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South China Sea Forum

The Russians are chess masters, their actions in Syria is a brilliant aggressive move. The US can only stand by as the terrorists are bombed to shreds. I guess the lack of American action in Georgia, Crimea, DPRK has put a huge dent on US image so that's why they feel it's necessary to send 1 destroyer and not the whole fleet. Twenty years ago when the risk of war was high between Mainland and Taiwan the US send the whole fleet to warn China and slapped Chen in the face telling him to STFU and no independence declaration. This time instead of a warning in the shape of an armada, only 1 destroyer sailed the area being trailed by 2 Chinese warships. Mark my words in 2-3 decades from today we will have a full fleet of modernized destroyers, stealth fighters, better subs and naval armada of our own.

Exactly. That's why I keep reminding that contexts are as important as facts.

In the larger historical context, the progress made is obvious.

The world not only ignores the US rhetoric of freedom (of anything, be it an abstract idea of democracy or maritime navigation), but also ridicules it.

Has the world given a crap about US complaints over China-Russia veto on US military action against Syria?

Even Europeans applauded the action because they are fed up with being dragged into wars and conflicts orchestrated by the US regime elites.

The present situation in SCS is a matter of soft management as well as hard power projection. Without being dragged into an open conflict, China continues to soft-manage the US by responding its aggressions firmly.

This incident does expose the need for new countermeasure, something after an initial but ineffective "warning" or "chasing off", but before last option of "firing the first shot". An example is "ramming" used by Soviet Navy in Black Sea.


In February 1988 the USS Yorktown CG48 was rammed by a Soviet Naval vessel in Black Sea.
Everyone backed off after the ram "as usual", quoted by a crew on-board, the incident didn't escalate to exchange of fire.
Soviet Ships rams USS Yorktown in the Black Sea - CNN iReport

My recommendation is PLAN (and/or other maritime law enforcement branches) should develop protocols accordingly, maybe even purposely built assets, so that more non-lethal options of different intensity levels are available to counter similar incident before using the last option of "fire".

That's exactly what has been suggested by the Navy spokesperson the other day. I guess China is preparing new contingency measures.
This incident does expose the need for new countermeasure, something after an initial but ineffective "warning" or "chasing off", but before last option of "firing the first shot". An example is "ramming" used by Soviet Navy in Black Sea.


In February 1988 the USS Yorktown CG48 was rammed by a Soviet Naval vessel in Black Sea.
Everyone backed off after the ram "as usual", quoted by a crew on-board, the incident didn't escalate to exchange of fire.
Soviet Ships rams USS Yorktown in the Black Sea - CNN iReport

My recommendation is PLAN (and/or other maritime law enforcement branches) should develop protocols accordingly, maybe even purposely built assets, so that more non-lethal options of different intensity levels are available to counter similar incident before using the last option of "fire".
We won't fire at them.This is exactly what I keep saying in every one of my post.We should ram into their destroyer yesterday,not waiting for the next time.Someone just keep pretending they haven't seen it because I call Chinese government coward.
China the only de facto challenger of the US is the "coward", while his beloved Japan/South Korea as the little US lapdogs are the true Northeast Asian superheroes.

Can you understand the funny logic of those China/CPC haters?

Didn't he want Chinese to be more like those Kimchi freaks so we can have soft power? :crazy: Looking at how those Kimchi dress show how mighty they are and China in his eyes is a coward
Yeah, I really don't understand the stuff these jokers are saying sometime. The lapdogs are the heroes, meanwhile the defender of Asia is the coward. It makes no sense to me. But as you know, these jokers can't be taken seriously since they are here just to annoy us rather than providing any good input. That's why I spent more times making fun out of them than taking them seriously to be honest.

In fact, CPC is ready to fight at anytime, because they always don't believe that their enemies would give them more time to get prepared. CPC is always dealing with the reality and to prepare for the worst scenario, and they won't play with the luck. If you read their history of the geopolitical conflicts, then you will get this point.
We won't fire at them.This is exactly what I keep saying in every one of my post.

