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South India’s mini rebellion over Modi’s new cattle law kindles an old secessionist spark

Now North Indian RSS brahmins are beating up Dravida people in the south for eating beef. @Srinivas @SrNair @Levina
This is what you people want right?

A student who organised Sunday's "beef fest" at the IIT-Madras (Indian Institute of Technology) campus in protest of the new cattle trade rules was today thrashed in Chennai. Sooraj R, PhD Scholar of Aerospace Department has been taken to Sankara Nethralaya hospital for eye injuries.

Had some bacon and a glass of red wine.
What about you boy? Did you have your gobar aata naans and gau mutra cola?

Why was this post given a negative rating @MilSpec?

Meanwhile this post by @SrNair didn't warrant any attention:

South Indians also seeing the North Indians as dirty stinky Bhaiyya (you are perhaps one of them). (Source)​

Either use the same standards across the board without any favouritism or don't stifle speech by handing arbitrary reprimands. This goes against the tradition of this forum.
BUT here the one who got thrashed is NOT a Tamil
and the people who thrashed him are Tamils.

the one who thrashed him is a Bihari RSS goon - Manish Kumar Singh
Tamils regardless of religion and caste will stand in solidarity with their Kerala brothers

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the one who thrashed him is a Bihari RSS goon - Manish Kumar Singh
Tamils regardless of religion and caste will stand in solidarity with their Kerala brothers

Dear lord, Is that what is now propagating as the truth?

The Commie PhD student Sooraj, is a 36 year old uncle who has been mooching on public money for over a decade.
Only in India and only seculars will call a 36 year old as a young student :D

And why he was bashed up, he went to the Jain Food center of IIT madras and started shouting Hindu girls will be picked up and r**ed.
Hearing this the Bihari chap rightly bashed up. In fact, Uncle Sooraj, the 36 year old Uncle had already picked up a rod and attacked Hindus in Jain hostel.

I guess r**ping of Hindu girls is not a big deal now a days for commies. After all their secular friends in UP just molested 2 Dalit girls, 14 of them in fact.

People like 36 year old Sooraj Uncle should be bashed up. In fact he should be bashed up when ever he shows his ugly face in public every time.

Here is what 36 year old uncle Sooraj did to Hindu. Wonder why Sooraj get's all the attention but the guy who he had attacked and got his arm broken is not even in the news.

eerily similar to how media suddenly blacked out the news about 14 muslims brutally molesting 2 Dalit girls.

Hindus are standing up and this is going to get real ugly for Hindu haters pretty fast.
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Dear lord, Is that what is now propagating as the truth?

The Commie PhD student Sooraj, is a 36 year old uncle who has been mooching on public money for over a decade.
Only in India and only seculars will call a 36 year old as a young student :D

And why he was bashed up, he went to the Jain Food center of IIT madras and started shouting Hindu girls will be picked up and r**ed.
Hearing this the Bihari chap rightly bashed up. In fact, Uncle Sooraj, the 36 year old Uncle had already picked up a rod and attacked Hindus in Jain hostel.

I guess r**ping of Hindu girls is not a big deal now a days for commies. After all their secular friends in UP just molested 2 Dalit girls, 14 of them in fact.

People like 36 year old Sooraj Uncle should be bashed up. In fact he should be bashed up when ever he shows his ugly face in public every time.

Here is what 36 year old uncle Sooraj did to Hindu. Wonder why Sooraj get's all the attention but the guy who he had attacked and got his arm broken is not even in the news.

eerily similar to how media suddenly blacked out the news about 14 muslims brutally molesting 2 Dalit girls.

Hindus are standing up and this is going to get real ugly for Hindu haters pretty fast.

thats your Hindutva spin full of loopholes which doesn't tally with the official report and btw are you sure you got the right pic of the Bihari RSS thug ?
are you sure you got the right Manish Kumar Singh ?

thats your Hindutva spin full of loopholes which doesn't tally with the official report and btw are you sure you got the right pic of the Bihari RSS thug ?

Oh yeah, now please pretend it was not the 12 Muslim guys who brutally molested the 2 dalit girls.
Why stop at the lying now eh?
Oh yeah, now please pretend it was not the 12 Muslim guys who brutally molested the 2 dalit girls.
Why stop at the lying now eh?

what is the relevance in bringing the above and giving it a religious twist ?

decide which is Hindutva fabricated lie and which is closer to truth

A group of eight people headed by an IIT student Manish from the Ocean Engineering department came to the mess and first asked Sooraj his name and later started hitting him. He has severe nose bleeding and he is unable to open his right eye. Sooraj was a participant in the beef fest, not an organiser,” said an IIT student.

The students had allegedly threatened them saying they have a list of all the students who participated in the IIT beef fest. “Manish had raised death threats against another PhD student earlier. A complaint was filed with dean and campus security,” the student said.

