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South China Sea Forum

Oh good things to shoot down with when our anti air missiles and manpods get here and plus i love to see other US airforce deployment in the area to shut you people up for good just like what they did in when you arrogant jerks try to Air nonsense zone in someone elses EZZ that was funny to see too i mean P8 is here in the Philippines and the US Marines air corp is here as well plus guam is near by so the US airforce plus soon Japan and Vietnam (there part of the wood) and us with our new FA50s so wow and Indonesia too since its pretty close oh wait i forgot Malaysia too so that alot of countries you people are going to piss off good luck.

Again you suck at this nice try but save your nonsense for someone who cares you people piss off a lot countries your going to lose hard just ask Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany and Facist Italy oh wait their gone now up same thing here.

All you guys hope is USA, USA, USA, why don't you sell yourself to be American's bitch?

Grow up, stop crying for help like a baby and fight like a man.

cooperating with China. ?? Why must we cooperate wt a coward-poorly trained-corrupted army like PLA ?? U can keep building, but if u make some stupid action like the last oil rig conflict, then we will kick your sorry @$$ back again and again , and the whole World can give a big laugh to ur coward-poorly trained-corrupted PLA again

Pls note that since we VN came here, we only see Chinese have the guts to balh blah on internet, dare not make any strong action on real battle . U r so cheap, guys :pop:

Please, angry viet keyboard warrior, grow some sense and balls as well.

Wow, I see so many VN flag on the pic when it so hard to see China flag :pop:
with our navy, will drive you viet thieves out one single night.
US has never allied with a communist nation such as Vietnam

1. Vietnam is a communist country. The US has never signed a defense treaty with a communist nation. You are out of luck.

2. US pledged neutrality repeatedly.

3. China has shorter logistical lines. In other words, most of the US military assets are 10,000 miles away.

4. China buys more per dollar than the US. US only has one major weapon program in the F-35.

China has six major new weapon programs.
a. Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter
b. Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter
c. Type 095 SSN
d. Type 096 Tang-class SSBN with JL-3 SLBMs
e. Type 055 Destroyer
f. Chinese Nimitz-class aircraft carrier

China holds all of the cards.

Chinese Nimitz class LOL:D

Let me correct you. Vietnam still doesn't want to ally with third party to against aggressive neighbor. That belongs to 3 Noes.
Chinese Nimitz class LOL:D
See ninth citation below.

Most anticipated new Chinese weapons

All of us want to know about the next impressive Chinese weapon system. Here's my top ten list.

1. Dark Sword supersonic stealth UCAV (2020)
2. Type 055 Destroyer (2017-2020)
3. Type 095 SSN (2020-2025)
4. Type 096 Tang-class SSBN with JL-3 SLBMs (2020-2025)
5. Mass production of Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter (2017-2018)
6. Mass production of Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter (2019)
7. WS-15 turbofan engine (2019)
8. H-20 stealth bomber (2025)
9. Chinese Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (2025-2030?)
10. ASAT against distant GPS satellites (?)

1. China can build manned stealth fighters. Clearly, China has the technology to build an unmanned stealth fighter. Since the Dark Sword probably started later, I'll estimate a two-year delay after J-20 induction.

2. Popular Science's estimate. Source: Learning More About China’s New Massive Warship Plan (055 Cruiser) | Popular Science

3. China Submarine Capabilities | Articles | NTI Analysis | NTI
"While the PLAN is currently developing newer Type 095 SSNs and Type 096 SSBNs, the U.S. Department of Defense believes that China will build four more Type 093 SSNs and two more Type 094 SSBNs before moving onto constructing the newer varieties. [11]"

China says type 095 nuclear submarine is better than US submarines | China Daily Mail
"According to sina.com.cn, China will adopt the following six new technologies in its type 095 attack nuclear submarines: new water injection propulsion, super strong steel, mixed single and double-hull structure, new comprehensive vibration reduction floating raft and vertical launch tube for cruise missile.

