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China denies firing at Vietnamese boat
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Published: March. 26, 2013 at 11:50 PM

BEIJING, March 26 (UPI) -- China's navy dismissed Vietnam's claim that Chinese ships fired on a Vietnamese fishing boat in the South China Sea in an incident that has drawn U.S. concern.

A Chinese navy official, who was not named, dismissed Vietnam's complaint as sheer fabrication, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported.

Vietnam, in its protest, said in the incident which occurred a week ago, Chinese ships chased and shot at a Vietnamese boat fishing in Vietnamese waters in the South China Sea's Paracel islands, setting the boat on fire. The islands are called Hoang Sa by Vietnam and Xisha Islands by China.

In a protest note, Vietnam demanded China investigate the incident and compensate Vietnamese fishermen, Vietnam News reported.

Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesman Luong Thanh Nghi said China's action violated his country's sovereignty over the Hoang Sa archipelago and was a serious breach of the agreement on the basic principles guiding the settlement of sea issues between Vietnam and China.

The Chinese navy official said four Vietnamese fishing boats illegally entered and fished in the territorial waters off China's Xisha Islands and that a crew aboard a Chinese patrolling vessel tried repeatedly to persuade the Vietnamese boats to leave by whistle blowing, shouting and hand flag guiding, but all the efforts failed, Xinhua reported.

The report said the Chinese vessel then fired two warning signal shells into the sky. The official was quoted as saying no weapons were fired and that no Vietnamese boat caught fire.

Claiming Xisha Islands are part of Chinese territory, the official said Vietnamese fishing boats have illegally entered China's territorial waters frequently in recent years.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei also said China has indisputable sovereignty over the Xisha Islands and their adjacent waters, and that the Vietnamese fishing boat had entered the waters for "illegal fishing operations".

"According to confirmation by relevant parties, no harm was done to the Vietnamese ship at that time and place," Hong said.

The latest incident highlights China's growing assertive claims to much of the South China Sea, despite overlapping claims to some of the islands by neighboring countries including Vietnam. As free passage through the sea is critical for global commerce, China's claims have become a source of major international concern.

Responding to a question on the latest incident, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell expressed U.S. concerns, while noting more information was being sought.

"As a Pacific nation, the U.S. has a national interest in the maintenance of peace and stability, respect for international law, freedom of navigation, and unimpeded lawful commerce in the South China Sea," he said. "So we strongly oppose the threat or use of force or coercion by any claimant to advance its claims in the South China Sea."

Ventrell said such incidents underline the need for "a code of conduct, so that these can be dealt with in a transparent and rules-based way."
Very funny US expresses its concern over this incident :kiss3:

U.S should take Vn bribe and support VN to kick TWese out of Itu-aba isl ,too. love u soo much Mr. President Obama :yahoo:
Very funny US expresses its concern over this incident :kiss3:
U.S should take Vn bribe and support VN to kick TWese out of Itu-aba isl ,too. love u soo much Mr. President Obama :yahoo:
bro, are you serious?
Yeah, good luck. We are looking forward to being accused as invaders by the "International Court" and let's see what actual actions could be taken.
Sometimes the use of military force is a sign of weakness especially when venues for arguing ones case are deliberately ignored.
No idea, but it's valueable enough to make US expresses its concern over China's aggression to our fishing boats :pop:

Doesn't the article said that the Fishermen entered Chinese occupied territory?

Hoàng Sa (Paracels) islands were invaded by Chinese forces in 1974 and have been occupied ever since even though Vietnam has the legal and historical evidences of its sovereignty. China has refused to negociate the occupation.

& only thing that the Chinese did wrong is to shoot at the boat instead of taking them in for trespassing & judge them as such.
The US expresses concern on a lot of things, but rarely do they have the cojones to do anything about it. They certain havn't got any when it comes to its sugardaddy.
Exercises in James Shoal include the landing of amphibious craft on Beijing's most southern territorial claim.

China has deployed some of its most sophisticated Navy vessels to the eastern coast of Malaysia.

Wednesday's report from the Xinhua news agency is thought to be a play by Beijing to reinforce territorial claims to part of the South China Sea.

Al Jazeera's Rob McBride, reporting from Hong Kong, said military exercises, beginning on Saturday, have "taken many Asian neighbours and military analysts by surprise".

The exercises included the landing of amphibious craft just off the James Shoal, 80 kilometres off the Malaysian coast.

The James Shoal is China's most southerly territorial claim.

It is among several disputed parts of the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands, that the People's Republic says belong to Beijing.

Our correspondent said the exercise culminated in a ceremony on James Shoal where soldiers and marines promised "to defend Chinese sovereignty".

The move, said Al Jazeera's McBride, could also be Beijing's answer to Washington's so-called "pivot strategy", which would see the US move more resources to East Asia.

Vietnamese boat 'attack'

Vietnam had accused China of opening fire on a fishing boat in the disputed South China Sea on Monday, but Beijing has denied the charges.

