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South India’s mini rebellion over Modi’s new cattle law kindles an old secessionist spark

I still think you are wrong about Gujjus though.

The amount of firepower they have brought into the country from Israel over the past two decades is not funny.

But they'll wet their chaddis the day they have to really use them.

Historically it was the Gujjus who have defeated the Arab Umayyad Caliphate in the 8th century and send them back utterly humiliated.

It was the Gujjus who defeated Muhammed Gaznavi the first time he invaded India.

It was the gujju's who gave us the iron man of India, Sardar Patel. It was the gujju's who gave us a man of amazing moral courage, Mahatma Gandhi.

It was the gujjus who traveled to Africa and set up successful business all over the world. Invasion by the muslims or the Christians failed to break the gujjur spirit, unlike the spirit of hindus all over India.

Most hindu society regressed under foreign invasion and rule, not the Gujjus. Gujjus managed to keep the hindu values even under extreme circumstances.

They have EARNED my respect. In fact, I think gujarat is the last bastion of Hindus in India. It will always be the last to fall.
LOL....the very fact that you losers come to a pakistani forum to "discuss" India itself is a red flag about your slavish mentality and compulsive need to justify your existence.

I am explicitly here to shame and humiliate your kind so do not expect any mercy.

Hindus in kerala have lost my respect the day the decide to be subservient to the "minorities" and forsake their heritage for the sake of "secularism". They live in denial and I see their hypocrisy first hand every day of my life.

Only fools like you give credibility to the posters on PDF who dare question India. I have no intention of justifying myself to a bunch of bigots. The very fact that you feel the need to do so is your real defeat. One that proclaims you as a loser.

People see what they want to see. PDF is not the place to seek people without prejudices.
Question India? You're the one questioning India. You're the one who's against his own country's citizens. And yet I'm the bigot, not the you, the racist piece of crap wannabe supremacist. I'm glad the people of Kerala are secular. They see the big picture, not the whinny rantings of some emotional kid who had one bad day and thinks he is the Grand Dragon of the KKK.
And you said you're here to humiliate my kind. Tell me exactly what my kind is bud.
Historically it was the Gujjus who have defeated the Arab Umayyad Caliphate in the 8th century and send them back utterly humiliated.

It was the Gujjus who defeated Muhammed Gaznavi the first time he invaded India.

It was the gujju's who gave us the iron man of India, Sardar Patel. It was the gujju's who gave us a man of amazing moral courage, Mahatma Gandhi.

It was the gujjus who traveled to Africa and set up successful business all over the world. Invasion by the muslims or the Christians failed to break the gujjur sprite, unlike the sprite of hindus all over India.

Most hindu society regressed under foreign invasion and rule, not the Gujjus. Gujjus managed to keep the hindu values even under extreme circumstances.

They have EARNED my respect. In fact, I think gujarat is the last bastion of Hindus in India. It will always be the last to fall.

The Gujjus cannot hold a candle to the Marathas in every aspect.
Its stuff like this that make people suspect you are vsdoc. :P


In everything militant or Hindu, the Gujjus are pale shadows of Marathas.

Do you know that Gujjus actually collected huge bounties to raise armies to fight alongside Shivaji?

Why not on their own?
Question India? You're the one questioning India. You're the one who's against his own country's citizens. And yet I'm the bigot, not the you, the racist piece of crap wannabe supremacist. I'm glad the people of Kerala are secular. They see the big picture, not the whinny rantings of some emotional kid who had one bad day and thinks he is the Grand Dragon of the KKK.
And you said you're here to humiliate my kind. Tell me exactly what my kind is bud.

I am against the slavish mentality demonstrated by my countries citizens.

If kerala was truly secular they would have RESPECTED HINDU BELIEFS. But Kerala perversion of "secularism" is based on the violent denigration of Hindu values.

LOL at your definition of mallu "secularism".

LOL at your "big picture" that has turned hindus in kerala into communists :lol: .......... only a retard would consider a bunch of communists as people who can actually see the "big picture".


In everything militant or Hindu, the Gujjus are pale shadows of Marathas.

Do you know that Gujjus actually collected huge bounties to raise armies to fight alongside Shivaji?

Why not on their own?

Gujarat is a plain, it is not a mountainous terrain like large parts of Maharashtra. Its the geography that helped Shivaji establish his forts and kingdom.

