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South China Sea region property of the world: India

His post gives an impression that his intention was to mock Indians so i bashed him.

Can you believe places like HongKong, macau etc were not independent till 1999. :woot: This would never have been possible in India.

And even after their western masters are gone, those places will have their own constitution... :rofl:
What is the use of the megatons if they are prepared to bear such shame.
Indians love to brag about 30% of NASA, 40% of Xerox, etc etc. However, they never thought about how great their shame is that all Indians are working for American corporations, producing American intellectual property that has nothing to do with India, and foolishly believe that's the "world's property".

This is the same case. South China Sea is not the world's property. Parts of it that are international waters are, but not all of it. China has solid historical claims based on evidence on the whole region and our ratification of the UNCLOS was on the condition that our former claims will not be compromised.
No the biggest shame is when you are a nuclear power still u managed to be under slavery for 20 years... THATS REAL SHAME.

you have nothing to counter my previous argument but drawing nuke into the fray! so you have a strong desire for a taste of our uranium rains!
the biggest shame is on you indians.
Your women are tortured by getting set ablazed, disfigured by acid attacks, R@pes, women workers are urged to leave their work place before 8 pm otherwise they could encounter danger of serious sexual moleste, on your trains one isolated compartment is arranged for women only, kids are sold for prostitutions, kids missing in millions, kids starving in tens of millions, millions of kids are born underweight, your rivers are floating with corpses and human wastes, beggars are jailed for begging, 1/3 of your land is under the threat of your rebels, curfews on the Punjabis, you are worse than Sahara Africa as the champion of hell on earth!

but still....our govt didn't test nukes on us...

"The PRC's first nuclear test was carried out at Lop Nur, Xinjiang, on October 16, 1964. Although reports in western media report that between 100,000 and 200,000 people may have been killed in the testing,[39] the Lop Nur area has not been permanently inhabited since about 1920[40] and PRC media dispute these numbers, but without providing an alternate number"

Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did China's Nuclear Tests Kill Thousands and Doom Future Generations?: Scientific American
but still....our govt didn't test nukes on us...

"The PRC's first nuclear test was carried out at Lop Nur, Xinjiang, on October 16, 1964. Although reports in western media report that between 100,000 and 200,000 people may have been killed in the testing,[39] the Lop Nur area has not been permanently inhabited since about 1920[40] and PRC media dispute these numbers, but without providing an alternate number"

Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did China's Nuclear Tests Kill Thousands and Doom Future Generations?: Scientific American

That's very stale. and nothing has substaintiated that
You keep pulling Uighurs and Xizang into the counter arguments but whats happening massively in you red corridor
and Kashmir in one week is already wiping out all your accusations in our Xingjiang and Xizang. I have not even mentioned the other huge problematice issues in your country
Indians love to brag about 30% of NASA, 40% of Xerox, etc etc. However, they never thought about how great their shame is that all Indians are working for American corporations, producing American intellectual property that has nothing to do with India, and foolishly believe that's the "world's property".

This is the same case. South China Sea is not the world's property. Parts of it that are international waters are, but not all of it. China has solid historical claims based on evidence on the whole region and our ratification of the UNCLOS was on the condition that our former claims will not be compromised.

Source for the bolded part?
Source for the bolded part?

there was a signed agreement amongst the parties which include Vietnam and Philippines which can solidfiy our claim during the 80s

touched a nerve did I!!!!!!

I am proud of my flag so red is the new green huh:rofl:

you low iq indians. you can't distinguish red from green. Green is the national colour for our Pakistani Bros. Red and Yellow for my Great Nation!
No buddy.. you mentioned so many problems in my country which I accept maybe atleast half true... BUT TELL ME, A NUCLEAR POWER WITH A VETO is under slavery ? CPC did the unthinkable.? They are unparalleled in human history.

You guys not only brought SHAME to your 1.3 billion people but also to all the other developing countries who have been fighting tooth and nail against SLAVERY.

THE WORLD'S FASTEST GROWING ECONOMY used to be a slave economy till a decade ago.

100% of my statement about india on your problems is true. your claiming of half true is saying the other half lying on your part!
We are an independent people proud to work anything according to OUR OWN agenda! Unlike indians who keep victimizing the weakest groups of their people and claim their dominations.

Look at all the taboos on PDF alone, be they on topics of r@apes, t*ilets, d@lits all are huge social ills of your country and the administrator may be fed up by sanctioning them against any elaborate discussions
That's very stale. and nothing has substaintiated that
You keep pulling Uighurs and Xizang into the counter arguments but whats happening massively in you red corridor
and Kashmir in one week is already wiping out all your accusations in our Xingjiang and Xizang. I have not even mentioned the other huge problematice issues in your country

well..we've problems...everybody knows.but they are not very different from yours.red corridors and kashmir?????everybody knows who are pulling strings behind them,and also behind ULFA and other terrorist organisations.but still...our govt is trying to resolve them,unlike yours..who are using you guys like a guinea pig.
well..we've problems...everybody knows.but they are not very different from yours.red corridors and kashmir?????everybody knows who are pulling strings behind them,and also behind ULFA and other terrorist organisations.but still...,our govt is trying to resolve them unlike yours..who are using you guys like a guinea pig.