The website says that the new submarine has to have an underwater speed not less than 33 knots, silent cruise speed not less than 18 knots, and maximum submerging depth not less than 600 metres.

That means the submarine is better than the US Virginia-class and comparable to the US Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine."

4. China SSBN Fleet Getting Ready – But For What? | Federation of American Scientists
"The U.S. intelligence community predicts that 'up to five [Jin-class (Type 094) SSBNs] may enter service before China proceeds to its generation SSBN (Type 096) over the next decade'...."

5. Chinese J-20 Stealth Fighter | global aviation report
"Nov 22, 2014 - China's stealth J-20 fighter development in question due to engine concerns ... China's J-20 stealth fighter may begin small-scale production in 2017 ... stealth fighter, the Chengdu J-20, in preparation for mass production of the aircraft. .... to enter production in 2018 · China believes PLAAF's J-10C fighter ..."

6. China Military Online English Edition
"The J-31 stealth fighter is very likely to be put into mass production within five years, and has a big chance of being a carrier-borne type, said Xu Yongling, aviation expert, in an interview."

7. 6th J-20 Stealth Fighter Rolls Out, More to Soon Follow | Popular Science
"At this point in the J-20's development, the design is essentially fixed, though the AL-31 engines are likely to be swapped for more powerful Chinese WS-15 turbofans by 2019."

8. China’s Rising Defense Budgets Stoke Regional Concerns | Defense content from Aviation Week
"Chinese power projection systems will also advance, like the Y-20, which may enter service in 2017-18; some Chinese sources suggest that China eventually will require 400 of the type. Asian military sources have told Aviation Week that Xian’s H-20 flying-wing strategic bomber could emerge by 2025. It increasingly seems that China’s second and third aircraft carriers may be built near-simultaneously, as a new large Type 071 landing platform dock and plans for a new landing helicopter dock amphibious assault ships emerge. Also there are reports that in addition to six Type 093 second-generation nuclear attack submarines (SSN) expected by the Defense Department, there may be up to 14 Type 095 third-generation SSNs in the early 2020s."

9. China Building Trio of Large Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carriers Similar To US’ Nimitz, Ford-Class Carriers -- Report
"While the journey remains arduous, and the timeline and milestones uncertain, Beijing's path to indigenous carrier development appears and its desired destination is getting clearer, Erickson said. 'China appears to be going for the gold standard-the U.S. standard, that is-as quickly as reasonably possible. Top-tier must-haves appear to include American-size hulls, nuclear propulsion, catapults, and advanced wire arrestor gear. Developing new hulls and nuclear propulsion is the first step, improved aircraft can be added in later. As a self-styled great sea power, Beijing is determined to be second to none, even if much work remains to be done to truly get there.'"

10. A real ASAT test creates space debris. How can China build an effective ASAT after the US used world opinion to prevent future Chinese ASAT tests?
All you guys hope is USA, USA, USA, why don't you sell yourself to be American's bitch?

Grow up, stop crying for help like a baby and fight like a man.

Please, angry viet keyboard warrior, grow some sense and balls as well.

with our navy, will drive you viet thieves out one single night.

Wow then the whole region fear will be confirm and your country will be cut off good luck nice rant child not using the old brain well after all you are drone. Think before you post did they teach you that on propaganda school you paid maoist imperialist? Looks like some miss some patriortic edcuation classes

Don't compare China to very weak Germany

Oh please, you can't be that stupid.

China is 50 times stronger than Germany.

1. China has thermonuclear weapons.
2. China is a continent of 9.6 million square kilometers. Germany is smaller than the state of Montana.
3. China has 1.4 BILLION people. Germany had 0.08 billion people.

China can conquer all of Asia and still have 1 Billion people in reserve.