Did you know Shivaji spoke fluent Persian ? he even wrote in the persian script. But he never learnt sanskrit.
I am against the slavish mentality demonstrated by my countries citizens.

If kerala was truly secular they would have RESPECTED HINDU BELIEFS. But Kerala perversion of "secularism" is based on the violent denigration of Hindu values.

LOL at your definition of mallu "secularism".

LOL at your "big picture" that has turned hindus in kerala into communists :lol: .......... only a retard would consider a bunch of communists are people who can actually see the "big picture".
Hey I'm against secession too. But how the hell does secularism mean prioritizing one religion above the other? A true secularist state would be one where all religions are treated equally. And you're not fighting for Hindus. You sure aren't fighting for minorities. I think you're just pissed that Kerala for some reason has adopted communism and has been doing all the better for it.

You still haven't told me what my kind is yet.
Hey I'm against secession too. But how the hell does secularism mean prioritizing one religion above the other? A true secularist state would be one where all religions are treated equally. And you're not fighting for Hindus. You sure aren't fighting for minorities. I think you're just pissed that Kerala for some reason has adopted communism and has been doing all the better for it.

You still haven't told me what my kind is yet.

Your kind is the kind that calls denigration of Hindu values as "secularism" :sick: :tdown: I have no doubt you are a christian, but I am equally sure that you will deny this.

This the result of the study by a well known COMMUNIST institution "Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishad".

Hindus, according to numbers compiled by it, constitute the major chunk of the state's poor with an astounding 39.3 lakh living below the poverty line.

Muslims follow with 24.7 lakh and Christians, 8.2 lakh. Though Muslims lead the poverty index on a religion-wise breakup, the difference with Hindus is a marginal 5.9%.

Only 80.1% of Hindu houses are in a livable condition, less than that of Muslims (89.7%) and Christians (83.6%).

only 90.4% Hindu homes have a toilet as against 93.8% Muslim and 94% Christian homes. In 18.75% Hindu dwellings, the water is not safe compared to only 11.55% Muslim homes and 15% Christian.

14.5% Hindu houses are in danger of water log-ging suggesting they are not located uptown. Corresponding figures for Muslims and Christians are 12.8% and 10.9% respectively.

34.5% Muslim families have Gulf income against 11.61% Christian and 10.4% Hindu.

As for the "success" of COMMUNISTS in Kerla, these are the actual figures.

The actual agricultural workers including Scheduled Castes continued to remain landless after 52 years of much tom-tommed “Land Revolution” by the Communists. Adivasis, the natural occupiers and keepers of forests, constitute only one per cent of the Kerala population but almost 65 per cent of them remain landless. Scheduled Castes form about 15 per cent of the Kerala population and almost half of them do not have lands for house or farming.

Five percent of the 3.25-crore people of the State do not own even a square inch of land while individuals like Janata Dal (S) MLA MV Sreyamskumar, whom the CPI(M) had been protecting, are holding hundreds of acres of land in the name of plantations (Mr Sreyams himself admits that he owns 64 acres of land in own his name, excluding the lands of his relatives).

In 1810, the British made the then ruler of Travancore, Rani Lakshmi Bai, appoint the British Resident, Colonel John Munro, as Dewan of the Travancore Kingdom as well. Munro who was a committed Christian missionary as well as a ruthless colonialist, naturally considered it his pious duty to debilitate the Hindu religion and at the same time foster Christianity. He achieved both these aims by the simple expedient of taking over by a Government fiat nearly all the temples of Travancore and Cochin and also by seizing all their landed Temple properties without any compensation whatsoever.

More than three hundred of the biggest temples of Travancore were appropriated by the Government under a Devaswom Board. At the same time, Munro issued hundreds of munificent land grants to the Christian Churches. Land was grabbed from Hindu Temples and gifted to Christian Churches.

The Resident-Dewan-missionary had seen to it that the records of the sequestered Temple lands and of lands were thoroughly intermixed; so much so that it had been made quite impossible to catalogue Temple lands separately from Government lands.

Under the Kerala Land Reforms Act, over 12,000 acres of Guruvayoor temple’s land has been reduced to a mere few hundred acres. Now most of those lands are owned by the Muslims. In Sabarimala, 2,500 acres of Temple land has been sold by the Government’s Devaswom Board. Although the church is the largest real-estate owner in the country, no church land has ever been confiscated or otherwise alienated by the Government.