The Chinese navy stated that the claim was a "sheer fabrication".

"There is no such things that Chinese vessel fired with weapons or the Vietnames boats caught fire," a Chinese naval official told the state-owned Xinhua news agency.

Vietnam's foreign ministry had said on Monday that a fishing boat was "chased and shot at by a Chinese vessel" and called the incident a "serious violation of its sovereignty".

source: Chinese navy exercises 'surprise' neighbours - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English
China's provocative action towards the SCS nations shows how the Red CPC views SE Asians in general.

Truth really hurts, isn't it.

China is doing the things in SCS which are against UNCLOS. This will back fire on them on International arena. Countries will not trust them for their double standards.

Plus more countries will move into American Umbrella.

When USA went for poll related to UNHRC, even Russia did not vote in that.

The moment China goes to war with any country in SCS there is a chance of anti China alliance in Asia backed by USA is on the cards.

These guys are willfully taking initiatives to destroy what they have built on common chinese blood.
PLA Navy amphibious task force reaches Malaysia 'to defend South China sea'

A Chinese amphibious task force sparks jitters around the region by reaching the southernmost waters of its claimed domain


Chinese Navy's amphibious landing ship Jinggangshan is seen during a training with a hovercraft in waters near Hainan Province on March 20, 2013. Photo: Xinhua


Chinese navy vessels at James Shoal yesterday. Photo: SCMP Pictures

A fully equipped PLA amphibious task force has reached China's southernmost claimed possession in the South China Sea in an unprecedented show of force that is raising eyebrows across the region.

The four-ship flotilla headed by the landing ship Jinggangshan visited James Shoal - some 80 kilometres from Malaysia, less than 200 kilometres from Brunei and 1,800 kilometres from the mainland coast - close to the outer limits of China's "nine-dash line", by which it lays claim to virtually the entire South China Sea.


A Xinhua report yesterday described marines and crew gathering on the deck of the Jinggangshan - one of the PLA Navy's three 200-metre landing ships - to pledge to "defend the South China Sea, maintain national sovereignty and strive towards the dream of a strong China".

"It was a surprisingly strong message in sending out this task force, on such a new operational role from previous PLAN [PLA Navy] patrols in the region," said Gary Li, a senior analyst with IHS Fairplay in London.

"It is not just a few ships here and there, but a krack amphibious landing ship carrying marines and hovercraft and backed by some of the best escort ships in the PLAN fleet," he said, adding that jet fighters had also been used to cover the task force.


"We've never seen anything like this that far south in terms of quantity or quality ... it is hard to know whether it is just coincidence, but it does seem to reflect [President] Xi Jinping's desire for more practical operationally based exercises."

The landing ships are considered some of the most sophisticated vessels in the PLA and are thought to be key to any strategy to invade Taiwan. Their deployments are closely watched by regional rivals. The first of the landing ships, Kunlunshan, has been used in anti-piracy work off the Horn of Africa.

Photos circulating on mainland websites show marines storming beaches, backed by hovercrafts and helicopters dispatched from the Jinggangshan during several days of exercises that saw them visit all of China's holdings in the Spratly Islands.

The PLA took six Spratlys reefs and shoals from Vietnam in a sea battle 25 years ago this month.

The ships are due to head back north, crossing into the western Pacific for further drills via the Bashi channel between Taiwan and the Philippines, Xinhua said.

News of the Jinggangshan's appearance off James Shoal last night sparked chatter among military officials in the region.

"That is quite a show of sovereignty - an amphibious task force," said one military attaché monitoring developments. "It has got everyone talking.
The Spratlys is one thing, but turning up at James Shoal is quite another. Once again, China is showing it is quite unafraid to send a message to the region

"The Spratlys is one thing, but turning up at James Shoal is quite another. Once again, China is showing it is quite unafraid to send a message to the region - and in a year when Asean is chaired by Brunei, turning up down there in such a fashion is pretty strong symbolism."

PLA deployments into the South China Sea in 2009 and 2010 sparked fears across the region of a new assertiveness by Beijing. Those concerns in turn prompted fresh moves by several Southeast Asian nations to force the long-simmering South China Sea dispute back on to the regional agenda - and forge closer ties with the US.

PLA Navy amphibious task force reaches Malaysia 'to defend South China sea' | South China Morning Post

This is how close James Shoal is to Malaysia
Oh, why would we attacked you in your land!? We love peace and were not robber like someone. :smitten:

When Khmer Rouge attacked VN, the vietcongs fought back and invaded Cambodia plus occupied the country for some years. PLA did help attacking you mofo but what did VN do? Exactly no guts to invade China.
What is happening between China and Vietnam? It's very difficult to solve a problem when one or both the party are lying.
1. Do not feel ashamed to praise others if they do really great, if you do not then you have ego problem, ego will bring you down.
instead of working to making ur own nation greater ..

do you dare to explain what are we doing wrong in that bold part ?

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