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South China Sea Forum

"The reason why China has not attacked Vietnam in the Spratly because China knows that Vietnam holds the military advantage"

using your logic, vietnam has not attack china in the spratlys because it knows china completely outclass it in every possible way.

Failed logic, we're in a defensive posture. We won't commite our assets in a military conflict if we want to but only when we need to

"Nope, a base in the Spratly that you build out of a reef can easily be taken out by our EXTRA rocket or ballistic missiles; that is assuming that you can even build a base that can support take off and landing and a base that can house even a few jets."

get it through your head. china has more rockets, more ballistic missiles, basically more everything than vietnam. . secondly china is the most prolific builder in the world. fact is they could end your navy in an afternoon along with all the targets you leave on the various islands without even landing anyone on them.

Get it through your head, ballistic missiles and rocket that we send to your sea base runway will cripple your entire operation in the Spratly while you try to hit us won't do us any damage since we fly our jets from Vietnam mainland

"Unfortunately for you Vietnam also has submarines to counter the sub force of your South Sea Fleet. Most of your subs in the south sea fleet are cold war relic."

you have kilos, we have twice as many kilos. not even gonna talk about songs/yuans/ssn

Yawn, your south sea fleet's subs are not that advanced my friend, in term of quality and quantity over us

"We have real islands in the Spratly here, buddy. Our transport vessels have been carrying supplies and troops to the Spratly islands eveyday and up till NOW you don't even know what we have transported to the Spratly. You can try to pound our real islands with whatever you wish but we just pound your "sea base" with our own ballistic missiles and EXTRA rockets and your entire operation in the Spratly will cease immediately. You rely on a sea base to operate while we don't; that is even assuming that you can build a sea base in the Spratly"

lol you are seriously delusional. so apparently, vietnam is now magic and their island bases don't need supplies in times of war anymore and are invincible to attacks hahahaha. and apparently chinese "reef" are now sinkable hahahah. i see, so why dont you guys push china completely out of there then, scared? dont be, clearly you are protected by magic. and pound the sea base you say lol sure in a surprise attack you'll get a hit in, then what, when all those CJ-10s and srbms wipe the map clean and the chinese navy dominates the entire area.

The magic trick here is Vietnam pound any sea base run way with ballistic missiles and rockets and your operation will cease in the SCS

"I'm not losing sleep over any military conflict over the Spratly or even the Paracel with you guys"

you shouldnt. you don't make decisions or apparently even know much about the huge gap in capabilities, its the vietnamese generals and admirals thats are losing sleep at the prospect of war.

Our military planners are not even losing sleep either as it can be shown by the FACT that only 24 Flankers are based near Cam Ranh for the Spratly conflict while 12 in current service+12 on order is nowhere near Cam Ranh
Above are my replies
Your forces are spread thin, my friend. Chinese armed forces is like an NFL running back with 1000-yard season & 300 carries. You're surrounded by hostiled states both land and sea. You always have to allocated a % of your forces either land, air, sea to a particular front/enemies for a potential conflict.

as i already mentioned you are wrong and have explained why. you on the other hand is covering your ears/eyes and crying "noooo". while offering zero evidence to back you up
as i already mentioned you are wrong and have explained why. you on the other hand is covering your ears/eyes and crying "noooo". while offering zero evidence to back you up
Evidence point to the fact that u have 7 potential enemies. If you consider the Indian and Russian fronts are "light" fronts, u would still need to allocate a % of your forces to these two fronts. While the Taiwan/US front, South Korea/US front, or Japan/US front u will have to allocate a % of your forces to these fronts for sure. Each front might weight heavier than the other but the fact remains that you can't neglect any of these fronts.
"Failed logic, we're in a defensive posture. We won't commite our assets in a military conflict if we want to but only when we need to"

ill just quote you then, but from the chinese perspective.

"Get it through your head, ballistic missiles and rocket that we send to your sea base runway will cripple your entire operation in the Spratly while you try to hit us won't do us any damage since we fly our jets from Vietnam mainland"

lol so your land bases are invincible like your island bases? rightttt.... your entire airforce of a whole 32 flankers hahaha im sure the PLA with its 200+ flankers is sooo very scared

"Yawn, your south sea fleet's subs are not that advanced my friend, in term of quality and quantity over us"

you do realize that subs can be moved. as in the north sea or east sea fleet can send subs down there too?

"The magic trick here is Vietnam pound any sea base run way with ballistic missiles and rockets and your operation will cease in the SCS"

uhh, no. because SCS operations do not depend solely on any sea base, conversely if they did, then china will simply take out all your bases too. then what?

"Our military planners are not even losing sleep either as it can be shown by the FACT that only 24 Flankers are based near Cam Ranh for the Spratly conflict while 12 in current service+12 on order is nowhere near Cam Ranh"

wow so you mean to tell me that placing 66% of ones entire force in an area means that they are not taking the threat to that area seriously? hahahaha

Evidence point to the fact that u have 7 potential enemies. If you consider the Indian and Russian fronts are "light" fronts, u would still need to allocate a % of your forces to these two fronts. While the Taiwan/US front, South Korea/US front, or Japan/US front u will have to allocate a % of your forces to these fronts for sure. Each front might weight heavier than the other but the fact remains that you can't neglect any of these fronts.