So you admit china has no peaceful motives from the start thank you at least your honest and really i said Nazi German not modern Germany which is far better country than china could ever be well every country is better than china since most of modern china technology is stolen and the moral character of the hard core nationalist is lower than the low for humans case and point your paid moaist post calls for are and your post right now. again make your idle threats its all you can do because if you people are really stupid to declare war on the majority of the world you lose no matter how strong you are because everyone will be guning for you behinds so again do you worse you people will end up the same.
Wow then the whole region fear will be confirm and your country will be cut off good luck nice rant child not using the old brain well after all you are drone. Think before you post did they teach you that on propaganda school you paid maoist imperialist? Looks like some miss some patriortic edcuation classes

So you admit china has no peaceful motives from the start thank you at least your honest and really i said Nazi German not modern Germany which is far better country than china could ever be well every country is better than china since most of modern china technology is stolen and the moral character of the hard core nationalist is lower than the low for humans case and point your paid moaist post calls for are and your post right now. again make your idle threats its all you can do because if you people are really stupid to declare war on the majority of the world you lose no matter how strong you are because everyone will be guning for you behinds so again do you worse you people will end up the same.
Stepping on a bug

I'm just making the point that China will step on Vietnam like a bug. No one else in the world will care or interfere. The US itself is scared of China. Why else do you think the US keeps loudly and repeatedly declaring neutrality?

How many times does the US have to keep repeating neutrality before you dummies get the message?
Why China's Actions in the South China Sea Matter to the U.S. - NBC News
"Jun 9, 2014 - The US has declared itself neutral on the island claims despite the facts... But the issue of the South China Sea will remain a major feature of its ..."

Beijing’s and Washington’s Dueling South China Sea Papers | Center for Strategic and International Studies
"Dec 9, 2014 - Two days earlier the U.S. State Department released a long-awaited ... islands in the South China Sea, reiterating the U.S. position of neutrality."
Wow then the whole region fear will be confirm and your country will be cut off good luck nice rant child not using the old brain well after all you are drone. Think before you post did they teach you that on propaganda school you paid maoist imperialist? Looks like some miss some patriortic edcuation classes
please improve ur English, u dummy. numerous grammar errors, and learn use punctuation properly. go back to ur shithole country and school first, kid.
Chinese Nimitz class LOL:D

Let me correct you. Vietnam still doesn't want to ally with third party to against aggressive neighbor. That belongs to 3 Noes.

It is likely based on the Ulyanovsk-class carrier.


These are the reason why fully-automated drones, human-size armored powered exoskeleton, larger armored powered exoskeleton, stealth warships, advance submarines, sixth-generation fighters, smart weapons, hypersonic weapons, electromagnetic weapons, directed-energy weapons, nano-tech weapon and potent cyber weapons should be developed to counter the Chinese aggression.

I am sure Murica's mad-science division is already doing something like those mentioned on top. And before anyone mention something, NO, I haven't played Advance Warfare; the development of the XOS-2 exoskeleton, HAL 5 exoskeleton and PETMAN and Atlas robots are indications.
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Stepping on a bug

I'm just making the point that China will step on Vietnam like a bug. No one else in the world will care or interfere. The US itself is scared of China. Why else do you think the US keeps loudly and repeatedly declaring neutrality?

How many times does the US have to keep repeating neutrality before you dummies get the message?
Why China's Actions in the South China Sea Matter to the U.S. - NBC News
"Jun 9, 2014 - The US has declared itself neutral on the island claims despite the facts... But the issue of the South China Sea will remain a major feature of its ..."

Beijing’s and Washington’s Dueling South China Sea Papers | Center for Strategic and International Studies
"Dec 9, 2014 - Two days earlier the U.S. State Department released a long-awaited ... islands in the South China Sea, reiterating the U.S. position of neutrality."

USA fight a war for Vietnam? Haha, Viet's wet dream. I had better chance dating scarlett johansson
please improve ur English, u dummy. numerous grammar errors, and learn use punctuation properly. go back to ur shithole country and school first, kid.

Calling me names? wow so grown up you are case and point i got you good so give us more evidence of china's good will to the world

Stepping on a bug

I'm just making the point that China will step on Vietnam like a bug. No one else in the world will care or interfere. The US itself is scared of China. Why else do you think the US keeps loudly and repeatedly declaring neutrality?

