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Somewhere between PTI & PMLN....We lost our Pakistan


our establishment always want to sit in the foots of US,
Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq and Musharaaf, all worked for Amercian Agenda, without looking at Pakistan's Interest.
yes we may differ the Policies of Political Leaders, but there are also some facts.

It was a Bhuto, who bring China Close to Us.
It was a Bhuto, who gave us Nuclear Technology, on which today we are Proud off.
It was a Bhuto, who send ordinary Pakistani aboard and today we get around Us$:14Billion anually, in terms of Foreign Remittance.
It was a Benazir who bring Missile Technology from North Korea.
It was Nawaz who Tested Nuclear Capability.
It was a 90's Era when we started Developing our Tanks, and Aeroplanes.
It was 90's Era , in which Taliban Created in Afghanistan, and Secured our Dravid Line.
It was also democratic Government who negotiated with China and bring the Investment of 46 Billion Dollar in the name of CPEC.
You do not know the facts, do you?
Really wishing for a Marshal law and a punishment so grousome for these mqm, PPP, pmln politicians, all these high figures to be strapped on road in public and a tank slowly rolled over them. Their flesh messhed in the road for months and the road be called freedom avenue hence forth.

What a good day would that be.
I am sorry to read the comments trying to support corruption and always blaming some conspiracy theories for what we are? We all to be blamed for supporting these corrupt people and voting them for our own benefits despite knowing the fact that they are corrupt for our benefits.
How can you expect nawaz and zardari to be so good that they will allow officials under them to prove that they are nawaz is corrupt that's not possible. So they should morally resign and give Pakistan's money back to Pakistan but they won't do it so what should a Muslim do against this injustice by pml-n and PPP.
We have as Muslims three options we should go out on the road tell these corrupt peaple on their face that they are corrupt and try to stop them or second option is we can raise atleast say that they are corrupt ifwe are to coward to say then third option is to at least accept in our heart that they are corrupt if we can't do that then shame on us for calling our self Muslims .
Imran khan is going for the first option which should also be our duty as Muslim to do.
Big LOL for this... whats wrong with people now a days.. Away from reality....

thanks to same establishment that you are still breathing in Pakistan and terrorism is gone.. by the way who supports choto gang in Punjab any idea... you got awesome thinking.. we all know you voted PTI you said this hindered times before ..
its a most stupid question can i ask who support TTP ?

I am sorry to read the comments trying to support corruption and always blaming some conspiracy theories for what we are? We all to be blamed for supporting these corrupt people and voting them for our own benefits despite knowing the fact that they are corrupt for our benefits.
How can you expect nawaz and zardari to be so good that they will allow officials under them to prove that they are nawaz is corrupt that's not possible. So they should morally resign and give Pakistan's money back to Pakistan but they won't do it so what should a Muslim do against this injustice by pml-n and PPP.
We have as Muslims three options we should go out on the road tell these corrupt peaple on their face that they are corrupt and try to stop them or second option is we can raise atleast say that they are corrupt ifwe are to coward to say then third option is to at least accept in our heart that they are corrupt if we can't do that then shame on us for calling our self Muslims .
Imran khan is going for the first option which should also be our duty as Muslim to do.
Wow Imran Khan as a Muslim on DUTY?
do you know Islam if yes does its a new definition for Muslim to screw every girl he can find and later called it a personal issue.
it is politics of Pakistan and remains as one, don't try to bring your Islamic theories in it, coz if some one accidentally implement Islam 99.99% Pakistan will got Hanged Stoned or Lose one or two arms.
You lost your Pakistan when you voted for PPP MQM and PMLN again and again. I know if elections are held today, there will be educated people voting for these bank robbers again!

PTI is actually showing you a way out. But you are so enamored by your slavery, so much in romance with this darkness, you refuse to see the light of the day. PTI has its faults but none bigger than the smallest virtue these parties of looters and target killers can offer you. But you wont understand!

It is funny how PTI is being mentioned in this thread when only Noora league and PPP have actually ruled over this country. Talk about bias.

our establishment always want to sit in the foots of US,
Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq and Musharaaf, all worked for Amercian Agenda, without looking at Pakistan's Interest.
yes we may differ the Policies of Political Leaders, but there are also some facts.

It was a Bhuto, who bring China Close to Us.
It was a Bhuto, who gave us Nuclear Technology, on which today we are Proud off.
It was a Bhuto, who send ordinary Pakistani aboard and today we get around Us$:14Billion anually, in terms of Foreign Remittance.
It was a Benazir who bring Missile Technology from North Korea.
It was Nawaz who Tested Nuclear Capability.
It was a 90's Era when we started Developing our Tanks, and Aeroplanes.
It was 90's Era , in which Taliban Created in Afghanistan, and Secured our Dravid Line.
It was also democratic Government who negotiated with China and bring the Investment of 46 Billion Dollar in the name of CPEC.
It was Bhutto who raised the slogan hum yahan tum wahan
It was Bhutto who destroyed institutions and brought the unions and degradation of work ethic in Government
It was Bhutto who lost on Table what was won in war 65
It was Bhutto who brought in Nationalisation and ruined economy
It was Benazir who destroyed khalistan Mov
It was Benazir in whose Tenure his brother was killed.
It was Nawaz Sharif who instead of creating better schools and Hospitals spent billions on dead end transport services with nill input to economy.
List goes on. The fact remains in every blunder by establishment the thought was for the betterment of Pakistan not personal gains(except times of Coup) While Majority seemingly positive actions by politicians is either prolongationof their rules or personal gains.
The people of this country deserve nasty thieves like Nawaz Sharif. You reap what you sow. The leadership of this country reflects its people. Nawaz Sharif is a mirror to Pakistanis. It is the bitter truth.
TE="aamerjamal, post: 8247666, member: 22161"]its a most stupid question can i ask who support TTP ?

