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South China Sea as the New Middle East

Nov 5, 2011
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On Monday, 7,000 U.S. and Philippine troops started military exercises in the South China Sea near the disputed Scarborough Shoal. The drill began only a week after an incident involving eight Chinese fishing vessels, Chinese and Filipino warships and coast guard vessels and a Chinese aircraft.

The standoff started when a Filipino warship stopped Chinese fishing vessels with an allegedly illegal haul of corals, giant clams and live sharks. But Chinese warships prevented the Filipino military from making any arrests. Despite talks between Chinese and Philippine diplomats held on Monday, the standoff has not been satisfactorily resolved yet.

Now, both the U.S. and the Philippine military claim that the current drill is in no way related to the standoff. The focus of the exercises will be on “improving security, counter-terrorism and humanitarian and disaster response,” Philippine military spokesman Major Emmanuel Garcia said. Also, both U.S. and Philippine officials stressed that China, which in the past has protested military exercises involving American forces near the contested region, was not an imaginary target in the drills.

In fact, the drill is an annual event planned a long time before. But there are some factors which prompt one to make a conclusion that this year’s exercise has a specific meaning and is – albeit indirectly – related to the Chinese – Philippine standoff.

It comes after the Barack Obama administration positively declared the South China Sea as an area of utmost importance for U.S. national interests. Already the U.S. has started allocation of its troops in adjacent regions. The first 200 marines have already arrived in Australia, and there are plans to deploy warships in Singapore.

The South China Sea is one of the world’s busiest sea lanes, and has lately become a stage for harsh territorial disputes between China on the one hand (which claims the maritime area of the South China Sea almost in its entirety) and other littoral countries, on the other. The bitterest disputes China has with Vietnam and the Philippines. The standoffs with these countries have become a common practice, and recently China issued a warning to other outside powers not to participate too actively in economic projects including oil drilling in the disputed zones. A factor adding to the existing tensions is that all China’s rivals are members of the ASEAN group and would prefer to deal with the territorial dispute in a multilateral format, while China prefers to deal with each country separately.

The U.S. policy of latest years has been that of engaging China’s rivals in the area. Against such a background, the important thing about the current maneuvers is that in the past, the U.S. – Philippine exercises were held in other regions of the Philippines, namely in the ones grappling with Muslim and communist insurgencies. The current drill is held close to the disputed maritime area and includes a mock retaking of an oil rig supposedly seized by terrorists.

The recent developments in the region, including the current drill, prompt many observers to note that a tension in the area are even higher than in the war-torn Middle East. There, the U.S. was drawn into two wars by the previous administration, and the present administration is trying to solve the problem of getting out of the calamity without losing face.

The strategic aim of containing China is becoming more and more a priority in U.S. foreign policy. At the moment, time is on China’s side – the U.S. will not dare risk any military standoff in Asia Pacific until it is totally disentangled from the Middle East mess.

This does not exclude forming an alliance of the littoral countries with the possible inclusion into the anti-Chinese front of countries like Japan, South Korea and (which is the U.S.’ golden dream) India. So, in future we may see more drills in the disputed waters conducted bilaterally and multilaterally.

Twenty years ago, the Filipinos voted for a removal of all U.S. bases, including its biggest naval base in the Pacific at Subic Bay. It seems that the U.S. strategists have come to a conclusion that it is time to return to a stage of national importance.

Boris Volkhonsky, senior research fellow, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies

Spratlys, Paracels not on 1904 Chinese map


Dr. Mai Hong points at the Hainan Island on the map, claiming that China stretched as far south a Hainan Island.
Photo: Viet Dung

A Han-Chinese map of China published in 1904 reveals that China stretched as far south as Hainan Island, and that Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands did not belong to China.

Shanghai Publishing House printed the map whose Vietnamese name is “Hoàng triều trực tỉnh địa dư toàn đồ” (Map of all Chinese provinces).

Spratlys, Paracels not on 1904 Chinese map - Breaking news, sociey news from Vietnam on TuoiTreNews

How did you get this map?

I got this map when I administered a library of Chinese and Demotic Script books (now Institute for the Study of Chinese and Demotic Scripts and Cultures) in 1977. At that time, collecting maps was not our administrative function. However, to my surprise, an elderly man who often sold books to us showed up at our office one day and recommended I buy this map. I spent one month’s salary to purchase it without my family’s knowledge.


The Han-Chinese map published in 1904 by Shanghai Publishing House. Photo by Viet Dung.

Is it a valuable map made a long time ago?

Yes, it is. It’s a color-coded paper map that has a carton-paper cover and can be opened like a book. Inside the map, there are more than 35 pieces – each measured at 20cm wide, 30cm long – stuck on canvas. Because I can read Han-Chinese, I’ve translated about 600 Han-Chinese words into Vietnamese that adequately represents the origin and date of the map.

