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South China Sea Forum

Keeping warning because the US can't do anything else. China will continue to drill wherever there is oil & gas. As if we give a flying toss about hot air warnings by the US. This is the same spineless leader that put red lines against Syria and when those lines were apparently crossed, had to back down.
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Keeping warning because the US can't do anything else. China will continue to drill wherever there is oil & gas. As if we give a flying toss about hot air warnings by the US. This is the same spineless leader that put red lines against Syria and when those lines were apparently crossed, had to back down.
Lol i guess u dont know the meaning of death and dispair yet. Keep talking like that and eventually you will get what u wish for.
LOL, it's sure that American can help Vietnam by this way :







“Welcome to Vietnam, U.S ” It will be next Syria.

we are all Vietnamese, cold war is gone. Chinese has a illusion about CPC, there is included three parties of Vietnam: Labour, Democraty and socialist parties.

South Vietnamese nationalist can join in or create a new party, It is question of futuere.
Vietnam's ambassador in US on spat with China on CNN.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the US, Nguyen Quoc Cuong was interviewed recently by CNN reporter Amanpour at CNN's headquarters in Washington on May 28.

The Ambassador affirmed that China's actions seriously violate Vietnam's sovereignty, international law, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) when the country placed the Haiyang Shiyou-981 drilling rig and escort ships in Vietnam's waters.

He also stressed that China is creating new difficulties on the ground and trying to turn an undisputed area into a disputed area, which is unacceptable.

In regard to Vietnam's foreign policy, Mr Cuong said Vietnam pursues an independent foreign policy and hopes to maintain friendly relations with China, the US, and other countries but does not accept coercion or threats. He underscored Vietnamese people's determination to defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity. Furthermore, Vietnamese people around the world are well aware that nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.
The game between China and Vietnam shows that small country should not play hand wresting with big country if there is conflict for radical interest. Take the Mobil for example, international group only seeks money and will not offend China for small benefits. Vietnam’s plan failed from the start.

China still a cheap chess, divided into two parts Mainland-TW while VN is united country after defeating mighty US:pop:
Good, More pressure to China, hope we will receive high tech lethal weapon from US soon :pop:
Well at least he pointed out the hypocrisy of screeching about international law when his country hasn't even signed UNCLOS yet. That's a big improvement.

In time, he may improve so much that he will stop enabling and instigating banana harvesters from claiming territory that doesn't belong to them.

Do not unto others what you don't like others do unto you. - Confucius(Golden Rule).

Do unto others what you don't like others do unto you. - American exceptionalism.
(And this is the country that come preaching to China about universal value)

If after UNCLOS, US may "improve" by
Force unto others what you like others do unto you?

How about China do the same and adopt a regime change policy on America?
China still a cheap chess, divided into two parts Mainland-TW while VN is united country after defeating mighty US:pop:

let's say what you are saying is true, which it isn't, but let's say it is.

That generation of people is either dying or dead, so today it has no implication.
Do not unto others what you don't like others do unto you. - Confucius(Golden Rule).

Do unto others what you don't like others do unto you. - American exceptionalism.
(And this is the country that come preaching to China about universal value)

If after UNCLOS, US may "improve" by
Force unto others what you like others do unto you?

How about China do the same and adopt a regime change policy on America?
China is just a chess divided into two part (Main Land-TW,) by US so, as a chess, u must follow the King's order:pop:
let's say what you are saying is true, which it isn't, but let's say it is.

That generation of people is either dying or dead, so today it has no implication.
Feeling hard to accept the Truth that China is just a chess, divided into two parts by US ?? Okay, ur choice.

We dont take a stronger action to ur aggression just bcz the international rules r not allowed to do that. We will collect all evidences (China ships ram VN ship, Chinese coast guard beat up VN fishermen etc) to sue u first.:pop:
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