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South China Sea Forum

Vietnam didnt kill any Chinese to occupy those islands.
China did, so who steal from whom?
You stealed those Islands, we have to take it back by force. Actually you are really suck at sea battle, your marine almost Annhilated by PLA navy with smaller boat. You can't treat theif nicely. especially a thief lick Soviet arse.
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You stealed those Islands, we have to take it back by force. Actually you are really suck at sea battle, your marine almost Annhilated by PLA navy with smaller boat. You can't treat theif nicely. especially a thief lick Soviet arse.

you are talking like "China steal Guangdong from Vietnam", actually Guangdong belong to Vietnam since ancient time.
you are talking like "China steal Guangdong from Vietnam", actually Guangdong belong to Vietnam since ancient time.
The whole Vietnam belonged to China or sometimes were puppet state in the past. All the historical book of Vietnam is written in Chinese, actually you don't have history. At China's mercy allowed you to dig some oil make living, you don't want more ok?
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The whole Vietnam belonged to China or sometimes were puppet state in the past. All the historical book of Vietnam is written in Chinese, actually you don't have history. At China's mercy allowed you to dig some oil make living, you don't want more ok?

"actually you don't have history" ? meaningless post.
recently, you become ugly, I see
I doubt that the U.S would go to war with China in order to protect it's "Allies"
Japan, South Korea, Phillipines, Vietnam and Malaysia should all Stick together to counter the Chinese Threat.
The U.S will never fight the Chinese, They will likely try to solve a war in a diplomatic way to Avoid Chinese Embargo because they need the Chinese... The Chinese Also needs them that is why. They both Dependant of each other's goods, resources(etc). So relying on the United States for defence is not good.
That is why i think that the All the other Countries mentioned should all stick together and probably sign an agreement of some sort to protect each other.

If China invades Mongolia, who would protect Mongolia? Could you name?
Netizen always confused, but never look back at history.
Vietnam fought hundred battles against China, without any external help in their long history.
And They are still independent from China today.
During recent at least 1000 years, Vietnam almost free from China.
The issue in SCS is not about freedom of navigation. It is about freedom to spy on others in the EEZ. Now we have a problem with this and India even agree with us. In fact, we have test the US during RIMPAC on that principle and as you can see, they don't like when others spy on them in the EEZ, so called international water. But they do it to others. That is the major issue at hand in SCS.

as matter of international law countries have right of access to travel in EEZ. They cannot fish or extract natural resources.

The major issue at hand is a territorial dispute
Today's China in SCS, Tomorrow's India in Indian ocean!

everyone should say fcuk off to US' outdated hegemonism.

Of Course we know that .that is why always maintains an independent policy .
On topic :Noone should use SCS for threatning others including US.
as matter of international law countries have right of access to travel in EEZ. They cannot fish or extract natural resources.

Its one thing to travel through the EEZ, its entirely another to carry out military exercise and manuver within another's EEZ. And according to Indian government's declaration, it saw such action as in violation of international law. That is in agreement with China, Russia and many other nations who ratified the UNCLOS.

Soon our comrade Nguyen Phu Truong will join us. Pinoy will be sacrificed as pawn. USD is facing total collapse after so much humiliation.

Remind if anyone confusing, this part of statement sound identical to what Vietnam always speak to China who always in ignorance mode and violate those principles. If China choose this way, there's no room for US to raise their voice in this issue.
Russia, India and China are committed to maintaining a legal order for the seas and oceans based on the principles of international law, as reflected notably in the UN Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS). All related disputes should be addressed through negotiations and agreements between the parties concerned. In this regard the Ministers called for full respect of all provisions of UNCLOS, as well as the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and the Guidelines for the implementation of the DOC.

If China based on principles of international law, why they didn't join PH in the legal case at PCA ? No, They didn't base on intl law. PH did.

