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South China Sea region property of the world: India

Our scale of trouble is a lot less severe than yours! In your case, you are long overdue and more qualified for an "Arab Spring" than any of the countries in Mid East. Your have sent your military people to meet with your US master and ask for clemency. ( aske your responsible people and don't ask me for quotes)!

We treat our women and kids lots and lots better than you. I would like someone to do a social research into the premises of our people in Xizang and Xinjing are reaching the middle class standards of india

standard indian reply that's truer than the sun rising from the East!:rofl:

your talk about cleaning up the Ganges was way back when Indira Gandhi 's son was still alive!

so what???this thread not about ganges or our women...if you guys dont have anything related to this thread..then shut your mouth...

I know that...but to simplify the understanding of some retards...I just use their language to explain them how we got Indians government to recognize Tibet and Taiwan...these people don't know the detail of negotiation...they always though that we has lost Sikkim and brag about how many time had won the battle and humiliate us...so i don't even bother to explain and to make long story short...I just said that we have torture Indian government and extract their confession to recognize Tibet and Taiwan.

LMAO...India was not and never had been a single state until the British Raj brought the whole sub continent under British rule.
There were states such as the Maharatta Confederacy, Assam, Bengal, Sikkim, various Neo Moghul States, a Sikh State, Nepal etc."...as Taiwan and Tibet was within Ching Empire...I was respond to the guy saying that to put these two lands as contested land...if the case then your whole India is questionable.

If you want to brag about greatness of your civilization...I don’t have objection since I has no issue with that

there are mughal empire buddy....read history before making comments

In China, we accept all religions such Buddhism, Islam...you name its...we have never been imposed...and don’t put yourself into shame..at that time you guys don’t even know “Empire and Conquer”...beside living in slums and pray

really?????and right now???you have religious freedom.....right????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: still cpc is pushing Hans into tibet..and making tibetans minority..and FYI,india has much more religions than yours buddy...
They can't do jack except issue some lame duck warnings.:lol:, they need proxies like Pk, Bd etc to keep India in check, they lack the balls to even warn us rather than issuing some panzy senseless warnings..

Each duck warning has given Indian gorvernment heart attack: as I repeat again, you guys are looking for 6th gen fighter, Akula III with fusion reaction, Arkjunk Mk. X to over come your trauma...as one of my compatriote said...with the warning you will be #1importer for many years to come. We don't need Proxies to deal with India...we're your own size...

We are much more hunamistic in tackling our problems, if we also start taking the approach that china takes to tackle uighurs and tibetans there won't be much Kashmiris and maoists left to make trouble.

I dont know hunamistic are Indians claimed to be...ULFA and Maoists certainly have a second opinion on that. :lol:
There is big difference between China and India: You Indian has master/slave relation...your people were served as canon folder for British while we fought them and others even at the expense of our heads...

really????have proof????and dont mind...but ever heard about indian freedom fighting movement????ignorant chinese...read your history..then brag...


Treaty of Nanking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

read..and then brag..
Each duck warning has given Indian gorvernment heart attack: as I repeat again, you guys are looking for 6th gen fighter, Akula III with fusion reaction, Arkjunk Mk. X to over come your trauma...as one of my compatriote said...with the warning you will be #1importer for many years to come. We don't need Proxies to deal with India...we're your own size...

I dont know hunamistic are Indians claimed to be...ULFA and Maoists certainly have a second opinion on that.

6th gen??? :blink: and dont be so sympathetic to your brother-in-arms ULFA and Maoists....we know who are supplying them weapons....

Ulfa gets weapons from China: Intelligence report | The Asian Age

Procurement: China And Pakistan Supply Indian Maoists

Maoists getting arms from China: India - Times Of India
there are mughal empire buddy....read history before making comments...

If you want to dig as far as mughal empire..why not start with Yuan dynasty?? Those mongols that seat their throne in Beijing as land up to as far as eastern europe...LMAO

really?????and right now???you have religious freedom.....right????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: still cpc is pushing Hans into tibet..and making tibetans minority..and FYI,india has much more religions than yours buddy...

we have pur religious freedoom,..but not political-religeous freedom....
Han into Tibet and making tibetans minority has anything to do with religious???
take the statement from the indian foreign minister as another joke. look what this fool did reading the speech of the Portugese counterpart as his own:

note: there are enough english and action in the vid to show his stupidity:

really????have proof????and dont mind...but ever heard about indian freedom fighting movement????ignorant chinese...read your history..then brag...

read..and then brag..

the WHOLE subcontinent was conquered by the Brits for 2 centuries

we were attacked and occupied partially in history.

Know your history then shut your ignorant mouth up!
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take the statement from the indian foreign minister as another joke. look what this fool did reading the speech of the Portugese counterpart as his own:

note: there are enough english and action in the vid to show his stupidity:

The WHOLE subcontinent was conquered by the Brits for 2 centuries

we were attacked and occupied partially in history.

Know your history then shut your ignorant mouth up!

Since no one cares about mandarin, no body gives a flying fck as to what Chinese Premier is blabberrng... even if he messes up no one is there to notice. So, I am going to take up law of average and say that Ur premier has messed up in past as well..

The entire china was divided into so many small provinces and forced fed opium... now that's disgusting..

Also, opium has been found to create genetic problems like cogenital Stupidity.. :rofl:
Since no one cares about mandarin, no body gives a flying fck as to what Chinese Premier is blabberrng... even if he messes up no one is there to notice. So, I am going to take up law of average and say that Ur premier has messed up in past as well..

The entire china was divided into so many small provinces and forced fed opium... now that's disgusting..

Also, opium has been found to create genetic problems like cogenital Stupidity.. :rofl:

The indians under the British Raj:





The situation is not much improved more than 60 years after their independence when millions of kids are wasting their lives every year

india-slums-children-death-rate @ 2 million per year
The indians under the British Raj:


The situation is not much improved more than 60 years after their independence when millions of kids are wasting their lives every year

its a scary picture, anyways it not that bad. does anyone gives phuck what u think, worry abt the south china sea where we r coming to lay our flag. try to stop us. dont bark here.
If you want to dig as far as mughal empire..why not start with Yuan dynasty?? Those mongols that seat their throne in Beijing as land up to as far as eastern europe...LMAO

you are insane buddy...and purely amature...you are mixing mughal and mongol?????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Next stop or concurrently the exploration in indian ocean! ha ha ha bonanza of oil for CNOOC, CNPC and Sinopec! keep heaving and druming your chests indians!

They are well capable of giving a bloody nose in SCS...

you are joking louder than your stupid fm!
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