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South China Sea Forum

Some pictures of Yongshu Island taken on 10-June-2015. Enjoy!
The area is 2.79 km².
The airstrip is over 3100 meters long and 50 meters wide.

YongShu.永暑岛.2015-06-10_ahojunk_progress.(1)2.79sqkm - Copy.jpg

YongShu.永暑岛.2015-06-10_ahojunk_progress.(2)3.1km - Copy.jpg

YongShu.永暑岛.2015-06-10_ahojunk_progress.(3)50m - Copy.jpg

China said it will finish reclamations soon few days ago, so will China be able to finish required work on the above island to totally enclose the water or will it leave it half done as of 15-06-10?

It would be a total disappointment if it is done just as it is now.
They won't leave it half done. The basic reclamation will be finished.
Subi's area is now estimated to be 3.87 square kilometers.
A straight segment on the western side can accommodate an airstrip more than three kilometers long.

Zhubi.渚碧礁.Subi.2015-06-05_ahojunk_compare.with.Apr17 - copy.jpg

The terrain preparation at this segment resemble that at Yongshu a few months ago, indicating there may be another airstrip in the making at Subi.
Zhubi.渚碧礁.Subi.2015-06-05_ahojunk_compare.with.Yongshu.Feb06 - copy.jpg
The progress of Meiji Island from 27-May to 09-June. Incredible!
It is already the biggest island in the South China Sea, period.

Meiji.美济礁.Mischief.2015-06-09_ahojunk_compare.May27 - Copy.jpg
Off topic: one thing is for sure, Chinese PLAN sailors are going to have a heck of a nice beach to swim on their off-day.
Pictures at China’s other islands – Hughes, Gaven, Johnson South and Cuarteron.

Intensive construction of facilities is on-going. They each has a 5-meter by 40-meter concrete ramp leading to a 2nd/3rd story of a large new building. The ramps allow the relocation of equipment to an elevated location in the event of a typhoon.

0.SCS.Bldg.Struct.2015-06-19_ahojunk_Dongmen.Nanxun.Chigua.Huayang - Copy.jpg
Below is a pic dated 13-Feb-2015 that shows a 4,000-ton CCG ship in Luconia Shoals. It is stationed 3.5 km from an elevated coral sediment called Luconia Breakers. A smaller Malaysian Navy patrol vessel is seen anchored 2.7 km northwest of the Chinese ship.

Luconia.Shoals.2015-02-13.Luconia.Breakers_ahojunk_CCG&MsiaCG - Copy.jpg
G7 to express concern over East Sea
Group of Seven leaders will express their concern over any unilateral action to change the status quo in the East China Sea and East Vietnam Sea amid tensions between China and a number of Asian countries, Japan's Yomiuri newspaper said on June 6.

At the end of the summit in Germany, which starts on June 7, members will release a declaration calling for maintaining an international order of seas based on international law, the report said, without citing sources. No country will be singled out.

G7 leaders a year ago expressed their concern about tensions between China and a number of other Asian countries over resources in the East Vietnam Sea and East China Sea, and warned against any use of force.

China claims most of the East Vietnam Sea, through which US$5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam also have overlapping claims.

All but Brunei have fortified bases in the disputed waters, which are roughly 1,300 km (800 miles) from the Chinese mainland but much closer to the Southeast Asian claimants.

Japan also has a territorial row with China over islands in the East China Sea.

China has been criticised for extensive reclamation work and moves to turn submerged rocks into man-made structures. The United States last week said Beijing had placed mobile artillery systems in contested territory.

Mosccow workshop on the East Sea

Dozens of experts and scholars discussed East Sea issues and conflicts threatening world peace at a round table discussion held in Moscow’s University of Humanities on June 5.

They expressed concern over China’s construction and reclamation of land and artificial islands in the East Sea.

Russia held that related parties not use force or threaten to use force and persist on diplomatic dialogues and political solutions to address remaining issues based on international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

It appears that there is a new causeway heading south from Dongmen (Hughes) Island.

DongMen.东门礁.2015-06-19_ahojunk_May27.topview1 - Copy.jpg
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China unveils construction plan for reclamation projects in South China Sea
06-22-2015 23:21 BJT

China has unveiled its development plan for civil-use construction projects on its islands in the South China Sea.

According to a statement released by the National Development and Reform Commission- China's top economic and development planner- a batch of facilities for telecommunication, navigation, environmental monitoring, disaster relief, transportation and production, and logistical support will be constructed.

Key projects include large-scale lighthouses on international shipping routes, maritime security and communication facilities, as well as support for emergency rescue and salvage. Facilities will also be built to provide supply, shelter, maintenance and repair services to ships passing by.

Meteorological centers to monitor tsunamis, earthquakes and the maritime environment, as well as maritime research centers, will also be constructed. A large scale medical and emergency center will also be built to satisfy future medical needs, alongside waste water and garbage processing facilities. Experts says these projects will further promote international cooperation in the South China Sea. 

"There are two main purposes for China's reclamation activities on its islands in the South China Sea," said Ruan Zongze, Executive VP for China Institute of Int'l Studies, "One is to improve the living and working environment for the personnel based on the islands. The other purpose is so that China can shoulder more international responsibilities and obligations. After the construction is completed, the facilities on the islands can be opened to countries surrounding the South China Sea, as well as international organizations and the international community."
It's not called the South CHINA Sea for nothing. Every other nation gets their territorial waters, and the rest goes to China. Others nations, if peaceful, may join in afterwards (splitting resources etc).
China says South China Sea not an issue with U.S.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday that the South China Sea issue is not and should not be one between China and the United States.

Spokesman Lu Kang made the remarks while responding to a question on recent comments of Daniel Russell, assistant U.S. secretary of state for east Asian and Pacific affairs. Russell said the United States has "an unwavering determination" to avoid military confrontation with countries in the South China Sea, including China.

It is not an issue between the United States and China, but between China and some ASEAN members, Russell told a media briefing, while calling on China to stop militarizing outposts in the South China Sea.

"We have noticed Assistant Secretary of State Russell's comments, and we have been stressing to the U.S. side the South China Sea issue is not and should not be an issue between the two countries," Lu said.

China has several times stated its position on land reclamation on some territorial islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands, Lu said.

He said China agrees with the United States on closer bilateral cooperation in countering various global issues.

Hailing the fruitful cooperation and high interdependence between the two stakeholders, Lu said it is inevitable that both sides sometimes have different views or disputes as their interests increasingly overlap.

The development history of China-U.S. relationship shows that their cooperation far outweighs disputes, said the spokesman.

"Both sides have reached a consensus on expanding dialogue and communication and controlling disputes, in order to focus on win-win cooperation and jointly addressing global challenges," Lu said.

China and the United States are set to start annual high-level talks in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, namely, the seventh China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue and the sixth China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange.

"We expect the talks will show to the world the positive achievements of China-U.S. relations," said the spokesman.
To Chinese member, anyone can check this?

Saw the following post in one of the Malaysia forum, I haven't read any news from Malaysia gov.

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