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South China Sea Forum

So you mean we will target in the puppet of US instead of US?

Simple, when the USN came, the PLAN tried to ram it, but they just ran away. The USS Cowpens was just a prime example, and I won't be surprised that the USS Lassen was doing the same, but they just refused to acknowledge that because of afraid of losing face in front of their little buddies.

The little buddies can also make a new attempt, but I doubt they can run away as fast as Uncle Sam.
Simple, when the USN came, the PLAN tried to ram it, but they just ran away. The USS Cowpens was just a prime example, and I won't be surprised that the USS Lassen was doing the same, but they just refused to acknowledge that because of afraid of losing face in front of their little buddies.

The little buddies can also make a new attempt, but I doubt they can run away as fast as Uncle Sam.
I think we can catch the USS lassen even yesterday if we have really prepared.Hope we will do better next time.
I think we can catch the USS lassen even yesterday if we have really prepared.Hope we will do better next time.
Get on a boat and wait for them yourself next time

He is a vietnamese.
Yeah even Indians are not as silly as him, i intend to believe he has escaped from the zoo
I think we can catch the USS lassen even yesterday if we have really prepared.Hope we will do better next time.

The USS Cowpens was trying to breach into the inner circle of the Liaoning carrier battlegroup, but before of making such attempt, it got intercepted by the PLAN's landing ship. After a failed attempt to embarrass China, the PLAN just let it go.

The USS Lassen was indeed trying to again embarrass China by breaching into the 12 nautical miles, but did it succeed? Even Mr. Carter cannot answer it, and he also refuses to make any further confirmation.
Isn't Chinese military budget more than 1 trillion RMB?

Sorry if I sound trolling. It just makes no sense to keep talking over the same thing in circles.

In my view, the budget should be doubled in five years. Of course, I am telling this as a mere political scientist. From the heights of international politics and statesmanship, things must be looking a lot differently.

Even Obama had confessed that (despite that he was a Senator before becoming a President) he did not see many things in their reality before he assumed the highest chair in his speech in Cairo.


Via Michael Tanner:


*** google and the american/western establishment mainstream medias on the american challenge of china in the south china sea ... with a navy missile destroyer .....

*** while surfing the google "news" section searching for the latest "news" on the china-usa scs fiasco, something popped out with bold relief of the utter domination of prejudiced western commentary loaded with dubious tirades against the total lack of any other sources of news for the first 10 search pages. every piece and commentator is brutally critical of china while praising the american intrusion with a machine of war as the height of upholding international law and principle .....

*** it appears that google has engineered its so called "unbiased" search engine to extract "news" items from the american/western msm first and foremost before any others. this deception has been going on for ages and the victims of google's duplicity and deviousness are going from bad to worse ... it has been used against russia, china, venezeula, bolivia or simply anyone the american finds disobedient or distasteful.....

*** make no mistake - google is not created to be a socially responsible portal and moralistic platform for the promotion of a fair and just world ... its a vile creation of the american/western powers that be to promote its hegemonic and imperialistic agenda without any regard whatsoever to laws and orders, humanity, conscience and human decency .....

*** appropriate action must be taken against their grotesque and evil activities and meted with just punishment ... **** the fake political correctness .....
American military tourism at its best :lol:

I know that some people have initially very high expectation for China, and they expected to kick the US a$$ every time.

However, the geopolitics is a very complicated game, and it is not always about a$$-kicking or chest thumping.

The USN also knows the existence of the DF-21D and DF-26, even more powerful weapons. They know that their warships won't last few seconds if China truly decides to launch the attack. That's why they just sent a unarmed destroyer to visit our artificial island.

But for now, the business comes to China's mind first, since anyone who is consistently reading the news related to China, they will see that China has a huge amount of deals in 2015. So China doesn't want to create the tension in the region that could overshadow the economic cooperation.

A small country can be praised as brave when it dares to protests as the US just bombed them, while China must need to prove that it has balls by kicking the US a$$ every time. So it is definitely not easy to be a superpower, especially a rising one. You have been watched by the world.
Actually, according to UNCLOS, there are no different between transiting and conducting military operation. China can hold a military Drill in US EEZ as much *** the US having the same right to hold a Military Drill in China EEZ.

The definition of "Rules" is that it Applies to EVERYBODY and no one was in exception.

Even the US observe this "rules" even tho the US has not ratified the UNCLOS.

The problem with what you and most Chinese thinking is, since China wasn't "Around" when the rules was set, the China should not by all account respect and obey the rules and instead having their "Own" set of rules.

Well, I did not say China cannot do that, but you cannot do that and say China is not escalating anything. You can change the rules by having it heard internationally, and then when all other party agree to and ratified the amendment, then the rules can be change. You cannot unilaterally change the "rules" when you deem fits and call other aggressive. When you change the rules unilaterally, you are the party that act aggressively.

Baseline is, if you don't play nice, you automatically refused the right to call other foul.

we are the true believers of freedom of navigation, it is US who cries every time we navigate in front of you.
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