who ever said china is neglecting those front? china simply has more than enough forces for all fronts, especially land forces
applesauce : we could produce ourselves missiles, enough for defence purpose only. So unless you plan to invade us, no need to worry about any threat from Vietnam.
we should form a nato like military alliance .to fight against the Chinese,lets be real... china is very strong lets not be ignorant about it ,but they cant fight all of us !....
hehehehehe ...........You ignored me

look at chinese reaction...... its hilarious....just a decade or two back they were goodie-goodie kid of east asia and now acting all tough and bully......
AS you people were once Goodie Goodie , Now after having your Pocket and Mouth Full of Money , You are ignoring Pakistani Cricket team to play or sending your team , You people also banned flying your Plane in our AIR TERRITORY but once india realized that its a trade of deficit in long term you pushed back from that IDEAo_Oo_O (you Forgot dear)
hehehehehe ...........You ignored me

AS you people were once Goodie Goodie , Now after having your Pocket and Mouth Full of Money , You are ignoring Pakistani Cricket team to play or sending your team , You people also banned flying your Plane in our AIR TERRITORY but once india realized that its a trade of deficit in long term you pushed back from that IDEAo_Oo_O (you Forgot dear)
naahhh///// we ain't ignoring pakistani cricket team..... it was terrorism stuff and mumbai atttack which did that.....
u must be knowing many ex pakistani cricketer are working in india as coaches of IPL team and and as commentator.....
any way there going to indo-pak series soon in india ...I guess in september...so wait....
ya I know that too......about air territory stuff.....but that too because of terrorism.....not because we just want to bully any nation...
naahhh///// we ain't ignoring pakistani cricket team..... it was terrorism stuff and mumbai atttack which did that.....
u must be knowing many ex pakistani cricketer are working in india as coaches of IPL team and and as commentator.....
any way there going to indo-pak series soon in india ...I guess in september...so wait....
ya I know that too......about air territory stuff.....but that too because of terrorism.....not because we just want to bully any nation...
like our cricketer not playing IPL....ok leave it
Iam not Investigating your comments BUT GENERALLY...
As a Big Country your Government behave arrogantly with Pakistan, Whatever your Gov have first thought in your mind against pakistan you Just do it ..Immediately
like our cricketer not playing IPL....ok leave it
Iam not Investigating your comments BUT GENERALLY...
As a Big Country your Government behave arrogantly with Pakistan, Whatever your Gov have first thought in your mind against pakistan you Just do it ..Immediately
u see ...terrorism is something which is bleeding my nation from long time now......
from kashmir issue to maoist...issue....and india has always made clear abt our stand on it and pakistan has genrally backed and helped those terrorist group.....
how do u expect to deal with a country who claims to bleed india with 1000 cuts.....it ain't going to be friendly...u know that too...
its not arrogant but just response and that too humble one.. ..... u see what america did when osama attacked the twin towers....but we did ..just stopped playing cricket.....
India can't afford to have war in current situation..... and cricket was called off only after mumbai attack in 2008....and recently I read BCCI has agreed to have a series against pakistan in september.....
I saw a fighter-bomber on a pic? FBC-1

Its anti-ship model? or its electronic warfare model, to jam Vietnam fleet's communication?
Vietnam now tasted, certainly the riot services his right very well.

After Vietnam war, Vietnam copies almost every policy from China both on social and economic development; however, like on military, he only learned small tricks, without full understanding essences of Chinese culture, Vietnam only resembles in form, not alike in spirit of China. That is why so many Chinese members call them M......

Even the god may smile if i say there is an Independent thinking Vietnam.

Any one who really know Vietnam can see that this riot is caused by his internal problems: there is 0.1 billion people living in this country, but his GDP is smaller than Chinese GuangXi province which is lessdeveloped province in China, the growing social problems in economy leads the legality and stability ofVietnam Communist and its regime in trouble.

Before riot, his stock market dropped 7 percent shows capital is sensitive and making prognosis, and nodoubt the riot will enhance the fleeting of investment, and his economy will be worsen in the near future.

It is typical self destruction.

Trying to detour his internal problems by producing outside threat from China is quenching a thirst withsalty water. then will he come to China for money when next financial crisis comes? he will because he has no fame as we just saw he ceased from holding Asia Game.

Why this time Vietnam reacts so violently on 981?

Because 981 really hits his tender spot,oil form south china sea is his biggest quick income, however, his ability is limited to shallow sea oil, yet the main oil reserve is in the deep south china sea which we can see from space diagram of sea bed which is out of Vietnam's reach.

Deep water oil technique is mastered by only a few countries, China is one of these. it is not easy for Vietnam to learn such technique or to hire a oil platform which is very expensive and not profitable. on the other hand, facing the objection from china, international oil group is unwilling to challenge China. one nature of capital is to avoid risk, they did and will do.

Vietnam very fear that China master deep oil extracting skill, that will end the oil striving on SCS. now 981 appeared and Vietnam can do nothing except harassing. that is why Vietnam so excited and attacked us on ASEAN, and sent out half of his sea police ships to stop 981. the small tricks are effective after pampering media and conniving march, however, Vietnam should know Chinese old saying "Cleverness may overreach itself", since being offended openly, will we have reason now to stop deep water oil drilling?

TodayVietnam is really ashamed into anger miff, but he can not do himself as 981 can do, then he will adventure , we have to be careful and prepared.

I saw a fighter-bomber on a pic? FBC-1

Its anti-ship model? or its electronic warfare model, to jam Vietnam fleet's communication?
all FBC can antiship, it is good chance to exercise, this one seems a reconnaissance plane.

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