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South China Sea Forum

Theres nothing daring about it. Unless they missed U.S. patrols for decades in SCS.
US just irritates China after China refused to offer cooperation regarding North Korea (now should be called Corea. :)).

Not only North Korea but Middle east especially Iran, Americans are pissed because our again at their expense on a zero sum game. After the sanction lift, we signed oil, and other economic deal that worth 300 billions over 10 years ...Americans got nothing but hopelessly cast a jealousy eyes then turn humiliation into fury.
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It just shows how bad the economic situation United States has. To attract capital inflow, first United States tried to use the interest rate hike. Only after one year's promise, USA hiked 0.25% and this quickly evolved into a financial turmoil and possibly even an economical turmoil. Now USA is trying the last effort, or the military approach to force capital inflow into USA, similarly to those of WWI and WWII. USA has used Ukraine crisis for Russia, ISIS for middle east, Refugee crisis for Europe and South China Sea for East Asia.

However, this approach has its limitation. First US's credit-ability was established on its efforts to help recovery of West Europe and Japan post WWII. It was actively playing constructive roles. The destructive roles USA is playing will severely damage its credit-ability. Second the quick rise of the dollar also significantly reduces US exports and causes more trade imbalance.

I expect more US adventurous military behaviors in South China Sea. This is viewed as critical by Washington to check the rise of China. However, the chaos in SCS will damage ASEAN countries first before China. You may see the severe capital outflow in ASEAN which will lead to another ASEAN financial crisis due to military instability. There are also severe capital outflow in China. But this is largely due to CNY internationalization. More Chinese start to have capital accounts for foreign currencies. In the worse case, China could simply freeze these accounts and take back these foreign currencies, although this could severely damage CNY internationalization.
Might as well use their powerful navy to patrol and protect our merchant ships from the Phillipiines pirate. We welcome that! LOL

Wow this coming from know thrift country nice and a person who can't even spell right :woot:
ICAO corrects Sanya FIR map in East Sea following Vietnam's demand

Thanh Nien News
HANOI - Saturday, January 30, 2016 11:38


Director Lai Xuan Thanh of the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shows Vietnam's Chu Thap (Fiery Cross) Reef in the East Sea. Photo credit: Minh Anh/Nguoi Lao Dong

A panel of international safety experts has corrected the Sanya flight information region (FIR) map that had incorrectly included Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago.

The chairman of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) also informed Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam on January 27 about the correction, according to Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Earlier on January 15, the ministry requested ICAO to correct the map that writes Chinese words “Sansha city – China” and draws a symbol of an airport on Chu Thap (Fiery Cross) Reef in Truong Sa, with the English words “Yong Shu airport – Sansha”.

The ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh said that Vietnam has indisputable sovereignty over the Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelagos.


Ho Chi Minh Flight Information Region

Vietnam has many times raised a voice protesting China’s establishment of the so-called “Sansha city” and its building of artificial islands and an airport in the area, he said, adding that such moves are a violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty over Truong Sa and Hoang Sa, as well as an infringement on Vietnam’s legitimate rights in the East Sea.

Vietnamese agencies also sent letters to ICAO affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty and noting that China’s flights to Fiery Cross Reef has violated ICAO’s regulations on aviation safety.

On January 7, the permanent Vietnam Mission to the United Nations sent a diplomatic note to the UN Secretary General, asking for circulating the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry’s diplomatic notes to China dated on January 2 and January 7.

The notes protest China’s flights to Fiery Cross Reef in Vietnam’s Truong Sa archipelago and make it clear that it is a violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty and a threat to peace, and to stability, as well as aviation security and safety in the East Sea.

On January 14, the UN endorsed these diplomatic notes as official documents of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.
Some pictures of Taiping Island, released after Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou's visit.


Solar panels on Taiping Island.


Cafe/restaurant menu on Taiping Island.


Post office.


Plaque certifying the water quality.


Lunch box.


The island water well.
Would Indonesia Actually Challenge China's Nine-Dash Line in International Court?
Don’t read too much into Luhut Panjaitan’s comment about bringing the South China Sea issue to an international court.


By Shannon Tiezzi
November 13, 2015

A top Indonesian official recently said his country was seeking clarification on the extent of Chinese claims to the South China Sea – and could take China to international court if that clarity isn’t forthcoming. Luhut Pandjaitan, the chief of staff to Indonesian President Joko Widodo as well as Jakarta’s coordinating minister for political, legal, and security affairs, made the comments on Wednesday.

According to Reuters, Panjaitan called China’s “nine-dash line,” which claims most of the South China Sea for Beijing, “a problem we are facing,” saying that “we don’t want to see any power projection in this area.” It’s not only a problem for Indonesia, either – the nine-dash line “also directly (impacts) the interests of Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, and the Philippines,” Panjaitan added.

“We are working very hard on this. We are trying to approach the Chinese,” Panjaitan said. “We would like to see a solution on this in the near future through dialogue, or we could bring it to the International Criminal Court.”

