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South China Sea Forum

A crying baby is not a good baby but still a baby。:woot:
The Chinese have always been capable of occupying Vietnam, keeping it is another issue. Post some more photos of those female guirellas, they are cool....
Eventually everyone will die, so why try to make your life comfortable? Why try to become rich and successful? Why go to school? Why not just be a homeless person or be a drifter and do what you want? Failed Logic, M.r Second.
You are no need to make yourself comfortable here. Just check the every news about SCS in the local Chinese website. What China government's attitude on this area has been insulted and laughed by nearly every Chinese people. Everyday show how strong the economy is, how fine the weapon are. So what? Dare China do what Russia dare to do? So what? Now the poor Vietnam has occupied most of islands, dare you take them back? Philippines, whatever you guys call them bitch or poor country, or monkey country, JUST use an old tiny ship, Philippines can stay there and have lived there more than 10 years! So tell me the meaning of the nice weapon and strong economy? If every Island belongs to China, why not take them back like what UK did in Folkland?, like Russia did in Georgia and Crimea? Affraid of USA's punishment? Russia did! So what?
A crying baby is not a good baby but still a baby。:woot:


This baby is what I got as first image when I typed CIRR in google image search :lol:
As soon as we surpass US stregnth in Asia, and have the ability to deny any reinforcements at the same time we will strike, or talk, depending on the situation. More likely talk, cause Philippines and Vietnam infrastructure sucks, and we have to build as we go, which is a huge burden. So talk is better.

Right now Philippines can have just a stick and it wouldn't matter, this dispute is between China and US, not China and Philippines.

As to China should be more like Taiwan? US should be more like Canada, stay away from other people's business.

Lastly, there won't be a possibility of war within 10 years. We will wait, for with each passing year, our position gets stronger, we are plugging holes in our armed forces, and by 2025, carriers, fighters, 10+ 12,000 ton DDG, and a total of at least 30 AEGIS ships, and everything and anything will be ready. By then maybe the 4th carrier will also be ready. I know the third will be ready sometime on or before 2020.

To those that follow Chinese developments, and ASEAN developments know China holds all the cards, and time is our friend.

Lest we forget, by 2025, also the nominal GDP leader for a few years, and finally become part of the developed country group.
You are right to some extend, but GDP and weapon is just part of reason. Tell me how the Russian GDP is and How the Russian weapon are? At least, China has the same ability on nuclear weapon to threaten USA, and SCS is China's KEY INTREST, isnt it? So why Russia dare to say NO when their key intrest was threatened in Georgia and Crimea, even Russia's GDP cannot be campared with China? What I mean is the most important is who take the weapon, but not the others! If the whole China unite together and tell the world the SCS is China's KEY INTREST indeed! Even USA, they also dare not enter in SCS area now. Unfortunately, keep playing Tai Chi.
You are no need to make yourself comfortable here. Just check the every news about SCS in the local Chinese website. What China government's attitude on this area has been insulted and laughed by nearly every Chinese people. Everyday show how strong the economy is, how fine the weapon are. So what? Dare China do what Russia dare to do? So what? Now the poor Vietnam has occupied most of islands, dare you take them back? Philippines, whatever you guys call them bitch or poor country, or monkey country, JUST use an old tiny ship, Philippines can stay there and have lived there more than 10 years! So tell me the meaning of the nice weapon and strong economy? If every Island belongs to China, why not take them back like what UK did in Folkland?, like Russia did in Georgia and Crimea? Affraid of USA's punishment? Russia did! So what?

You are correct in your assessment. China is being too political polite, too nice to let Philippines camp on shoal for so long. Already, many Chinese are getting tired of this niceties bullshit. So, when our govt. will just blow that damn junk out of the water? Like how Philippines navy attacked Taiwanese fishing boat & kill one poor guy. I hope it will be soon.
You are right to some extend, but GDP and weapon is just part of reason. Tell me how the Russian GDP is and How the Russian weapon are? At least, China has the same ability on nuclear weapon to threaten USA, and SCS is China's KEY INTREST, isnt it? So why Russia dare to say NO when their key intrest was threatened in Georgia and Crimea, even Russia's GDP cannot be campared with China? What I mean is the most important is who take the weapon, but not the others! If the whole China unite together and tell the world the SCS is China's KEY INTREST indeed! Even USA, they also dare not enter in SCS area now. Unfortunately, keep playing Tai Chi.

Russia inherited much from the Soviets, back in the day, Soviet and US GDP isn't that different, plus Soviets spent mad money on weapons.

China only spends about 2% sometimes a bit more sometimes less of our GDP.

Technology takes time, Russia has been part of the industrial revolution early on, while China more or less really got into the game in 1910s, stopped for some 40 years, then again when Deng came to power.

China is united, but China is also looking to the future, if all said and done, economy is the most important aspect, military needs cash and cash comes from economy.

Ukraine is nothing to the US, the US didn't lose Ukraine, they never had it, but they do have the China seas and vast interests in the China seas. They will do something if they could.

Our goal is to make sure they can't. But it is not time yet.