How many times does the US have to keep repeating neutrality before you dummies get the message?
Why China's Actions in the South China Sea Matter to the U.S. - NBC News
"Jun 9, 2014 - The US has declared itself neutral on the island claims despite the facts... But the issue of the South China Sea will remain a major feature of its ..."

Beijing’s and Washington’s Dueling South China Sea Papers | Center for Strategic and International Studies
"Dec 9, 2014 - Two days earlier the U.S. State Department released a long-awaited ... islands in the South China Sea, reiterating the U.S. position of neutrality."

Ya in the end a whole srawm of bugs killing painfully
Ya only the chinese maoist dont bother with opinions of others just face it you paid maoist jerkface have no more real arguments here save yourselves the trouble and dont post anymore of your idle threats and your nonsense in general call me whatever you like i dont give damn because my post have more content thant your trash.
US doesn't care about Vietnam: Top 5 reasons

1. Vietnam is a communist country. The US has NEVER signed a defense treaty with a communist nation.

2. In 1974, South Vietnam was a US ally. The United States did nothing as China took over the Paracel Islands in 1974.

3. The United States has proclaimed forty years of neutrality in the South China Sea. In the latest incidents, the United States publicly proclaimed neutrality in June and December of 2014.

4. The United States is downsizing the Army to 450,000 troops. The United States will match the post-World War II low in Army strength. The United States does not plan to fight a war.

It is impossible to fight against China's 2.2-million PLA Army with only 450,000 troops.

Army Veterans Recall Layoffs from Previous Eras | Military.com
"Army Veterans Recall Layoffs from Previous Eras
Sep 10, 2014 | by Brendan McGarry
After rising to 570,000 soldiers in 2008 during the war in Iraq, the Army has less than 520,000 soldiers today and is on pace to shrink to 490,000 soldiers by next year. It's bracing for even further reductions driven by automatic budget cuts known as sequestration.

The Pentagon's proposed budget for 2015 calls for the service's end-strength to decrease to 440,000-450,000 soldiers by 2017. If sequestration remains in effect, the number may fall to as low as 420,000 soldiers -- tens of thousands less than the figure the Army's top officer, Gen. Raymond Odierno, said is needed to respond adequately to conflicts around the world."

5. The Pentagon insists on protecting its ties with China.

US Army Protects China Ties Despite Tensions | DefenseNews
"US Army Protects China Ties Despite Tensions
By Joe Gould | 10:17 p.m. EST March 4, 2015
Amid reports the Pentagon has paused efforts to expand defense ties with China until the two nations can agree on rules for airborne encounters between their warplanes, Gen. Vincent Brooks, chief of US Army Pacific (USARPAC), said he received no instructions to reduce his engagements with the People's Liberation Army.
The US Army will continue to receive Chinese official visits at US Army Pacific headquarters, plan events with the Chinese and maintain ties under the 'sufficient latitude' that policy guidelines provide, Brooks said. The command, for example, is in talks to hold exchanges between mid-career officials from the two nations.

'We don't want to have transactional engagements with one another, where we only come together when we need something," Brooks said. "We need to have more substantial relationships that can be built over time.'"
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Stepping on a bug

I'm just making the point that China will step on Vietnam like a bug. No one else in the world will care or interfere. The US itself is scared of China. Why else do you think the US keeps loudly and repeatedly declaring neutrality?

How many times does the US have to keep repeating neutrality before you dummies get the message?
Why China's Actions in the South China Sea Matter to the U.S. - NBC News
"Jun 9, 2014 - The US has declared itself neutral on the island claims despite the facts... But the issue of the South China Sea will remain a major feature of its ..."

Beijing’s and Washington’s Dueling South China Sea Papers | Center for Strategic and International Studies
"Dec 9, 2014 - Two days earlier the U.S. State Department released a long-awaited ... islands in the South China Sea, reiterating the U.S. position of neutrality."
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