit goes to the hard working, determination to go for the best, smart use of their resources, ambition and great management represented by their regime.
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