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South India’s mini rebellion over Modi’s new cattle law kindles an old secessionist spark

True. Northie are fascists inherently.
Time for Center to be weakened, which can be done only by external forces

RSS/BJP forget that Mughals/England were able to easily able to easily dominate India due to it's inherent weakness of internal caste system, upper caste dehumanizing lower/dalit castes. The same is being repeated now with language hegemony, beef ban, taxation, allotment of resources etc. There is a huge cultural gap between North and South.
A Keralite(where 85% eat beef, Tamil Nadu 30% eat beef(dalits consitute about 20% of TN who eat beef)) is culturally close to Srilanka than Delhi. Night and day difference.

When the center feels weakened, it will reduce aggression to it's periphery and leave us alone.

Oh, so they can sell only to BJP aligned slaughter houses for export. But nothing for us beef eaters.
Cruel indeed.

100% fact. folks in pdf will think all Keralites are RSS, whereas actually they are less than 3%. Just got one seat in local state election first time in history. Everyone in Kerala love beef and hate this rule. Those few RSS have a victim mentality, Muslim paranoia, North Indian *** lickers. simple as that.

you are spreading falsehood. When I was young I used to buy cow/bull meet in coimbatore. you want me to give you all the locations. 20% of TN are Dalits, they all eat beef. other caste hindus also at beef. Then add in Christians & Muslims. I think it easily comes to 30%. There also several hidden beef eaters from uper caste. Most of friends in TN oppose this law, even though many don't eat beef.

Dont they have cash to establish slaughter houses in Kerala?
In fact all of the slaughter houses in Kerala is under so called minority people.

Wrong. Since you don't live among them, you don't know. Have you visited Kerala ? Throw away the RSS manuals. Ask the mallus here they will tell you.

Kerala Christians comprise Syrian catholic Christians, Syrian Jacobites(orthodox), Marthomitess, several sub factions, only God knows, but no one knows their caste. and then recently converted Latin christians about 500 years ago by Portugese.
Only Latin christians know their caste(belong mostly to fisherman folk).

Dalits/fishermen who converted to Christianilty live better then Hindu Dalits,
you have right to your opinion, but not to your own facts

So again my question, to which caste will they convert to ? if you don't know you should stick to topics regarding Rayalseema area and not stick into topics about kerala. I do agree that TN Christians know their caste, again they come from all caste Varna system

In whic sect of Christianity ?
Syrian Catholic or Latin Catholic.
Kerala Christians also look caste when the situation demands
Dont they have cash to establish slaughter houses in Kerala?
In fact all of the slaughter houses in Kerala is under so called minority people.

In whic sect of Christianity ?
Syrian Catholic or Latin Catholic.
Kerala Christians also look caste when the situation demands

Actually I am part of a slow & silent movement that has targeted Muclim butcher shops.
We are doing this economically.
We are not preaching Halal is against Hinduism and are not slowly converting Hindus to stop buying meat from any shops that does hahal.
This is right now in it's initial stages but the response is quiet good. It not only hits them where it hurts but it also makes sure that Hindu butcher shops get more traction and hence more employment for Hindus ;)
Problem is with slitting the throat of a young cow in front of crores of Hindus to spite us.

So basically the same answer, you think Muslims kill cows/eat beef to hurt Hindus. Brainwashed fascists.

We are now preaching Halal is against Hinduism and are now slowly converting Hindus to stop buying meat from any shops that does hahal.
This is right now in it's initial stages but the response is quiet good. It not only hits them where it hurts but it also makes sure that Hindu butcher shops get more traction and hence more employment for Hindus ;)

So how come there are Hindu butcher shops? I thought you slaughter vegetables only.
Probably some one forgot to inform you that there are millions of Dalits in RSS & ABVP.
You need to educate yourself.

