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'Something major' going to happen soon, predicts PML-N leader

this country will never have stability

All current and from last 15 years senators and MNA's need to be put on a boat and let PN does the Babur live firing practice to validate all the variables. After sending politicians to the logic conclusion we need to retire all the current generals regardless whoever they are.
Country needs revolution but that will damage the society why not put an end to the one who are damaging the country. It must stop, as they say no one is bigger then a country but its the opposite in our country. Problem is establishment and politicians are in this together.
Imran have the chance to stamp his authority but letting thief Nora go was the biggest mistake he made. Which country let thieves go abroad for the medical treatment ask any Chinese or Russian leader if Imran needs advise. Who ever made deal with the Nora that general should have made to retire without pension that would have stopped all these dramas.
For a country to move forward peace and stability is required we more or less got the peace by kicking out TTP. Stability will only come when these good for nothing politicians are buried without any graves.
  • PMLN leader Ayaz Sadiq's says "something major" will happen soon.
  • They are meeting Nawaz Sharif after realising that PTI has turned out to be a failure, says Ayaz Sadiq.
  • Nawaz Sharif can return sooner than what "I announced in my speech", says Ayaz Sadiq.
ISLAMABAD: PML-N leader Ayaz Sadiq's statement that "something major" in the country will happen in the coming days has left many guessing what that "something major" might be.

Ayaz made the remarks while speaking on Geo News programme "Naya Pakistan" after delivering a fiery speech at a ceremony commemorating the death anniversary of Khawaja Rafique, a slain political activist and father of PML-N stalwarts Khawaja Saad Rafique and Khawaja Salman Rafique, in which he announced that PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif is returning to Pakistan.

“I don’t know what it would be, but I assure you that something big, like a bang, is going to happen soon,” the PML-N leader said, adding that: “It would happen all of a sudden as you won’t see it happen slowly and gradually.”

In response to a query from the anchorperson about why the PML-N suddenly gained momentum and aggression, and whether this urge is a result of any signal from powerful circles, he stated they don't require any signal from anyone.

When asked about rumours that Nawaz Sharif is attending meetings and conversations with non-political groups in London, Ayaz Sadiq confirmed such meetings but claimed to be unaware of the agenda and contents.

“Yes, they are meeting Nawaz Sharif, because they have realised that bringing the PTI into power turned out to be a failure and they are also withdrawing their support to the government and meeting Nawaz Sharif, because the PML-N has its vote-bank intact,” he said.

He went on to say that the concerned circles are aware that the public holds them accountable for Imran Khan's failings and the PTI's rise to power.

“People have rejected this experiment in KP’s local bodies’ elections and hence, the stance of PML-N stands vindicated that the people should be given chance to elect their rulers and their verdict should be implemented with full zeal,” Ayaz Sadiq emphasised.

He neither completely rejected nor fully endorsed the concept of an internal change in the National Assembly. He claimed that the PML-N or PPP taking power for three to four months would be equivalent to accepting responsibility for Imran Khan's failings. “We are not ready for the in-house change right now, but we may be ready for it in the time to come.”

On a question about who will lead the PML-N between Shahbaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz, he stated Nawaz Sharif will lead the party. The former has the support of legislators, while the latter has popular support on the streets. "Our plan will be exposed if I tell you everything right now," he added.

In response to a question concerning his statement that Nawaz Sharif would return soon, Ayaz Sadiq claimed the PML-N chief could return sooner than what "I announced in my speech."

Indeed something 'MAJOR' going to happen in Pakistan (for PML(N)); all details are discussed of that 'MAJOR' somersault of Mian Jee in the below video - enjoy:

The whole system, constitution needs to go. We are beyond reforms, its not just politicians who are corrupt but society as well that has lost its moral compass and sense of right and wrong. Everyone is out there for themself to make a buck how ever they can, right or wrong. People have accepted lying, stealing and corruption as a normal part of life...yahaan to aisa hi hota hai.

Democracy in its current form has not, does not and will not work in Pakistan. Our people are Jahil and have short term thinking. Our politicians act like dictators and our dictators who came to clean up the mess created by politicians were too busy acting like democrats and promoting their democratic credentials rather than use their stick. We need someone who is fearless and uses the stick and puts these corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, and judges out of business once and for all with out fear.

We need a strong directly elected Presidential system with checks and balances. A strong local government system. A system where people that are part of the political system are provided formal training and their skills developed at each level. They are promoted based on performance and skills just like any job. Put an end to where any Tom, dick and Harry can just wake up and join politics because of their family connections..
If Nawaz appeal rejected in UK courts, he try to comeback as hero. Court date in January
There is a group that has been perpetuating this theory that something major is about to happen in the Jan. timeframe. None of these so called "pundits" know anything for sure but spreading confusion serves their purpose. No less than Najam Sethi was spouting the same nonsense on the basis of some hearsay below. The so-called "Establishment", if there were ever such a thing, has no need to pick between the imbeciles that make up what remains outside of PTI. If they indeed were the kingmakers then for them the options beyond PTI are even worse than the incumbent's lack of performance on delivering good governance. In my view, this is sunk cost. You plough through and let the PTI finish their term unless they lose majority in the assemblies which would automatically lead to early elections.