Do you want to guess who is the largest holder of Rubber estate in Kerala ? .... its the christian church :lol:

LOL at your "secularism". I spit on it.

Dude ....

Facts. Why did you think Nepal managed to be free from British rule ?
Your kind is the kind that calls denigration of Hindu values as "secularism" :sick: :tdown: I have no doubt you are a christian, but I am equally sure that you will deny this.

This the result of the study by a well known COMMUNIST institution "Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishad".

Hindus, according to numbers compiled by it, constitute the major chunk of the state's poor with an astounding 39.3 lakh living below the poverty line.

Muslims follow with 24.7 lakh and Christians, 8.2 lakh. Though Muslims lead the poverty index on a religion-wise breakup, the difference with Hindus is a marginal 5.9%.

Only 80.1% of Hindu houses are in a livable condition, less than that of Muslims (89.7%) and Christians (83.6%).

only 90.4% Hindu homes have a toilet as against 93.8% Muslim and 94% Christian homes. In 18.75% Hindu dwellings, the water is not safe compared to only 11.55% Muslim homes and 15% Christian.

14.5% Hindu houses are in danger of water log-ging suggesting they are not located uptown. Corresponding figures for Muslims and Christians are 12.8% and 10.9% respectively.

34.5% Muslim families have Gulf income against 11.61% Christian and 10.4% Hindu.

As for the "success" of COMMUNISTS in Kerla, these are the actual figures.

The actual agricultural workers including Scheduled Castes continued to remain landless after 52 years of much tom-tommed “Land Revolution” by the Communists. Adivasis, the natural occupiers and keepers of forests, constitute only one per cent of the Kerala population but almost 65 per cent of them remain landless. Scheduled Castes form about 15 per cent of the Kerala population and almost half of them do not have lands for house or farming.

Five percent of the 3.25-crore people of the State do not own even a square inch of land while individuals like Janata Dal (S) MLA MV Sreyamskumar, whom the CPI(M) had been protecting, are holding hundreds of acres of land in the name of plantations (Mr Sreyams himself admits that he owns 64 acres of land in own his name, excluding the lands of his relatives).

In 1810, the British made the then ruler of Travancore, Rani Lakshmi Bai, appoint the British Resident, Colonel John Munro, as Dewan of the Travancore Kingdom as well. Munro who was a committed Christian missionary as well as a ruthless colonialist, naturally considered it his pious duty to debilitate the Hindu religion and at the same time foster Christianity. He achieved both these aims by the simple expedient of taking over by a Government fiat nearly all the temples of Travancore and Cochin and also by seizing all their landed Temple properties without any compensation whatsoever.

More than three hundred of the biggest temples of Travancore were appropriated by the Government under a Devaswom Board. At the same time, Munro issued hundreds of munificent land grants to the Christian Churches. Land was grabbed from Hindu Temples and gifted to Christian Churches.

The Resident-Dewan-missionary had seen to it that the records of the sequestered Temple lands and of lands were thoroughly intermixed; so much so that it had been made quite impossible to catalogue Temple lands separately from Government lands.

Under the Kerala Land Reforms Act, over 12,000 acres of Guruvayoor temple’s land has been reduced to a mere few hundred acres. Now most of those lands are owned by the Muslims. In Sabarimala, 2,500 acres of Temple land has been sold by the Government’s Devaswom Board. Although the church is the largest real-estate owner in the country, no church land has ever been confiscated or otherwise alienated by the Government.

Do you want to guess who is the largest holder of Rubber estate in Kerala ? .... its the christian church :lol:

LOL at your "secularism". I spit on it.

Facts. Why did you think Nepal managed to be free from British rule ?

But ... but ... why are the levinas and miscellaneous sparks and nairs et al coming and fighting for Hindu rights?

Why are they wasting time running Pakistani owned web portals, along with out of work Army LP doctors ?

Facts. Why did you think Nepal managed to be free from British rule ?

Have you ever seen a map of the length and breadth of the Maratha Confederacy?

Of the territory they won in war and controlled?

Of the geography?

You think all Maratha gadhs are on top of forested hills? How about the sea?

You think all Maratha campaigns were in the forests and hills? How about the plains of Panipat?

Please man ....
But ... but ... why are the levinas and miscellaneous sparks and nairs et al coming and fighting for Hindu rights?

Why are they wasting time running Pakistani owned web portals, along with out of work Army LP doctors ?

