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Mix pics of Spratly island (quần đảo Trường Sa)







There goes one of Filipino submissions out the window. Let's see what the circus Court in the Hague will do about it.



船长140 m宽27.8 m吃水6.5 m最大挖深-35 m绞刀电机功率5000kW最大功率可达7500kW。船舶设计融合了当前世界最新科技,全船动力装置均采用电驱形式,装备了当今世界最强大的挖掘系统和最大功率的高效泥泵,总装机功率达25680kW标称生产能力约6000 m3/h,配置通用、粘土、挖岩及重型挖岩4种不同类型的绞刀,航速12节最大排泥距离达15000米,生产能力和输送能力均位居世界前列。


Tian Jin Hao parameters for comparison :D

"天鲸"号挖泥船总长127.5m型宽22m吃水6m总装机功率为19200KW挖掘效率为4500m³/h, 最大挖深-30m设计航速12节最大排泥距离6000m
Progress of the airstrip at Meiji Island.


The southern end of the Meiji airstrip on October 19, 2015. Basically, there is nothing much to see.


On December 5, 2015, the outline can be seen with other constructions.


The progress on Jan 8, 2016. The airstrip is almost complete.


The picture of the entire airstrip on Jan 8, 2016.
Still have to add the finishing touches.
A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of an island claimed by China and two other states in the South China Sea on Saturday to counter efforts to limit freedom of navigation, the Pentagon said.

China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion of world trade is shipped every year. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims.

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said no ships from China's military were in the vicinity of the guided-missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur when it passed near Triton Island in the Paracel Islands.

"This operation challenged attempts by the three claimants - China, Taiwan and Vietnam - to restrict navigation rights and freedoms," Davis said, reflecting the U.S. position that the crucial sea lane should be treated as international waters.

The Navy conducted a similar exercise in October in which the guided-missile destroyer Lassen sailed close to one of China's manmade islands, drawing a rebuke from Beijing.

Davis said the latest operation sought to challenge policies that require prior permission or notification of transit within territorial seas. He said the United States took no position on competing sovereignty claims to naturally-formed land features in the South China Sea.

"No claimants were notified prior to the transit, which is consistent with our normal process and international law," Davis said.

The Chinese foreign ministry responded Saturday evening with a statement on its website condemning the action.

"The American warship has violated relevant Chinese laws by entering Chinese territorial waters without prior permission, and the Chinese side has taken relevant measures including monitoring and admonishments," China's foreign ministry said in a statement.

China's defense ministry followed up later Saturday night with a far more forceful statement on its website, calling the American action "intentionally provocative and "irresponsible and extremely dangerous."

The ministry also said that Chinese navy vessels had immediately taken responsive action, conducted identification checks and promptly gave warnings for the ship to keep its distance.

"Regardless of whatever provocative steps the American side takes, China's military will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and security," the ministry statement concluded.

The operation followed calls in Congress for the Obama administration to follow up on the October operation.

This month, the chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee criticized Obama for delaying further freedom of navigation patrols.

He said that allowed China to continue to pursue its territorial ambitions in the region, including by landing a plane on a manmade island in the Spratly Islands archipelago.

what is big deal about that? the rule will be apply to US when we're strong we will go within 12 nautical mile in Guam and other US annexed islands...you play this game, we will please you back. This remind me of Han dynasty, the Huns thought they could violate our territory without harm, 100 years later not only we violate their territory back but banish them from their own homeland.
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US Navy destroyer sails near island claimed by China, Taiwan and Vietnam
Paracel island chain is controlled by China and also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan


The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt sailed 200 nautical miles south of the contested Spratly Islands in October © Reuters
by: Geoff Dyer in Washington

A US Navy destroyer sailed on Saturday within 12 nautical miles of an island claimed by China and two other states in the South China Sea, the latest in a series of operations the Pentagon says are designed to defend freedom of navigation.

The USS Curtis Wilbur navigated within 12 miles of Triton Island in the Paracel island chain, which is controlled by China and also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan.

Known as a freedom of navigation operation, the Pentagon says the US does not use such patrols to dispute claims to the actual islands but seeks to challenge restrictions on the surrounding waters.

“This operation challenged attempts by the three claimants, China, Taiwan and Vietnam, to restrict navigation rights and freedoms around the features they claim by policies that require prior permission or notification of transit within territorial seas,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

US officials said that the patrol was conducted under the basis of “innocent passage”, which allows for navy vessels to pass through another country’s territorial waters if they do not conduct military operations. No Chinese naval vessels were in the vicinity, officials said.

The US says it has conducted such operations in the area for decades, however the patrols have become more politically charged over the past two years because of China’s aggressive campaign to build man-made islands, mostly in the Spratlys, another group of islands in the South China Sea.

As well as port facilities that could be used by warships, images suggest that China is constructing four airfields on the man-made or reclaimed islands which could accommodate most military aircraft.

China immediately criticised the operation by the USS Curtis Wilbur, an Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer. “The American warship has violated relevant Chinese laws by entering Chinese territorial waters without prior permission, and the Chinese side has taken relevant measures including monitoring and admonishments,” China’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

The patrol on Saturday follows the October passage of the USS Lassen, another destroyer, within 12 miles of Subi Reef, a man-made island in the Spratlys, which also drew an angry response from China.

At the time, the Pentagon was criticised for not outlining more clearly the legal underpinning of the Lassen operation. Earlier this week, Admiral Harry Harris, the head of the US Pacific Command, said the operation had challenged China’s claims to territorial waters around Subi Reef by not giving prior notification to Beijing.

“As we continue down the path of freedom of navigation operations, you will see more of them and you will see them increasing in complexity and scope,” he said.

We will land more planes or even military cargo planes and station battalion, more installation. Can you stop those action beside useless sailing?
2016-01-23. Satellite picture of Yongshu Island shows that both ends of the runway now has lawn / grass planted.


The lawns were planted after Jan 6 and completed by Jan 18.

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