As my colleague Prashanth Parameswaran has explained before, Indonesia walks a fine line when it comes to the South China Sea disputes. On one hand, Jakarta is not a claimant to any of the disputed features in the South China Sea, so it positions itself as a neutral party (and potential mediator). However, Indonesia is also concerned about depictions of China’s nine-dash line that would seem to indicate Beijing claims waters that are part of Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone (specifically, the EEZ generated by the Natuna Islands, located in the southwest corner of China’s nine-dash line). Jakarta has tried numerous times to get China to clarify its claims, but so far Beijing has stuck to purposeful ambiguity as to the extent and meaning of the nine-dash line.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei declined to see any cause for controversy. “The Indonesian side has no territorial claim to China’s Nansha [Spratly] Islands. The Chinese side has no objection to Indonesia’s sovereignty over the Natuna islands,” he told a press conference on Thursday. Hong added that the “China-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership is making steady and sound progress.”

As for the question of an international legal case, Hong once again reiterated China’s stance that the South China Sea disputes must be resolved “through negotiations and consultations with countries directly concerned.” China has repeatedly refused to participate in the Philippines’ arbitration case on the South China Sea issue. While visiting Manila to plan for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s upcoming attendance at the APEC summit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called the case “a knot that has impeded the improvement and development of Sino-Philippine relations.”

Given the diplomatic consequences China has imposed on Manila for its arbitration case, how seriously should we take Pandjaitan’s remarks that Indonesia might undertake legal action to get clarity on the nine-dash line? As Parameswaran has pointed out, taking one-off remarks from Indonesia officials as signs of government policy shifts can be dangerous. It’s also telling that Pandjaitan references the International Criminal Court, which typically deals with war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, when he likely meant the International Court of Justice (or even the Permanent Court of Arbitration, where the Philippines has filed its suit against China).

Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry provided some context for Panjaitan’s comments. Spokesperson Armanatha Nasir told reporters that Indonesia does “not recognize the nine-dash line because it is not in line with … international law.” He confirmed that Jakarta has “asked [China] for clarification on what they mean and what they mean by the nine-dash line.”

“That has not been clarified,” Nasir said.

That lack of clarification is the main source of frustration for Jakarta, which at this point cannot be sure whether or not China intends to claim control over parts of the Indonesian EEZ. But would Indonesia really take China to international court over the issue?

Asked that question, Nasir declined to speculate. “We cannot preempt things before we know how they evolve,” he said. “But what is clear is that we are not a claimant state and we don’t recognize the issue of the nine-dash line, which we have made clear to China.”

It seems more likely that Panjaitan’s comments were meant to signal frustration with China’s ambiguity, rather than a real indication that Indonesia wants to pursue the nine-dash line issue in a legal case. Ultimately, Indonesia may not have to seriously consider the option – the Philippines has already brought the nine-dash line before the Permanent Court of Arbitration for consideration.
more pictures of Taiping Island.


Water from the island well is clear.


Shrine on the island.


The island runway.


The ROC Warship Taiping monument, which the island is named after.


An old plant on the island.


Talking to medical staff on the island hospital.
Vietnam opposes Taiwanese leader’s visit to Truong Sa (Spratlys)


.Vietnam has resolutely condemned a recent illegal visit by a Taiwanese leader to Ba Binh (Itu Aba) Island, part of the former’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago.

Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to Ba Binh, despite strong criticism from Vietnamand the international community, is a serious violation of Vietnamese territorial sovereignty, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Le Hai Binh said on Thursday.

Ba Binh is an island in Vietnam’s Truong Sa which Taiwan has been illegally occupying.

Taiwan has recently completed the construction of a lighthouse and port valued at US$100 million on the island.

Ma’s illicit visit to Ba Binh is considered contradictory to Taiwan’s recent announcement that it wished to contribute to the preservationof peace and stability in the East Vietnam Sea, according to the spokesperson.

“Once again, Vietnam reiterates that it has sufficient legal grounds andhistorical evidence proving the country’s indisputable sovereignty over the Truong Sa and Hoang Sa [Paracel] archipelagoes,” Spokesperson Binh asserted.

Taiwan’s infringement on Vietnam’s territory only causes escalation and complication to the situation in the East Vietnam seas, he said.

Vietnam strongly objects to the Taiwanese leader’s visit and demands that Taiwan halt its infringement on Vietnamese sovereignty over the group of islands, he added.

Ma visited the healthcare and agricultural facilities on Ba Binh and expressed his intention to improve medical services on the island for humanitarian purposes, according to a press release on Thursday by Ma’s office.

In response to Ma’s visit, Sonia Urbom, a spokesperson of the United States’ representative office in Taiwan, expressed disappointment from Washington and acknowledged that the trip was unhelpful and lacked any contribution to the peaceful settlement of territorial disputes in the East Vietnam Sea.

Ma replied with a statement saying that Taiwan has the same goals as the U.S. regarding the situation in the East Vietnam Sea, and hopes for peace, not war, according to Reuters.
The guy who started all.


新华网南海某海域2月3日电(钟魁润 肖永)近了,越来越近了……














Nice pictures of 3 Islands in the SCS.


Composite picture of Subi Island dated Feb 03, 2016. I have seen the yellow outline many times and I think it shows the final size but I could be wrong.


Huayang Island dated Feb 04, 2016.


Yongxing Island in the Paracels, dated Feb 04, 2016. Its area has increased in the past year.
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