A lot of this as such is hot air by people who know just as much as you and I. What we clearly know is that fixing Pakistan is beyond the abilities of one man operating within the existing system. We need 2-3 more Imran Khans who are individually upright and build a solid team around themselves. That aside, IK needs to perform at a much higher level and must have very high expectations of his team to deliver. Nothing else will work. Hire and fire rapidly (enough talk of Buzdar's personal integrity which IK keeps on repeating), governance requires more than honesty, that is table stakes, so Buzdar either delivers in the Punjab or packs his bags. IK also needs to shake things up and use the weight of the federation where it makes sense E.g. fixing Karachi, bolstering development in KP/erstwhile FATA to get points for PTI before we get to the next elections.
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I am sure most of us have watched Narcos. Could have easily filmed in Pakistan and wouldn't have made an iota of difference.

Civil, military, judiciary, all corrupt to the core!

IK is a odd one out. He has been tough on forigen policy and dealing with enemy nations, but internally he is damn soft.

Interesting though, he made ISI new cheif appointment to drag on. Since the new cheif arrival, IK is having issues right, left, centre. Cant be coincident. Heard this new cheif is close to PML-N.
Nawaz is about to return forcibly after his review petition for visa being denied second time in a row. He will be deported by UK authorities and brain dead patwaris will say Democratic Nawaz has returned. Perhaps people forgot he is a declared absonder and convicted fellon. After absconding he will not be able to appeal in any pakistani court until he serves his sentence. He is coming back and will be dropped into jail directly. Issi liye Junaid safdar ko saaf karkay bahir nikala hai.
Corrupt Fat Baldy Aloo Nawaz Sharifoo is being deported from UK because UK is about to cancel his Visa as they consider this corrupt a criminal.. You have admire that UK they have humiliated this fat corrupt aloo by refusing his visa. Now, this pathetic being is asking Pakistan Generals to save his arse.

Now the big question is are these generals going to bring this corrupt in and free him?? If they do that they will loose the little respect they still had with people. People will turn against this corrupt Tola, and it will have devastating impact on the morale of ordinary solders.
Something really big.

The PMLN supreme leader, who lied to flee the country and save himself from prison, is going to be humiliated soon as he will be deported from UK.

In order to save this humiliation, a drama is being created that Nawaz is coming back as he is going to have a 'deal' with the army.

Imagine a man who was elected PM thrice. He has to plead to a foreign court to allow him to live there. What else could humiliation be!

Imagine a party which calls itself democratic having to tell its idiotic followers that they will manage their political future with the army!
Nawaz is about to return forcibly after his review petition for visa being denied second time in a row. He will be deported by UK authorities and brain dead patwaris will say Democratic Nawaz has returned. Perhaps people forgot he is a declared absonder and convicted fellon. After absconding he will not be able to appeal in any pakistani court until he serves his sentence. He is coming back and will be dropped into jail directly. Issi liye Junaid safdar ko saaf karkay bahir nikala hai.
Yeah the whole valima thing was to clean out the dirty laundry and present a new "leader" to the awam like here is your new new King!
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Yeah the whole valima thing was to clean out the dirty laundry and present a new "leader" to the awam like here is your new new King!

Exactly Maryam was a big bust in politics so now they are trying to being safdar forward. At the end of day it is all to stop shehbaz from taking control of the party. Bhai Bhai ka dushan hai sirf politics kay liye.
Exactly Maryam was a big bust in politics so now they are trying to being safdar forward. At the end of day it is all to stop shehbaz from taking control of the party. Bhai Bhai ka dushan hai sirf politics kay liye.
She has a loud mouth, unlike Shehbaz who does things quietly. She has done a lot of damage to Nawaz's politics and Shehbaz likes it!
Corrupt Fat Baldy Aloo Nawaz Sharifoo is being deported from UK because UK is about to cancel his Visa as they consider this corrupt a criminal.. You have admire that UK they have humiliated this fat corrupt aloo by refusing his visa. Now, this pathetic being is asking Pakistan Generals to save his arse.

Now the big question is are these generals going to bring this corrupt in and free him?? If they do that they will loose the little respect they still had with people. People will turn against this corrupt Tola, and it will have devastating impact on the morale of ordinary solders.
Generals are as corrupt as the politicians. How do you think DHA works :D All harami's have their hands in the ghee.
A few powerful individuals are hell bent in making Pakistan a Banana Republic. The members of this elite club managed to get a verdict below more than 20 years ago and then changed it with a stroke of a pen later.

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