Our scale of trouble is a lot less severe than yours! In your case, you are long overdue and more qualified for an "Arab Spring" than any of the countries in Mid East. Your have sent your military people to meet with your US master and ask for clemency. ( aske your responsible people and don't ask me for quotes)!

We treat our women and kids lots and lots better than you. I would like someone to do a social research into the premises of our people in Xizang and Xinjing are reaching the middle class standards of india

our govt is trying to resolve them

standard indian reply that's truer than the sun rising from the East!:rofl:

your talk about cleaning up the Ganges was way back when Indira Gandhi 's son was still alive!
it is already escalted, now china says india to get lost & india is not ready to take it lying down.....

What can china do if india drills in south china sea ?????????

They can't do jack except issue some lame duck warnings.:lol:, they need proxies like Pk, Bd etc to keep India in check, they lack the balls to even warn us rather than issuing some panzy senseless warnings.

Our scale of trouble is a lot less severe than yours! In your case, you are long overdue and more qualified for an "Arab Spring" than any of the countries in Mid East. Your have sent your military people to meet with your US master and ask for clemency. ( aske your responsible people and don't ask me for quotes)!

We treat our women and kids lots and lots better than you. I would like someone to do a social research into the premises of our people in Xizang and Xinjing are reaching the middle class standards of india

standard indian reply that's truer than the sun rising from the East!:rofl:

your talk about cleaning up the Ganges was way back when Indira Gandhi 's son was still alive!

We are much more hunamistic in tackling our problems, if we also start taking the approach that china takes to tackle uighurs and tibetans there won't be much Kashmiris and maoists left to make trouble.
They can't do jack except issue some lame duck warnings.:lol:, they need proxies like Pk, Bd etc to keep India in check, they lack the balls to even warn us rather than issuing some panzy senseless warnings.

We are much more hunamistic in tackling our problems, if we also start taking the approach that china takes to tackle uighurs and tibetans there won't be much Kashmiris and maoists left to make trouble.

you indians are natural liars. Do you know your "james bond" law in your troubled areas?
Oh hell!!! Chinese education is weak in history. Hmmm...part of CCP conspiracy to conceal the truth. China accepted sikkim as part of India in return for India accepting Tibet as part of China. It was a deal between the two countries. Ask Uncle Wen if you don't believe me. REMEMBER THAT!!!!!

I know that...but to simplify the understanding of some retards...I just use their language to explain them how we got Indians government to recognize Tibet and Taiwan...these people don't know the detail of negotiation...they always though that we has lost Sikkim and brag about how many time had won the battle and humiliate us...so i don't even bother to explain and to make long story short...I just said that we have torture Indian government and extract their confession to recognize Tibet and Taiwan.

India did exist even 5000 years ago. Ever heard of Bharat or Arya vart as India was called in the ancient times? During the mughal era India was known as Hindustan. REMEMBER THAT!!
OK put whatever you want to on the contest list. we'' ll just take it as a joke.
And Winston Churchill? He believed in the white man superior theory..that why he stated that. The reply to his quote is as follows:
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. Albert Einstein.

LMAO...India was not and never had been a single state until the British Raj brought the whole sub continent under British rule.
There were states such as the Maharatta Confederacy, Assam, Bengal, Sikkim, various Neo Moghul States, a Sikh State, Nepal etc."...as Taiwan and Tibet was within Ching Empire...I was respond to the guy saying that to put these two lands as contested land...if the case then your whole India is questionable.

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition. Mark Twain.
If there is one place on the face of the earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. French scholar Romain Rolland.

If you want to brag about greatness of your civilization...I don’t have objection since I has no issue with that

India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. Hu Shih. (Former Chinese ambassador to USA)

In China, we accept all religions such Buddhism, Islam...you name its...we have never been imposed...and don’t put yourself into shame..at that time you guys don’t even know “Empire and Conquer”...beside living in slums and pray

As for winston churchill being our colonial master , he was your colonial master as well. China had 5 colonial masters namely British, French, Japanese, Americans and Russians. For the lucrative opium trade China was divided into 5 spheres of influence. REMEMBER THAT!!!
Till 1997 the British ruled Hong Kong more than 50 years after China got its independence...REMEMBER THAT!!!

There is big difference between China and India: You Indian has master/slave relation...your people were served as canon folder for British while we fought them and others even at the expense of our heads...

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