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South China Sea Forum

Wow spoken like true nazi and have not even talk about UNCLOS i was talking about ITCLOS dumb@$$ Jesus can you read your own post? and you people still wonder why people hate you my point is proven that you know your claims are bull and you can never win. So again point proven

Do something about it besides exporting maids.
Wow what is that go to do with what i posted? talk about a dumb post

I hate how people bitch and moan, and keep trying to deny the fact that a rising hegemon of 1.4 billion people is NOT on the same level as an under developed (though rapidly developing) island chain of 100 million people.
I hate how people bitch and moan, and keep trying to deny the fact that a rising hegemon of 1.4 billion people is NOT on the same level as an under developed (though rapidly developing) island chain of 100 million people.

Again no connection to the topic at hand troll? again god complex check yourself fool! excuse us for not to much in hurry to destroying our country by polluting it to death so we can call ourselves in the same league of west you can do that if you chinese imperials want too as for us we filipinos still wanna see our seas as our forefather left them clean and clear to enjoy and to fish and some air because we need that to live so save your illogical claims and nonsense to people who give a F2ck because us and the rest of the world just raise our middle fingers at your illogical stupidity.
Again no connection to the topic at hand troll? again god complex check yourself fool! excuse us for not to much in hurry to destroying our country by polluting it to death so we can call ourselves in the same league of west you can do that if you chinese imperials want too as for us we filipinos still wanna see our seas as our forefather left them clean and clear to enjoy and to fish and some air because we need that to live so save your illogical claims and nonsense to people who give a F2ck because us and the rest of the world just raise our middle fingers at your illogical stupidity.

The Philipines are booming very fast economically, many thanks to China. So what was your message again?
The Philipines are booming very fast economically, many thanks to China. So what was your message again?

What or maybe thank to other trade partners and OFWs china is one of them yes but they are below in the list so thank them for what? stealing our resources, reefs and converting to military fortresses.
Wow spoken like true nazi and have not even talk about UNCLOS i was talking about ITCLOS dumb@$$ Jesus can you read your own post? and you people still wonder why people hate you my point is proven that you know your claims are bull and you can never win. So again point proven

China couldn't give a flying F if anyone hate China. Only thing that matters is power. It does't matter whether China's claims are bull or not, the bottomline is China can do what it wants, when it wants and how it wants.
Freshly minted CCG 2301 with electric propulsion sailing down the mighty Yangtze River for its homebase :enjoy:

PHL halts repairs on Spratlys airstrip ahead of UN suit
June 29, 2015 7:08am

The Philippines has halted the repair of its airstrip in the disputed Spratly islands due to its pending suit at The Hague challenging China's claim over the waters, a presidential spokesman said Sunday.

The work on the airstrip on Thitu island, which the Philippines calls Pagasa and which hosts a small community, comes as China builds up outcroppings in the waters into islands that can host military facilities.

"The repair has been stopped because we uphold the principle of keeping the status quo in the areas involved," said President Benigno Aquino III's spokesman Herminio Coloma.

"This is part of our strategy for a rules-based and diplomatic approach where we have filed an arbitration case with the UN tribunal," he added.

The tiny airstrip on Pagasa had been largely used to bring in supplies for the small town that the Philippine government established there to stake its claim over part of the Spratlys.

However the airstrip has deteriorated over the years, forcing the government to rely on ships which must go through a gauntlet of Chinese vessels to reach the island.

China claims almost all of the Spratlys and the South China Sea, even areas close to the coasts of its neighbours. Its claim is disputed by the Philippines as well as Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan.

The waters are a crucial sea lane and rich fishing ground also believed to hold large mineral resources.

In 2013 the Philippines asked The Hague, based in the Netherlands, to declare China's claim invalid and in violation of international law.

Hearings—looking at whether Manila's complaint has legal merit as well as whether the court has jurisdiction over the case—are set to begin next month. —Agence France-Presse

PHL halts repairs on Spratlys airstrip ahead of UN suit | News | GMA News Online
China couldn't give a flying F if anyone hate China. Only thing that matters is power. It does't matter whether China's claims are bull or not, the bottomline is China can do what it wants, when it wants and how it wants.

Wow not for long my friend not for long
Subi Island 30.06.2015


Land reclamation Phase I is more or less done。:enjoy:

China couldn't give a flying F if anyone hate China. Only thing that matters is power. It does't matter whether China's claims are bull or not, the bottomline is China can do what it wants, when it wants and how it wants.

Love comes with power。:D

The US beat the crap out of Vietnam and see how the Vietnamses love the Americans today。

The Japanese butchered and made slaves millions of Vietnameses and see how the Vietnamese kiss Japs‘ balls today。
Int’l protest against China changing status quo in East Sea
On June 27, numerous international friends, peace-loving people along with Vietnamese students and nationals gathered at the UN plaza in Geneva, Switzerland, to join a march and sign a letter of protest against China altering the status quo in the East Sea.

Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Youth Association in Switzerland Luu Vinh Toan delivered a speech underlining Vietnam’s legal basis and historical evidence confirming the longstanding legal sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos.

The Chinese construction of artificial islands altering the status quo in the East Sea is unacceptable by the people of Vietnam and the international community, he added.

Swiss – Vietnam Friendship Association Chairwoman Anjuska Weil said countries around the world need to understand the core of the problem is that China is a threat to peace and regional and global security. In addition to supporting Vietnam in the cause of preserving its territorial sovereignty, it is essential to raise voice for the sake of peace and justice and a war free world.

Not only Vietnamese people living, studying and working in Switzerland but all peace-loving people in Switzerland and in the world should join hands in the protest against Chin’s wrongful acts in the East Sea, she said.

Many people living in Switzerland also expressed indignation over China’s disregard for the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and the formation of a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

The international community noticed with deep concern that after completing its illegal construction in Truong Sa, China will brazenly declare an Air Defense Identification Zone in the East Sea- a major threat to peace, stability, freedom and security and safety of navigation and aviation in the East Sea.

The media and scholars from the US, Germany, Australia, Japan, India, Switzerland and ASEAN countries have also strongly condemned China’s acts of disrespecting international law and neighboring nations’ territorial sovereignty.


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