According to the translation, the map was created across nearly two decades (1708 – 1904), from the Kangxi Emperor who ruled China from 1661 – 1722 to the Guangxu Emperor from 1875 to 1908. The emperors asked many clergymen and gifted astronomers and mathematicians to make this map.

More specifically, in 1708, King Kangxi recruited some western clergymen to draw the map of the Great Wall. In 1711, the King continued to ask the clergymen to survey lands in 13 provinces nationwide. After that, Chinese intellectuals and western clergymen worked together for nearly 200 years to finish this map. Among famous western clergymen helping King Kangxi with the map were Matteo Bicci from Italy, Joannes Adam Schall Von Bell from Germany, and Ferdinandus Verbiest from Belgium.

In 1904, Shanghai Publishing House printed this map and distributed it to all provinces of the Qing Dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China ruling from 1644 to 1912. The introduction of the map was written by the director of a Chinese observatory.


For more than 30 years, Dr. Mai Hong has held onto the map proving the two islands in the East Sea are not in China’s territorial waters. Photo by Viet Dung.


Dr. Hong points at the Hainan Island on the map, claiming that China stretched as far south as Hainan Island. Photo by Viet Dung

What is some helpful historical data from this map?

In this map, the director of a Chinese observatory greatly appreciated achievements by western clergymen, who were at the time ahead of China in the field of astronomy and mathematics. As the map indicates, there are no photos, drawings or surveys of Truong Sa or Hoang Sa islands on the map. The Chinese themselves also admitted that Hainan Island was the end of their land to the south.

Why did you decide to release this map?

In my opinion, this map will provide some helpful evidence that helps Vietnam get more active in resolving disputes with China over the ownership of the two islands in the East Sea. This is also helpful data for local scholars or researchers who are studying the seas and the islands’ sovereignty.


“Đại Nam nhất thống toàn đồ” (A map of Vietnam made in 1834 that claims Hoang Sa and Truong Sa are Vietnam’s territory). Source: Ban Do (Map) Publishing House. Photo by Viet Dung

Official map

According to Pham Hoang Quan, a local researcher on Han-Chinese and Demotic Scripts, the map, measuring 115cm long and 140cm wide, was printed on separate sheets and belonged to a group of large-scale maps.

Quan added that during the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were only 60 maps of this kind.

The map’s accuracy in terms of longitude and latitude is nearly on par with modern maps. This map was made by experts at the Observatory of the Qing Dynasty, so it can be considered official, he said.

On July 4, Dr. Mai Hong contacted the National Museum of Vietnamese History to hand over the “Hoàng triều trực tỉnh địa dư toàn đồ” map for display and preservation. The ceremony marking the gift is scheduled for the morning of July 24 in Hanoi, with several historians expected to attend.
Here is actual China though out ages and her greed about territories of other countries and ethnicity.

Here is actual China though out ages and her greed about territories of other countries and ethnicity.


And here is your master through out the ages


Your master then


Your master now

Although the methods of expansion is different, where whites came from another continent, Chinese stayed within our own.
There's only two hostile states in ASEAN, Vietnam and Philippines. The others we can befriend, while these two need to be beaten once in a while.
lol 1904 was during the qing dynasty, the map doesn't show Manchuria either guess the Manchus didnt consider their homeland to be within the empire's territories?

silly viet fan-boys clearly the map is merely one page out of several, i can get a official US map showing only new york state, that doesnt mean the US consists of only new york.
And here is your master through out the ages


Your master then


Your master now

Although the methods of expansion is different, where whites came from another continent, Chinese stayed within our own.

The way you said it sounds flawed...
but it's true. White people have expanded beyond their original lands. They took over Australia and North America and murdered millions and took over their land. If Americans truly want to defend the rights of the natives, they should give back the entire US to the Native Americans and go back to Europe.
they can start with hawaii. there's a large group of natives want independent hawaii..
I was in Maui, there was graffiti painted on a garage door that says "WHITE PEOPLE GO HOME."

The whites are a bunch of hypocrites. They love to portray themselves as saints, the reality is they are far from it.

They stole the land and murdered the indigenous people of Africa, Hawaii, North and South America, New Zealand, and Australia.

Is there something wrong with the colouring of the map according to the legend? China should be coloured "white" - no us military troops there!
There's only two hostile states in ASEAN, Vietnam and Philippines. The others we can befriend, while these two need to be beaten once in a while.

Japan can beat you and make you to be slaves of them again.:P
Japan can beat you and make you to be slaves of them again.:P

Is that why the Japanese have American troops in their country to protect them?

Who are the American troops protecting the Japanese from?

Could it be the angry Chinese (with thermonuclear weapons) that are mad about Japanese atrocities from World War II?
Is that why the Japanese have American troops in their country to protect them?

Who are the American troops protecting the Japanese from?

Could it be the angry Chinese (with thermonuclear weapons) that are mad about Japanese atrocities from World War II?

Both Japan and USA known well, going to the day chinese lose his normal mind, mad. Japan US shake hands with Russian, they can cut you in to pierces.
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