Sinking other fishboats is "negotiation" ? No, it isn't. China use murder and violence to handle others

Who disrespect UNCLOS ? It's China.
UNCLOS means international application

Instead of meaning"support China", the joint statement means promoting to use only negotiations and jurisdiction to resolve the conflict. Another word, the statement support what Philippine doing on the issue, not what China did, which violated all of provisions of UN CLOS and international laws, and DOC.

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It is funny that instead of making joint statement with Asean about eleminate external powers, China make joint statement with two external powers. Lol.

this maybe response to ASEAN - US meeting in Sunnylands in Feb.

China need to know and examine what happen if they decide to ignore the PCA statement on nine dashed line, and its consequence.
Recently, ASEAN become solid and lean to US. UK also oppose the China act and urge China for acceptance of PCA statement on nine dashed line.
British Minister of State Hugo Swire’s comments regarding the South China Sea.

Speaking in Washington on Monday, Swire accused China of driving tensions in the region and said any ruling by the South China Sea tribunal in The Hague should be binding.

It's too risk, not to examine the attitude of Russia and India, two other big neighbors of China.
And their reply is quite clear, "China ! Let accept to reach the agreement with other SCS claimants by Negotiation or accept the PCA statement" Don't count on us, because we have no way but follow the international laws.

Anything could happen, if China choose different way, ignore the internatinal laws. That could be strong reaction of India, Russia, USA, UK and ASEAN on the issue.
Militarization is the trend, because less and less nation believe on the peaceful rising of China.

South China Sea: China Slams US-Philippines Rotational Basing Agreement
China cites the announcement of U.S. access to Philippines bases as evidence of militarization in the South China Sea.

By Ankit Panda
March 23, 2016
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Its one thing to travel through the EEZ, its entirely another to carry out military exercise and manuver within another's EEZ. And according to Indian government's declaration, it saw such action as in violation of international law. That is in agreement with China, Russia and many other nations who ratified the UNCLOS.

Right to travel in the EEZ pretty much implies they can conduct a military exercise. Russians conduct military exercises in international waters all the time. Russian naval aircraft keep buzzing the American coastline before USAF fighters turn them back
U.S. to give Philippines eye in sky to track South China Sea activity


U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter (R) and U.S. ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg stand at attention while the American anthem is played at the American cemetery in Taguig, metro Manila April 14, 2016.
Reuters/Ezra Acaya

The United States will transfer an observation blimp to the Philippines to help it track maritime activity and guard its borders amid rising tensions in the South China Sea, a U.S. diplomat said on Monday.

Philip Goldberg, U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, said Washington would give Manila, its oldest Asia-Pacific security ally, $42 million worth of sensors, radar and communications equipment.

"We will add to its capability to put sensors on ships and put an aerostat blimp in the air to see into the maritime space," Goldberg said in an interview with CNN Philippines,

The blimp is a balloon-borne radar to collect information and detect movements in the South China Sea, a Philippine military official said.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, believed to have huge deposits of oil and gas. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims to parts of the waters, through which about $5 trillion in trade is shipped every year.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited the Philippines last week to reaffirm Washington's "ironclad" commitment to defend Manila under a 1951 security treaty.

China has been expanding its presence on its seven artificial islands in the Spratly archipelago and on Monday landed a military plane for the first time on one of them, Fiery Cross Reef.

It comes ahead of a planned U.S. freedom of navigation patrol this month near the Spratlys.

Carter's visit also signals the start of U.S. military deployment in the Philippines, with 75 soldiers to be rotated in and out of an air base north of Manila.

Goldberg said the two allies had agreed to set up a system for "secure and classified communications" as part of a five-year, $425 million security initiative by Washington in Southeast Asia.

Manila will receive some $120 million in U.S. military aid this year, the largest sum since 2000 when the American military returned to the Philippines for training and exercises after an eight-year hiatus.

They signed a new deal in 2013 allowing increased U.S. military presence on a rotational basis and storage of supplies and equipment for maritime security and humanitarian missions.

(Reporting By Manuel Mogato; Editing by Martin Petty and Nick Macfie)
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