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South China Sea Forum


In Chinese military websites there are several famously known commentators who usually have official or military background and usually firstly issue the first photos and news about new Chinese weapons and new military plans. They have deep and wide effects on Chinese military fans.
Here I translated one of the latest comments for PDF friends, excluding Chinese who can read the original.

Title: United States dare not weaken China at the expense of entire Japan

Powerful nations can not only rely on plots to exist long on this planet. Once unmasked, its superiority will soon finish without actual strength support. It is a time that accumulations of growth and decline of strength is occurring in different countries.

The first strategy United States took against China is military deterrence, however, facing China unyielding reactions, military means to solve China is not a choice, on the contrary, outside military pressure caused rapid Chinese military expanding, and therefore, the present US strategy is to create tension along China. From this respect, China should pay close attention to the situation in Indo-China Peninsula, northwest, and India.

As I said earlier, except some days ago to bombard N. Korean fishing boat, US didn’t use this pawn for a while. Now, the missile extended-range specifically tensed the peninsula. The concrete reason of the emerging of S. Korean is that Japanese right-wing dared not to plunge into adventures, and US also does not have the guts to expense Japan now. Even when US deployed two aircraft carriers, the Japanese did not raise its voice; on the contrary, it is China that raised voice, several major generals tried to provocate Japan by talking loudly the issue of Okinawa. Why is Japan so low? Because Japan has seen US has no will now to wage a war against China. That is to say, US will not fight hard in bloody battles to guard the border for Japan. Then it is not surprising the peninsula suddenly become acute.

What Japan can do is based on not only his master’s face but also the Japanese political ecology. US is clearly understanding that Japan tried to use US military forces in and around Japan to benefit Japan, so we say that US is in a dilemma: to assemble large scale force in front of China is not a shot term task, what will China do when she see this happen? Only a fool will just sit and watch without any action. Followed by advance provocation and conflict, what will US do then? China will not wait till US gets ready. After all, there are only such two or three lines that US can use to assemble force to enter Asia-Pacific.

Turks shelling Syria is a kind of test; therefore Russia's attitude is very critical and expecting Russia will have no reaction is unrealistic. No news yet but that does not say that there is no action. Sure there will be. And will not be small, will come out tomorrow.
Europe and the US have the same original, egoism first. Someone threw slop to China, said Germany poisoning is form Chinese strawberry with the intention to give Germany pressure in the relationship with China. However there is message that China is planning to exhibit hands in the European debt problem, which is clear one is not willing to see.
The same old trick deterrence with force by US is less and less effective, however, practice against Huawei in US, apparently wanted to make a demonstration effect, aiming directly to Chinese economy. China must answer seriously. With the less effective of its military power in the world, it’s emphasizing to employ “smart power" or “soft power” is actually taking a public “conspiracy ". China should deal with it.
Liaoning is a long step of PLAN,
however, it cannot compare with US aircraft carriers.

As per the Chinese fanboys here, Liaoning is next best thing to happen after instant noodles.
What is the use of Liaoning then, if it cannot take on other ACC's? To scare away Vietnamese and Phillippino fishing boats?
As per the Chinese fanboys here, Liaoning is next best thing to happen after instant noodles.
What is the use of Liaoning then, if it cannot take on other ACC's? To scare away Vietnamese and Phillippino fishing boats?

Exactly. Bullying small ASEAN countries that is the only strong point of PLAN.

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Chinese don't needed to worried, Chinese leader have said they only fishing boat and bomb to counter US war ships.
China's South China Sea Fleet holds anti-submarine training







A destroyer flotilla under the South China Sea Fleet of the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted an anti-submarine training recently, in a bid to temper the anti-submarine capability of the troops.

Yahooo...the party can begin!
Did we send out an invitation to Japan Navy already?