They are the "gelf" mallus and the kerala mallus who's very lively hood depends on sucking up to the "minorities" and it has become second nature to them.

Sucking up to the pakistanis is just a natural extension of their slave mentality. They only place they feel "safe" is the Kerala corner where you will find the whole bunch of them huddling for support.

Have you ever seen a map of the length and breadth of the Maratha Confederacy?

Of the territory they won in war and controlled?

Of the geography?

You think all Maratha gadhs are on top of forested hills? How about the sea?

You think all Maratha campaigns were in the forests and hills? How about the plains of Panipat?

Please man ....

Maratha kingdom consolidation happened along the Ghats and the forts they held there. The money came from plunder and not from good governance or trade.

It was not a sustainable model and it empire never got to evolve beyond its initial model of conquest and plunder.

That is why it failed the way it did when the british consolidated power.

If you have see the movie Bahubali 2, you would have seen him talk about the bunch of murderous plunderers called the "Pindari".

The Pindari were a large buch of real life murderous plunderers made up of Muslim warlords and muslim tribes who's only business was to loot and plunder the countryside ruled by the Marathas. And in exchange for this "right" to plunder, they paid homage to the Maratha's and paid a share of the loot to the Maratha chiefs. This amply demonstrates the depth of the "Maratha empire".

In fact the english word "Thugs" actually came from the descriptions of these Pindari's who's scourge was put to end by the British.
Your kind is the kind that calls denigration of Hindu values as "secularism" :sick: :tdown: I have no doubt you are a christian, but I am equally sure that you will deny this.

This the result of the study by a well known COMMUNIST institution "Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishad".

Hindus, according to numbers compiled by it, constitute the major chunk of the state's poor with an astounding 39.3 lakh living below the poverty line.

Muslims follow with 24.7 lakh and Christians, 8.2 lakh. Though Muslims lead the poverty index on a religion-wise breakup, the difference with Hindus is a marginal 5.9%.

Only 80.1% of Hindu houses are in a livable condition, less than that of Muslims (89.7%) and Christians (83.6%).

only 90.4% Hindu homes have a toilet as against 93.8% Muslim and 94% Christian homes. In 18.75% Hindu dwellings, the water is not safe compared to only 11.55% Muslim homes and 15% Christian.

14.5% Hindu houses are in danger of water log-ging suggesting they are not located uptown. Corresponding figures for Muslims and Christians are 12.8% and 10.9% respectively.

34.5% Muslim families have Gulf income against 11.61% Christian and 10.4% Hindu.

As for the "success" of COMMUNISTS in Kerla, these are the actual figures.

The actual agricultural workers including Scheduled Castes continued to remain landless after 52 years of much tom-tommed “Land Revolution” by the Communists. Adivasis, the natural occupiers and keepers of forests, constitute only one per cent of the Kerala population but almost 65 per cent of them remain landless. Scheduled Castes form about 15 per cent of the Kerala population and almost half of them do not have lands for house or farming.

Five percent of the 3.25-crore people of the State do not own even a square inch of land while individuals like Janata Dal (S) MLA MV Sreyamskumar, whom the CPI(M) had been protecting, are holding hundreds of acres of land in the name of plantations (Mr Sreyams himself admits that he owns 64 acres of land in own his name, excluding the lands of his relatives).

In 1810, the British made the then ruler of Travancore, Rani Lakshmi Bai, appoint the British Resident, Colonel John Munro, as Dewan of the Travancore Kingdom as well. Munro who was a committed Christian missionary as well as a ruthless colonialist, naturally considered it his pious duty to debilitate the Hindu religion and at the same time foster Christianity. He achieved both these aims by the simple expedient of taking over by a Government fiat nearly all the temples of Travancore and Cochin and also by seizing all their landed Temple properties without any compensation whatsoever.

More than three hundred of the biggest temples of Travancore were appropriated by the Government under a Devaswom Board. At the same time, Munro issued hundreds of munificent land grants to the Christian Churches. Land was grabbed from Hindu Temples and gifted to Christian Churches.

The Resident-Dewan-missionary had seen to it that the records of the sequestered Temple lands and of lands were thoroughly intermixed; so much so that it had been made quite impossible to catalogue Temple lands separately from Government lands.

Under the Kerala Land Reforms Act, over 12,000 acres of Guruvayoor temple’s land has been reduced to a mere few hundred acres. Now most of those lands are owned by the Muslims. In Sabarimala, 2,500 acres of Temple land has been sold by the Government’s Devaswom Board. Although the church is the largest real-estate owner in the country, no church land has ever been confiscated or otherwise alienated by the Government.