This is probably on the line. In the first try, China simply watched the vessel pass the national territories. Next time, it will be another level of engagement, short of firing the first shot.

Obviously, China tries not to escalate the issue because the US is a non-party. But, if the US insists and repeats, rest assured, it will be confronted.

According to Xinhua: "The Chinese navy has warned that further forays by the U.S. naval vessel into the waters claimed by China in the South China Sea may "trigger eventualities." "
We won't fire at them.This is exactly what I keep saying in every one of my post.
Why should we fire at them? Do you even know the area the US operated in, from a legal standpoint is a gray area and must be EXTREMELY cautious because any move can be perceived by the international friends as aggression. This is why it is important we need to know which area we will allow passage and which area we will not. This is the type of gray area where the response should be shadowing. If it happens in a non-gray area, then at least the world knows the reason we shoot is the right thing to do and the world will applause us for defending against US's lawbreaking international norm.
Didn't he want Chinese to be more like those Kimchi freaks so we can have soft power? :crazy: Looking at how those Kimchi dress show how mighty they are and China in his eyes is a coward

Those Kimchi freaks are living in another planet.

Even many South Korean netizens nowadays are feeling ashamed when comparing their impotent country to China.
In fact, CPC is ready to fight at anytime, because they always don't believe that their enemies would give them more time to get prepared. CPC is always dealing with the reality and to prepare for the worst scenario, and they won't play with the luck. If you read their history of the geopolitical conflicts, then you will get this point.
I'm sure they will fight. They have to. Protecting territorial integrity is the main job of the PLA. But I think unless the US continues to aggressively threaten our territorial rights, there won't be any fight. Now if they do this over and over, disregarding our territorial rights, then Chinese people must be prepare mentally and physically for the worse. And I'm talking about the worse, stack up water underground.
Why should we fire at them? Do you even know the area the US operated in, from a legal standpoint is a gray area and must be EXTREMELY cautious because any move can be perceived by the international friends as aggression. This is why it is important we need to know which area we will allow passage and which area we will not. This is the type of gray area where the response should be shadowing. If it happens in a non-gray area, then at least the world knows the reason we shoot is the right thing to do and the world will applause us for defending against US's lawbreaking international norm.
Look,I haven't said we should try to shoot at them,And I haven't said that because we don't shoot them,so our government is coward.What I have meant is,since we don't shoot them,then building construction in those island won't help us to stop the US intrusion.We already have sevaral ships chased them,so why not just rum in like what SU have done?If we don't act more seriously,they won't stop.You should check my post carefully before replying to me.
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Those Kimchi freaks are living in another planet.

Even many South Korean netizens nowadays are feeling ashamed when comparing their impotent country to China.

I even wonder if that dude is even Chinese, look at the Russians that's how a mighty military power looks like REAL MEN.
Now he complains China is a pussy but doesn't think so when he suggested we dress like those Kimchis?
Someone keep relating me to koreans.I don't know why.This is really funny.
I'm sure they will fight. They have to. Protecting territorial integrity is the main job of the PLA. But I think unless the US continues to aggressively threaten our territorial rights, there won't be any fight. Now if they do this over and over, disregarding our territorial rights, then Chinese people must be prepare mentally and physically for the worse. And I'm talking about the worse, stack up water underground.

The time is on our side, and just to make sure that those young hot blooded Chinese don't fall into the provocation by those anti-China trolls into believing that CPC has back down.

And remember soon Madame Merkel will come to China for an important deal, same for Monsieur Hollande.

China is now enjoying the real fruitful outcomes, not desperately trying to win the face.
I even wonder if that dude is even Chinese, look at the Russians that's how a mighty military power looks like REAL MEN.
Now he complains China is a pussy but doesn't think so when he suggested we dress like those Kimchis?

He might be a false flag. Using emotional titles such as "coward" sound very much like one group of people.
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