Vietnam Navy





We? You're talking as you're in charged here. The bald eagle doesn't like any two bit bird fly over its head, you know. :no:

Are you a speaker of PLA?
Hm...who staged military exercise lately in the dispute area on October 3, although we signed an agreement of Conduct of the Parties in the East Sea (DOC)?

Are you a speaker of PLA?
Hm...who staged military exercise lately in the dispute area on October 3, although we signed an agreement of Conduct of the Parties in the East Sea (DOC)?


Hmm....you lost me here, buddy, your 'we' and 'East Sea' is a little confusing for me.
China practices stopping "illegal entry" near disputed seas


(Reuters) - China's navy and civilian maritime patrol vessels practiced on Friday stopping "illegal entry" into Chinese waters in the East China Sea, state media said, an area where Beijing is embroiled in a territorial dispute with Japan.

State news agency Xinhua said the drill was the largest in recent years, made up of 11 vessels, eight aircraft and more than 1,000 sailors.

While the report made no mention of tensions with Japan over a group of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, it left little doubt the maneuvers were aimed at sending a message to Tokyo.

"The drill included simulations of illegal entry, obstruction, harassment and intentional interference by foreign vessels when Chinese ships of the fishery administration and marine surveillance agency patrolled," Xinhua said.

The exercise, it said, "was aimed at improving coordination between the navy and administrative patrol vessels, as well as sharpening their response to emergencies in order to safeguard China's territorial sovereignty and maritime interests".

Japanese Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto, quoted by his ministry's Internet site, said he would not comment on the nature or purpose of the exercises.

But he added in comments to reporters: "Regardless of their activities, we remain vigilant in the waters and airspace where our country is in charge."

Chinese fishery patrol ships and Japan's coast guard have faced off in recent weeks in the seas around what China calls the Diaoyu Islands and Japan the Senkaku islands. Taiwan also claims them.

Violent protests and calls for boycotts of Japanese products broke out across China in mid-September after Japan bought some of the islets from their private owner.

China practices stopping illegal entry near disputed seas | Reuters
AFP: Japan, US to cancel island drill: report

Japan, US to cancel island drill: report

(AFP) –*6 hours ago*

TOKYO — Japan and the US are dropping plans for a joint drill to simulate the retaking of a remote island from foreign forces amid a row between Tokyo and Beijing over a disputed archipelago, a report said.

The governments are set to cancel the drill as it could provoke further anger from China after a row escalated when Japan last month nationalised some of the disputed islands, also claimed by Beijing, Jiji Press reported late Friday.

The decision to cancel the drill, which would have involved an island that is not part of the disputed chain, was in line with the views of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's office, the news agency quoted government sources as saying.

No official was immediately available for comment at the Japanese defence ministry.According to earlier Japanese news reports, the exercise would have been part of broader joint Japan-US manoeuvres due to start in early November.The drill would have used an uninhabited island, Irisunajima, near the main Okinawan island in southern Japan, and would have seen Japanese and US troops make an amphibious and airborne landing, the reports said.

Like the disputed islands, tiny Irisunajima is also in the East China Sea but hundreds of kilometres (miles) away from the archipelago at the centre of the row between China and Japan.Japan and China have long been at loggerheads over the sovereignty of the rocky outcrops known as the Senkakus in Japan and Diaoyus in China.

The Tokyo-administered island chain is uninhabited, but the seabed below them is thought to contain valuable natural resources, such as oil.The dispute flared in August and September with landings by nationalists from both sides and the subsequent nationalisation of the islands by Tokyo.
When the paper tiger USN sees the mighty DF-21D, the yanks will run away just like they did in the Korean War.

All those US navy vessels are nothing but sitting ducks for Chinese missiles. The yanks don't have any counter, none, zero, nothing, zilch.

Our quiet subs will already be stalking noisy American subs just like we did in the past. USN is all show and no substance.
US military is overhyped and overrated.

Our YJ-83 can skull f**k all 11 carrier powderpuff groups in the USN.

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