Do you want to guess who is the largest holder of Rubber estate in Kerala ? .... its the christian church :lol:

LOL at your "secularism". I spit on it.
Denigration of Hindu values? Where have I undermined Hindu values? I respect all religion, I though I have made that clear.
I won't argue with your statistics, but have you considered population into your calculations? Majority of the population of Kerala are Hindus, doesn't it make sense that when you collect all the poor people in the state, there will be more Hindus in that list? And the tribal people? Isn't that the same with ALL the tribal communities in India? Why do you think we have an insurgency in the North East and naxallites killing our soldiers? Tribal people have always been underrepresented everywhere in India. That's something we have to change.
And that thing about the British. Are you really saying that the British were looking out for the Indian Christian community? That as a brown skinned Indian in the 19th or 20th century me being Christian would've made any difference? The British were occupiers, who came here for our resources, not out of the goodness of their hearts to save us through Christianity. They couldn't have cared less about us. They could've exerted more control over the Christians and that's about it. Nothing more. Christians in India weren't exactly invited for tea with the queen of England you know.
It's becoming clear that your views have nothing to do with religion. You're just looking for something to hate, anything, and apparently, you landed on the one state where people don't really care about religion, where people seem to get along just fine with people of different religions.

I'll give you credit for one aspect though. You're right about me being Christian. Doesn't hold me back though. I've been to plenty of temples in my life. Mosques too. I've had Hindu friends who used to come to church with me.
Hell I haven't even read the Bible yet but I have read the Mahabharata, Ramayana and a bit of the Bhagavad Gita.
You should let go of this blind hatred you have for everyone. It's wont do you any good in the 21st century.
There is a reason that Somnath was sacked so many times.

And why there isn't a Gujarati regiment in the Indian Army. And never has been.

Somnath was sacked because the Gujarati King DEFEATED Gazni the first time he attacked Gujarat.

In fact 50,000 Gujarati's DIED defending Somnath temple when it was attacked. They fought till their death. THAT is courage.

BTW I hope you know that the Indian Army is just the British Indian army in new clothes. Guess what kind of people made it to the British army back then ? The kind that had no problems with considering other Indians as inferior or even shooting them in cold blood.

Gorkhas, punjabi's, Mahar etc. So If anything GUju's should be PROUD that the british army did not have a Gujarati regiment.

I hope you are not going to spew the nonsense about the "Martial race" theory that the british claimed after their own army men rebelled against them in 1857.
Somnath was sacked because the Gujarati King DEFEATED Gazni the first time he attacked Gujarat.

In fact 50,000 Gujarati's DIED defending Somnath temple when it was attacked. They fought till their death. THAT is courage.

BTW I hope you know that the Indian Army is just the British Indian army in new clothes. Guess what kind of people made it to the British army back then ? The kind that had no problems with considering other Indians as inferior or even shooting them in cold blood.

Gorkhas, punjabi's, Mahar etc. So If anything GUju's should be PROUD that the british army did not have a Gujarati regiment.

I hope you are not going to spew the nonsense about the "Martial race" theory that the british claimed after their own army men rebelled against them in 1857.

What stopped the Gujjus then from getting represented with regiment post Independence?

I'll tell you what.

Because they can't fight a damn. And the Indian Army does not want to waste time money and resources on making fighters out of baniyas.

The British were not fools. Neither were they short on courage tactics technology or intelligence. They were THE superpower of the world, and won two world wars on Indian blood and treasure.

They knew the fighters. And the non fighters. And built their army from the handpicked fighting forces.

It would not help a Malayali or a Gujarati feel nice about themselves, but ask any Jat or Sikh or Baloch or Gurkha or Maratha and they'll just smile.