Though Sooraj's friends say that a group of students attacked him, another student from IIT-M, who did not want to be named said that the fight had erupted between two students over eating beef and there was no 'group' involved. "Manish asked Sooraj about eating beef. There was a tussle between them. It happened too fast. But yes, Manish attacked first," a student said.

the one who thrashed him is a Bihari RSS goon - Manish Kumar Singh
Tamils regardless of religion and caste will stand in solidarity with their Kerala brothers

Beaten by a Bihari weasel. Wtf tamils.

Well he is a real troll that posts the threads only for trolling.
We knows his intentions.

whether Dalits or not, RSS - ABVP are Hindutva terorists (who transcend caste, linguistic, racial and religious affiliations) used by Brahmins as their attack dogs, whats scary is that a higher institute of learning is not free from CowNadu terrorists

cremation was imposed on Dravidians/Tamils by Aryan supremacist - Tamils need a ghar wapsi to revert back to their original roots / culture

Brahmanical Hindutva mindset on Tamils for opposing beef ban , sanghis true colors exposed

We dont care whether that is this or this is that .
We hindus cremates bodies of deceased

Tell me one caste of Syrian catholic.
Tell me caste of Latin catholic

What I have seen in nearby churches.

Yacobite sects or Malankara Jacobite ,then we have Marthoma and another Orthodox .
All of them chose people from their own sects .
Dont know whether they marriage each other in upper caste .
But one thing is sure they look caste .
There was a Keralite Christian in PDF .
He explained on of his friends experience .His friend's sister fall in love with a Hindu guy .But he and his parents opposed because he is a low caste Hindu .
And his friends also told to him that he wouldnt have much issue if that guy was from uppercaste :D
Post is still somewhere in PDF.
We dont care whether that is this or this is that .
We hindus cremates bodies of deceased

stop being the self elected spokesperson for Tamils/Dravidians , they don't subscribe to regressive Hindu religion's norms and practices, thats why Jayalaithaa was buried and not cremated, decide whether she was a Hindu' or Dravidian

Jayalalithaa Buried, Last Rites Performed By Closest Aide Sasikala Natarajan


You just can't stomach opposing views.

I cant stomach lies that even about us

stop being the self elected spokesperson for Tamils/Dravidians , they don't subscribe to regressive Hindu religion's norms and practices, thats why Jayalaithaa was buried and not cremated, decide whether she was a Hindu' or Dravidian

Jayalalithaa Buried, Last Rites Performed By Closest Aide Sasikala Natarajan

I am not a Tamilian .I am a Keralite. I was talking about our people
Tell me one caste of Syrian catholic.
Tell me caste of Latin catholic

Two Suriyani Christian fractions
Syro Malabar Catholic - MCBS
Syro Malankara Catholics - Norbarts

I don't know about divisions in Latin Catholics but they differentiate on the basis of language
Konkani Christian
Tulu Christian
Tamil Christian

Kashmiri pandits, Let them go defend themselves MFers trying to take away our beef.

Convert back to what caste ??

Most Christians in Kerala don't know their ancestors caste. Should they convert back Dalit, so that upper/middle caste can do-over their previous sambandams and other social attrocities, be their donkey mule.
Do you know even though Chrisitans in Kerala is only 18% of the population, they are constitute atleast 50%(my opinion) of competitive govnt exam entrants(medicine, engineering). Most Christians in Kerala are considered forward caste as per reservation quota, though I think historically they might have been abckward or Dalit(again my opion, no one knows truth). Do you want them to go back and be your kind's donkey. We have experienced freedom, not going back unlike the broken Dalits. No way Jose.

I am part of Suriyani Christian and we use to recognize or separated them with their profession though they are part of Christians for centuries

It should be also mentioned here that between two Suriyani Christians i.e, Malankara & Malabar its difficult to get bride or bridegroom exchange between them as we has to go through lot of formalities.

Wrong. Since you don't live among them, you don't know. Have you visited Kerala ? Throw away the RSS manuals. Ask the mallus here they will tell you.

Kerala Christians comprise Syrian catholic Christians, Syrian Jacobites(orthodox), Marthomitess, several sub factions, only God knows, but no one knows their caste. and then recently converted Latin christians about 500 years ago by Portugese.
Only Latin christians know their caste(belong mostly to fisherman folk).

Dalits/fishermen who converted to Christianilty live better then Hindu Dalits,
you have right to your opinion, but not to your own facts

So again my question, to which caste will they convert to ? if you don't know you should stick to topics regarding Rayalseema area and not stick into topics about kerala. I do agree that TN Christians know their caste, again they come from all caste Varna system

Ghar Vapasi is not about converting 100-200 years old Christians and Muslims. Its about convert back those fools who got converted from Hindus to Christian or Muslims for few promises. In fact those SC/ST/OBC people will lose GoI facilities once they convert to Christianity or Muslims and as for I remember their was a protest conducted by Backward Communities of Muslim & Christian against removal of GoI schemes provided to them as they claimed that they are still treated as SC/ST even in Muslim & Christian community.

My experience is much better one of neighbour in my ancestral house bought a proposal for my sister but my grand father refused rudely saying that his family was belonged to backward community and they have converted to Christian 2 Generation back and he will not accept such relation.
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