There's a difference between brave and stupid. Going too far right now is more stupid than brave. China still needs to be an economic super power after the war too dude, we can't just take the seas and alienate the developed world. We don't want the leadership of the third world, we want to split the developed world.
Russia inherited much from the Soviets, back in the day, Soviet and US GDP isn't that different, plus Soviets spent mad money on weapons.

China only spends about 2% sometimes a bit more sometimes less of our GDP.

Technology takes time, Russia has been part of the industrial revolution early on, while China more or less really got into the game in 1910s, stopped for some 40 years, then again when Deng came to power.

China is united, but China is also looking to the future, if all said and done, economy is the most important aspect, military needs cash and cash comes from economy.

Ukraine is nothing to the US, the US didn't lose Ukraine, they never had it, but they do have the China seas and vast interests in the China seas. They will do something if they could.

Our goal is to make sure they can't. But it is not time yet.

There's a difference between brave and stupid. Going too far right now is more stupid than brave. China still needs to be an economic super power after the war too dude, we can't just take the seas and alienate the developed world. We don't want the leadership of the third world, we want to split the developed world.
I hope the SCS problem will not be more and more complicated and international and not being the cancer of China if continuing such situation. As an ordinary people, just can hope that, it mainly depends on the leadships of China. Nothing to say more.
China is the master of south china sea.

Get over it and move on.

Sea and Islands belong to us Vietnam not pakistan.

You could give to China your sea and seaport in Indian ocean. if you want.

A crying baby is not a good baby but still a baby。:woot:

aggressive boy is not good boy, but still a boy. :D
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I hope the SCS problem will not be more and more complicated and international and not being the cancer of China if continuing such situation. As an ordinary people, just can hope that, it mainly depends on the leadships of China. Nothing to say more.

You want China to start a war over those dispute territory, China just buy their time and will calculate their strategy over fighting a war in South China Sea, China build up their military capacity not to fight against Phillippine or VietNam but to have the naval power to confront US navy in Pacific. China don't need much of naval power to fight against both VietNam and Phillippine in a naval war. China rather not to fight a naval war over the South China Sea but wait till China military modernization achieve their objective of effectively closing the gap between their navy and the US navy in the future. When China can field 3 aircraft carrier battle group in South China and the backdrop of their airforce from mainland China that a potent military force for the US navy to confront in South China. All China need to dissuade US navy from intervention in South China sea conflict that will ensure China will achieve their objective with their military build up.
You want China to start a war over those dispute territory, China just buy their time and will calculate their strategy over fighting a war in South China Sea, China build up their military capacity not to fight against Phillippine or VietNam but to have the naval power to confront US navy in Pacific. China don't need much of naval power to fight against both VietNam and Phillippine in a naval war. China rather not to fight a naval war over the South China Sea but wait till China military modernization achieve their objective of effectively closing the gap between their navy and the US navy in the future. When China can field 3 aircraft carrier battle group in South China and the backdrop of their airforce from mainland China that a potent military force for the US navy to confront in South China. All China need to dissuade US navy from intervention in South China sea conflict that will ensure China will achieve their objective with their military build up.

your parents were feed with Vietnamese rice to over lived her in Cho Lon district. don't show of your betrayal mentality to Vietnamese who let your parents a chance to lived here in Vietnam from long time. so you have chance to move to USA recently.

Dont troll here kid. Vietnamese look down at you, betrayal Chinese mentality.

I hope the SCS problem will not be more and more complicated and international and not being the cancer of China if continuing such situation. As an ordinary people, just can hope that, it mainly depends on the leadships of China. Nothing to say more.

your ID is "chu hai" in Vietnamese. you have your fantasia about your nick mane. I'm south Vietnamese too, I understand your idea.

I think your true Wu yue Chinese.
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China won't drop their claim of South China Sea, pointless to debate which nation have the right to the South China Sea, fight a naval war in next decade and decide one and for all.
to deter Chinese/CCP aggression, Vietnam needs a fleet of nuclear attack submarines, equipped with nuclear cruise missiles, such as this toy Yasen/Graney-class here from Russia. only fools believe to peaceful rise of China.

when Russia FM Lavrov made a visit to Hanoi, he promised to provide any weapons Vietnam seeks. as soon as we got them, if anyone wants a war, just go ahead.



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As soon as we surpass US stregnth in Asia, and have the ability to deny any reinforcements at the same time we will strike, or talk, depending on the situation. More likely talk, cause Philippines and Vietnam infrastructure sucks, and we have to build as we go, which is a huge burden. So talk is better.

Right now Philippines can have just a stick and it wouldn't matter, this dispute is between China and US, not China and Philippines.

As to China should be more like Taiwan? US should be more like Canada, stay away from other people's business.

Lastly, there won't be a possibility of war within 10 years. We will wait, for with each passing year, our position gets stronger, we are plugging holes in our armed forces, and by 2025, carriers, fighters, 10+ 12,000 ton DDG, and a total of at least 30 AEGIS ships, and everything and anything will be ready. By then maybe the 4th carrier will also be ready. I know the third will be ready sometime on or before 2020.

To those that follow Chinese developments, and ASEAN developments know China holds all the cards, and time is our friend.

Lest we forget, by 2025, also the nominal GDP leader for a few years, and finally become part of the developed country group.
so in 10 years you want to rage wars against some of your neighbors if they don´t comply with your demands?
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