Wow Imran Khan as a Muslim on DUTY?
do you know Islam if yes does its a new definition for Muslim to screw every girl he can find and later called it a personal issue.
it is politics of Pakistan and remains as one, don't try to bring your Islamic theories in it, coz if some one accidentally implement Islam 99.99% Pakistan will got Hanged Stoned or Lose one or two arms.[/QUOTE]

I am not saying who is better Muslim or not . only ALLAH is the judge we are not. But I am talking about what as Muslim is our duty. Just stop justifying corruption with conspiracy theories.

our establishment always want to sit in the foots of US,
Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq and Musharaaf, all worked for Amercian Agenda, without looking at Pakistan's Interest.
yes we may differ the Policies of Political Leaders, but there are also some facts.

It was a Bhuto, who bring China Close to Us.
It was a Bhuto, who gave us Nuclear Technology, on which today we are Proud off.
It was a Bhuto, who send ordinary Pakistani aboard and today we get around Us$:14Billion anually, in terms of Foreign Remittance.
It was a Benazir who bring Missile Technology from North Korea.
It was Nawaz who Tested Nuclear Capability.
It was a 90's Era when we started Developing our Tanks, and Aeroplanes.
It was 90's Era , in which Taliban Created in Afghanistan, and Secured our Dravid Line.
It was also democratic Government who negotiated with China and bring the Investment of 46 Billion Dollar in the name of CPEC.
Had hoti hay our missile program started in the 60,s
In my humble opinion, Pakistan, as originally conceived by Allama Iqbal and created thru struggles of Muslim League & Quaid e Azam was lost by two events:

First one was the creation of Bangla Desh in 1971 which put an end to the two nation theory. If it is truly the religion; not the land; which makes a nation then why did the Bengalis separate? During the discussions with some of my friends we came to the conclusion that Lucknow resolution of 1930, where his Two Nation” theory was first proposed; Allama Iqbal did not envisage a separate homeland involving migration of about 14-million souls. Allama Iqbal’s idea was primarily to have Muslim rule in Muslim majority areas without any large scale uprooting of the population and have a “Confederation” with the Hindu majority areas. Remember it was Allama Iqbal who wrote “Saray jahan se achcha Hindustan Hamaraa”( Tarana Hind, Banag -e- Dara: http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00urdu/taranahs/index.html )

Second event was the usurpation by the bigot Zia, who falsified the history in the school text books. This means that the young generation is being taught words attributed to Quad –e- Azam which are totally incorrect. For example in todays The News International I found the following:


For example, during the Zia regime, in school text books, Jinnah was quoted as saying that, “Pakistan was created as a laboratory where Islamic experiments would be conducted”. Both PPP and PNA had claimed the same.

But during the Zia regime, the quote became ‘official’. In text books, Jinnah was claimed to have said this at a rally in Peshawar on Jan 13, 1948.

Jinnah said no such thing. The fact is, records suggest he wasn’t even in Peshawar on Jan 13, 1948. He was in Karachi. Instead, he spoke in Peshawar on April 14, 1948, and the speech that he made there has no reference at all to a “lab”.

Such false quotes attributed to various respectable Muslim figures were frantically aired during the PPP-PNA tussle. Then, throughout the Zia era (1977-89), many such quotes actually became part of official rhetoric and school texts, apparently placed there to justify the imposition of various draconian laws which were erected in the 1980s.



This is only one example, don’t how many other falsehoods are being fed to the unsuspecting minds of young Pakistanis.
Support musharaf
Sab say pehlay Pakistan


Facts remain Facts, sharing a video, see the Video and then comment who was a leader of Pakistan, and who killed him.

u think government supporting chotu Gang, that's why 7 Policemen Martyred and 24 became Hostages??
About thanking Establishment, then bro let me know who appointed General Raheel sharif, after so much opposition by PTI ??
By the way tgat person was mad
This is only one example, don’t how many other falsehoods are being fed to the unsuspecting minds of young Pakistanis
This is 7th class book from KPK:






Get the picture why our nation is doomed to failure by Islam?
wow WTF is this? :hitwall: KPK gov seriously need to do a lot more in education sector @Moonlight check this out
Get the picture why our nation is doomed to failure by Islam?
Sre you again blaming the religion? blame those people who are doing this who mis-interpreted Islam. Islam do not teach you to kill those people who're disrespecting Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
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