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South China Sea Forum

block 5.2 laid in Vietnam's EEZ, so it's ok for us to do anything that we want.
China can do anything with BP on their shore ... :coffee:
500-ton county-level Fishery Law enforcement vessel launched:



This class is enough for dealing with the baboons and monkeys in the SCS.:omghaha:
More ships to plough the waves in the SCS:


3 CMS(CCG)vessels of 1300 tons、1800 tons and 4000 tons under construction:


All will be launched in a month。:coffee:
4 CCG vessels and 3 CMS vessels patrolling counterclock wise around the Diaoyu Islands according to Japanese report:





All pics are courtesy of the Japs。:azn:
On your mark - set - go!


The 1st digit denotes the operation area of the vessel,with ”3“ for the SCS。:azn:
4 CCG vessels and 3 CMS vessels patrolling counterclock wise around the Diaoyu Islands according to Japanese report:
All pics are courtesy of the Japs。:azn:
This is "South China Sea News & Discussions" Topic, kid. :coffee:
This is "South China Sea News & Discussions" Topic, kid. :coffee:

Right。HPS is in Guangzhou facing the SCS。

Vessels produced by this shipyard will play a major role in any future conflict in the SCS。

Stop the cheap talking。Do something concrete。:azn:
Vietnam president: We oppose China's nine-dash line claim
Friday, 26 July, 2013


Vietnam’s president on Thursday voiced firm opposition to China’s claims in the South China Sea but declined to back a Philippine bid to take the row to a UN tribunal.

On a visit to Washington, President Truong Tan Sang rejected China’s so-called “nine-dash line” through which it claims virtually all of the strategic sea including islands close to neighbouring countries.

“We cannot find any legal foundation or scientific basis for such a claim and therefore it is the consistent policy of Vietnam to oppose the nine-dash line plan by China,” Sang told the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

But Sang declined comment when asked if Vietnam would join the Philippines which in January said it was asking an arbitration panel of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea to declare China’s claims invalid.

“As a member of the United Nations, the Philippines has the legal right to carry on with any proceedings they would like,” Sang said.

The Philippines and Vietnam have led criticism of what they consider increasingly assertive claims by China in the South China Sea.

The Philippines has had especially tense relations with China, which seized the Scarborough Shoal, an outcrop claimed by Manila, after a two-month naval standoff last year.

But friction has eased slightly between Vietnam and China, with Sang visiting Beijing last month and agreeing to set up a hotline to try to prevent mishaps from escalating.

China separately has increasingly butted heads with Japan, which fears that Beijing is trying to exert control over resource-rich waters in the East China Sea.

Sang earlier Thursday met US President Barack Obama, who encouraged calm in the South China Sea.

Sang and Obama in a joint statement called for “the settlement of disputes by peaceful means” and renewed support for a code of conduct to manage potential mishaps.

Vietnam president: We oppose China's nine-dash line claim | South China Morning Post
300 Filipinos in Rome protest China ‘intrusion’
By Albert Dilao Madrigal
INQUIRER.net contributor
Friday, July 26th, 2013


ROME–Some 300 Filipinos in Rome, Italy took a time out from their work Thursday to hold a protest rally against China’s “intrusion” in the West Philippine Seas (South China Sea).

Organized by various Filipino communities in Rome, the peaceful rally was held at the historic plaza of Piazza Del Popolo, which is one of Rome’s main tourist spots.

China claims nearly all of the West Philippine Sea, even waters approaching the coasts of neighbouring countries.

Asean members the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia also have competing claims to parts of the sea, as does Taiwan.

The rivalries have for decades been a source of regional tension, with China and Vietnam fighting battles in 1974 and 1988 for control of some islands in which dozens of Vietnamese soldiers died.

Tensions have again grown in recent years with the Philippines, Vietnam and some other countries expressing concern at increasingly assertive Chinese military and diplomatic tactics to stress control over the sea. With Agence France-Presse


A Filipina holds a placard denouncing China’s “aggressive stance” in the West Philippine Sea
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