Oh wait for the case to be filed and let the fun start.

whether Dalits or not, RSS - ABVP are Hindutva terorists (who transcend caste, linguistic, racial and religious affiliations) used by Brahmins as their attack dogs, whats scary is that a higher institute of learning is not free from CowNadu terrorists

Hindus will cremate their bodies.
Found these ancient burial urns called Mudhumakkal Thazhi from Pondicherry and Thanjavur used by Tamil people. This was the original Dravidian system that was used before the influence of Hinduism. The dead people would be placed in these urns and buried. Archaeologists have also found essential items like weapons, tools, plates etc in these urns which suggest that there must have been an afterlife or rebirth concept.

Nowadays most of the Tamils cremate the dead after elaborate ceremonies and this system has become extinct. It is estimated that the muthumakkal thazhi system was replaced by cremation and Hindu rituals around 2nd Century A.D.

cremation was imposed on Dravidians/Tamils by Aryan supremacist - Tamils need a ghar wapsi to revert back to their original roots / culture

Brahmanical Hindutva mindset on Tamils for opposing beef ban , sanghis true colors exposed
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alot of indians do not seem to understand the concept of "tyranny of the majority".

just because a majority in the country want something, doesn't mean the government should always accept it. That's how you had state sponsored slavery/racism in seemingly "democratic" states.

india doesn't understand this concept unfortunately. And long term, will plant the seeds of its own disintegration if they keep up this hindu tyranny.

western countries saw what a potentially destabilizing force this was (look at the large scale social disturbances before the US finally scrapped the popular, but racist jim crow laws). and look at south Africa etc.etc..
This is nothing but arrogancy.
Farmers can directly sold their cattles to slaughter houses.All this morons including our CM is trying to spread misinformation.
I hope educated ones can understand this .

Spare us with this Dravidian BS.
Illiterates with ignorance might take it but we wont.
You do realize this whole secession drama threads everyday is by resident sr members with multiple ids. Don't waste your time.

Had food today mate? Roza for the day over?
Don't waste time on multiple I'd trolls
Well beef is available in kerala

Its stupid to close the beef slaughter houses in kerala
Muslims in India do eat beef to distinguish themselves from Hindus. Its strange but true.

Can't be true. I don't think any Muslim in the world thinks about Hindus when we eat beef! Beef is like chicken for us and is as commonly and frequently eaten.

Ok, let's put it this way. Would Indian Muslims eat beef as much as they do now if Hindus didn't exist? I don't know why they wouldn't!
Dont they have cash to establish slaughter houses in Kerala?
In fact all of the slaughter houses in Kerala is under so called minority people.

In whic sect of Christianity ?
Syrian Catholic or Latin Catholic.
Kerala Christians also look caste when the situation demands

Tell me one caste of Syrian catholic.
Tell me caste of Latin catholic
you are spreading falsehood. When I was young I used to buy cow/bull meet in coimbatore. you want me to give you all the locations. 20% of TN are Dalits, they all eat beef. other caste hindus also at beef. Then add in Christians & Muslims. I think it easily comes to 30%. There also several hidden beef eaters from uper caste. Most of friends in TN oppose this law, even though many don't eat beef.

Yeah a guy living in US recollecting a story when young telling to a guy who live in TN and who have ate beef. Most of the beef sold are buffalo meat. First know that. Cow meat beef is waaaaaaay costlier.
What makes you think I am not OBC? Infact I am MBC in TN. And I have Dalit friends from school to college and they never eat beef. I tried beef for fun in my ages and I have quit it not to hurt religious sentiments of my parents. Simple as that. Creating an stupid illusion Beef is like staple food is BS of the highest order. It might be staple food in Kerala, but in TN its limited to hotels and I dont oppose selling beef nor do I support this stupid order from the centre. But I will oppose any stupid attempts to divide India based on ethnicity or creating lies over state where I live.
But they are not hindus

Why should the caste system apply to muslims and christians in india?

Similar reason why things apply to Hindus vis a vis respecting Muslim & Christian sensitivities.

For example, questioning gods & holy books & religious processes is internal to Hindus. But we don't do it out of respect for other religions AND respect is NOT a one way street.

Either it's free for all OR respecting each others sensitivities.
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