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Something to ponder over for ALL Pakistanis!

These articles have been in the print for 20 years now.

But frankly, it's the first time I honestly feel scared for Pakistan.

Pakistan has been deliberately and with much effort, put on a final collapse course, and only a miracle can save it now.

But i believe that Miracle might also be just around the corner.
These articles have been in the print for 20 years now.

But frankly, it's the first time I honestly feel scared for Pakistan.

Pakistan has been deliberately and with much effort, put on a final collapse course, and only a miracle can save it now.

But i believe that Miracle might also be just around the corner.
Yes, there is greater risk for sure however I too have confidence we will get around it, but yet again limping. What is needed is a clean break from the boom and bust economic cycles. That unfortunately is a harder task.
There is a systematic change required which cannot be done until the entire status quo is revamped whether by deeper reforms or by upheaval. The time for deeper reforms is gone both from a socioeconomic and political standpoint.

The definition of the elite as anyone who owns a house is totally misplaced. Most educated middle class don’t own their own houses and instead are living of houses built in the 50s,60s or 70s by their middle class grandparents. Or people retired from the military(which isn’t a pariah topic) who are the only few by virtue of land provided at much much below market pricing that could afford housing or income.
If they are feeling the crunch along with the rest in that same income category it is because the economy is rock bottom.

The middle class isn’t the below 100k earners, its now below 250k earners as well. Poverty doesn’t start at below 10k, it starts below 25k and without a roof. The reality of inflation should be accepted as well.

Unless the entirety of Pakistani society has a Sri Lanka and goes after its elite which includes high level state servants the likelihood that Pakistan avoids a total economic collapse and quasi-dissolution of state in trouble areas becomes less and less.

Shielding one part or another of society and repeating known economic ills ad nauseum without addressing the social rot does justice to neither.
He is, but let's take the factual points and move the discussion forward. I don't think a single Pakistani member here would disagree that Pakistan's economic situation is close to where Greece was 7 years ago. The only difference is they defaulted in 2015, we are close but I am confident we won't let that come to pass.

However what is worrisome is that we are continually in these damned boom and bust cycles.

Posting 2 blogs from a source that I have started admiring (Muzamil Hasan) who is young, energetic, talented and always a pleasure to listen to as he is wise beyond his young years:

First, Javed Hassan: Is Pakistan Going Bankrupt? Ft. Javed Hassan | 236 | TBT
An excellent read of the situation on hand and specific guidance on what the GoP should be doing and how his think tank has tried to advise the GoP and continues to lobby for changes.

Second, Miftah Ismail (prior to him being in government so no political rhetoric!): Is Pakistan’s economy headed towards sustainable and equitable growth? Ft. Miftah Ismail | TPP

Hope these two help to kick-start more chatter. I am sure many members have already seen this but I felt these are apt for this thread.

I must mention _NOBODY_ for always including me in the content that he posts here. Thanks for doing that! Hope others check out the links he posts from time to time.
Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean a lot. I am just glad that I was able to provide some useful information to people from the content that I found useful and informative.
Admittedly, politically we are always in a bind, but this time around the economic pressure is of a magnitude never before seen - even during the period of worst US sanctions post nuclear testing things were not this bad.

Your posts gives an impression that you started following Pakistan's economic & political situation only after June 2022. Are you aware of following events:

Dawn: Had warned 'neutrals' of economic tailspin if conspiracy against PTI govt succeeded: Imran

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PhD in Physics as a beneficiary of the US government subsidy of science education post Soviet Sputnik socialism.
Fixed that for you. Must be nice to be so fortunate while your countrymen are scraping by.

That aside, I do agree with what you said regarding Pakistan's problem with theocratic "education". Alas, I have absolutely zero expectation that Pakistan will embrace modernity and realize the potential of its people. Not only will that consign it to perpetually recurrent economic crises, it's a human tragedy on a massive scale.
all goes back to rule of law, and judiciary. and I am not alone. Have a house in lahore, that I have let someone stay in, without collecting rent. Because I am certain that they wont snatch it for me. Losses since I inherited the house about 16 years ago, amount to a pretty penny. The stories of overseas pakistanis losing their land and giving up because they cant fight the cases forever are plenty. Why would I invest in Pakistan where my money is not safe, where gonglo shareef can freeze dollar accounts. but compliant judges and a molasses judicial system suit muqtadar(maloon) halqay.
Most, if not all, here belong to that class my friend. The elite in Pakistan is someone who has a house of his own, some sort of conveyance at his disposal and some disposable income. Our super-rich don't even make up 0.0001% of the population. So whatever is coming is hitting us all.

I just read a JP Morgan Chase report that if things get further tightened up in the Russian-Ukraine war, the PPB of oil can go from $100 to $400. That could happen with Russia choking off supplies to Western Europe. Can you imagine what that could do to Pakistan and the rest of South Asia?
If crude pricing goes above $300, the entire world will be in a recession. Some countries might survive but the whole of South Asia will be screwed and properly screwed.
To save Pakistan, uniformed Thugs and their empire must crumble, by hook or by crook... cause as long as Army acts like a Uniformed Mafia, civilian institutions will never flourish.
The author maybe anti Pakistan but he is spot on. This country is going down the drain but atleast we finally saw who really is responsible for all this mess. The real ugly and devilish face of Pakistan military and establishment have been exposed. I no longer have an iota of respect for these traitors and i will spread the truth about them for the rest of my life. I also agree with @Imran Khan that country is just a place to live under a regime and the regime will invent loads of BS to legitimize their rule. I now only care about the people and not about the state, i dont care if Pakistan as a state is disintegrated, as long as it benefits the ppl of the area. The only benefactors of this state have been a certain elite class, mostly the military and not the ppl, so i would want this state to be abolished if it means destruction of this elite class. People need to rise up and burn this old rotten system, we need to come out to save our future generations.
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