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Denigration of Hindu values? Where have I undermined Hindu values? I respect all religion, I though I have made that clear.
I won't argue with your statistics, but have you considered population into your calculations? Majority of the population of Kerala are Hindus, doesn't it make sense that when you collect all the poor people in the state, there will be more Hindus in that list? And the tribal people? Isn't that the same with ALL the tribal communities in India? Why do you think we have an insurgency in the North East and naxallites killing our soldiers? Tribal people have always been underrepresented everywhere in India. That's something we have to change.
And that thing about the British. Are you really saying that the British were looking out for the Indian Christian community? That as a brown skinned Indian in the 19th or 20th century me being Christian would've made any difference? The British were occupiers, who came here for our resources, not out of the goodness of their hearts to save us through Christianity. They couldn't have cared less about us. They could've exerted more control over the Christians and that's about it. Nothing more. Christians in India weren't exactly invited for tea with the queen of England you know.
It's becoming clear that your views have nothing to do with religion. You're just looking for something to hate, anything, and apparently, you landed on the one state where people don't really care about religion, where people seem to get along just fine with people of different religions.

I'll give you credit for one aspect though. You're right about me being Christian. Doesn't hold me back though. I've been to plenty of temples in my life. Mosques too. I've had Hindu friends who used to come to church with me.
Hell I haven't even read the Bible yet but I have read the Mahabharata, Ramayana and a bit of the Bhagavad Gita.
You should let go of this blind hatred you have for everyone. It's wont do you any good in the 21st century.

LOL at your attempt to paid gray over the statistics.

Those are PERCENTAGES, so the population should not matter.

The British were CHRISTIANS and Almost ALL Christians (except Syrian Christians) in kerala converted under the british rule to find favor with the British. :lol: LOL at you for attempting to white wash history.

In fact when Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama made to Kerala, Syrian Christians presented Da Gama a ‘Rod of Justice and “swore allegiance to the Portuguese kings and implored Portuguese protection”. :lol:

More than this they suggested (to Da Gama) that with their help he should conquer the Hindu kingdoms and invited him to build a fortress for this purpose in Cranganore (Kodungallur). This was the recompense which the Hindu rajas received for treating with liberality and kindness the Christians in their midst. Especially after the syrian chritians found refuge in kerala after they were kicked out of the Middle east. THAT is the true lessons of history.

In a letter of late 1524, the Syrian Christian bishop Mar Jacob writes after recounting all his actions in favour of the Portuguese Crown: “This, Sire, is the service that I have done in these parts, with the intention of moving you to the help me in the expansion of these people (Syrian Christians) through this India in the faith of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.”

In the same context, he hence offered the aid of the Syrian Christians as an auxiliary military force, to aid the Portuguese, claiming that they represent ‘over 25,0000 warriors’.

How many of you studied this "secular" history in school ? :lol:

How many of you studied that the muslim king of Kerala, Ali Raja actually invited Hyder Ali to invade Kerala and convert everybody to Islam ? :lol:

The very fact that you accuse me of "hate" shows your intolerance for the Truth. The reality is that you just cannot handle the truth, you would rather seek solace in kerala "secularism" that seeks to destroy hinduism, hindu values and civilization because that is what makes you feel "safe". Its just history repeating itself.

I am not surprised, and if you had read your own history, you would be forced to face reality too. But I do not have such high hopes for you yet.

What stopped the Gujjus then from getting represented with regiment post Independence?

I'll tell you what.

Because they can't fight a damn. And the Indian Army does not want to waste time money and resources on making fighters out of baniyas.

The British were not fools. Neither were they short on courage tactics technology or intelligence. They were THE superpower of the world, and won two world wars on Indian blood and treasure.

They knew the fighters. And the non fighters. And built their army from the handpicked fighting forces.

It would not help a Malayali or a Gujarati feel nice about themselves, but ask any Jat or Sikh or Baloch or Gurkha or Maratha and they'll just smile.


LOL..... its only the poor and the desperate who opt for a job in the Indian Army. That is why 11% of the army is represented by Bihar. :lol:

If you had known your history you would have known that the pre 1857 the British Indian army consisted MAJORITY of BRAHMINS from Bengal. Why did you think that was ? because the Hindus of bengal was GRATEFUL to the British for liberating them from the islamic tyranny that made them slaves in their own land.

But post 1857 when the SAME Brahmin bengali's revolted against the british army because of the use of cow fat, the british had to use the punjabi's and the gorkhas to defeat the rebels. THAT is when they decided to invent the "martial race" theory.

As a matter of fact the Nair Brigade of kerala was merged with the british army from Madras and is now known as the Madras regiment. In fact the Nair Brigade is the OLDEST battalion of the Madras regiment and was raised in 1704.

So there goes your theory of Bongs and Mallus being cowards.

The british were no fools, they choose communities who would be loyal to THEM, not to fellow Indians. And when that changed post 1947, the british left India in a big hurry.

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