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Something I have to make clear

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Jan 27, 2010
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I know some Iranian members are still feeling pissed as China for owing Iran money for the oil.

The problem is that Iran is currently under the sanctions, so it is impossible to make a proper transaction payment by China. That's why we are making our own alternative SWIFT in order to skip this.

Russia in Negotiation with China for alternative SWIFT Bank system | New Eastern Outlook

As for the debt, China has never denied it, and we will surely pay for it.

China to Clear Iran Debt | Financial Tribune Daily

As for the breached contract of the anti-ship missile, you have to know that back in the 1990s, China was nowhere as powerful as it is now, so we were also heavily under the western pressure. Nonetheless, China had still provided some technical specifications of C-802, so it resulted that Iran has successfully made Noor.

Anyway, congratulation to Iran for making its indigenous missile families.
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I appreciate your kind concern very much. It surely shows your great character. Such things are common between independent nations that operate on national interests. It even goes beyond these issues (for example China under American pressure had cancelled a contract to build power nuclear reactors in Iran, similar to ones built in Pakistan or the case of South Pars gas fields from which Chinese firms pulled out).

But these are issues arising from complex international scene. Right now China is not a strategic partner of Iran since, its interests were never intertwined with Iran's. This might change if China wanted to have a foothold in Middle East, and if China went ahead with construction and implementation of silk road as envisioned by president Xi Jingping.

China suffers from an image problem in Iran on other fronts as well, specially in the arena of consumer products with people complaining about the low quality. But none of these issues are insolvable. Iran needs to develop its manufacturing base specially in electronics and here China can be of great help to Iran. For instance if China could offer the technology of Loongson family to be manufactured in Iran, it would be great. Similarly, if a gas pipeline from Iran to China via Pakistan or Central Asia could be built it would be wonderful. Such relationship does not necessarily need to be even military. Civil technology and science cooperation can go a long way in improving Iran China relationship. But for this, the biggest hurdle is for China to disregard American pressures and for both countries to reach a long term strategic understanding. This will be of huge benefits to both.

In short, Iran could care less about those payments, if China was ready to barter technology and manufacturing help with Iran. Since this is what Iran really needs.
I appreciate your kind concern very much. It surely shows your great character. Such things are common between independent nations that operate on national interests. It even goes beyond these issues (for example China under American pressure had cancelled a contract to build power nuclear reactors in Iran, similar to ones built in Pakistan or the case of South Pars gas fields from which Chinese firms pulled out).

But these are issues arising from complex international scene. Right now China is not a strategic partner of Iran since, its interests were never intertwined with Iran's. This might change if China wanted to have a foothold in Middle East, and if China went ahead with construction and implementation of silk road as envisioned by president Xi Jingping.

China suffers from an image problem in Iran on other fronts as well, specially in the arena of consumer products with people complaining about the low quality. But none of these issues are insolvable. Iran needs to develop its manufacturing base specially in electronics and here China can be of great help to Iran. For instance if China could offer the technology of Loongson family to be manufactured in Iran, it would be great. Similarly, if a gas pipeline from Iran to China via Pakistan or Central Asia could be built it would be wonderful. Such relationship does not necessarily need to be even military. Civil technology and science cooperation can go a long way in improving Iran China relationship. But for this, the biggest hurdle is for China to disregard American pressures and for both countries to reach a long term strategic understanding. This will be of huge benefits to both.

In short, Iran could care less about those payments, if China was ready to barter technology and manufacturing help with Iran. Since this is what Iran really needs.

As for the bad quality products, sorry about that, since our private enterprises are thick skinned and only care about the profit rather than its reputation. Now we are purging on those counterfeit products, but it will take a while for this to be fully accomplished. So I advice Iran to cooperate more with our state-owned enterprises who are generally more responsible and care more about their reputation.

Yes, we should redeem with more technological offer, and if Iran has any request, I think China will mostly accept under the table.
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Chinese have character!!!
It surely shows your great character.
Indeed !

It was not so long ago that i was talking with @kollang about certain topic and it just came up ! the chinese nationals in his university are very humble people .

I know some Iranian members are still feeling pissed as China for owing Iran money for the oil.

The problem is that Iran is currently under the sanctions, so it is impossible to make a proper transaction payment by China. That's why we are making our own alternative SWIFT in order to skip this.

Russia in Negotiation with China for alternative SWIFT Bank system | New Eastern Outlook

As for the debt, China has never denied it, and we will surely pay for it.

China to Clear Iran Debt | Financial Tribune Daily

As for the breached contract of the anti-ship missile, you have to know that back 1990s, China was nowhere as powerful it is now, so we are also heavily under the western pressure. Nonetheless, China has still provided some technical specifications of C-802, so it resulted that Iran has successfully made Noor.

Anyway, congratulation to Iran for making its indigenous missile families.
Mate , first of all , we appreciate this kind gesture . it's really nice .

Secondly , unfortunately the relations between countries are based on interest . and we completely agree with that and we're ok with it .You cannot trust anyone more than a certain amount . this is politics afterall .

china works for the benefit of its nation , Iran does the same .

So since this is a very constructive thread , let's make a list : a list of the things that China wished iran would do in the bilateral relations , and the things that Iran wishes China would/wouldn't do .i want to hear other opinions as well @Hu Songshan @Chinese-Dragon .

I make the later one , you -if its possible- make the former one !

1- Iran wished china would NOT vote for iranian sanctions in the UN since they did know whats really going on .

2- Iran wishes china to respect the deals that are made between the two countries . if china is not happy with the deal , please don't make it in the first place , but when a deal is done , its done .

these 2 are enough for now .

IF you care , go on about iran and i'll complete my list
2- Iran wishes china to respect the deals that are made between the two countries . if china is not happy with the deal , please don't make it in the first place , but when a deal is done , its done .

It's not that we can't or won't pay, we have $4 trillion in currency reserves, we have the money.

The problem is that Iran got itself blocked off from SWIFT by Europe and America, which means it's nearly impossible to transfer funds to Iran.

Especially because Iran mostly wants payment in USD/Euro but they are being sanctioned by both.
I can't tell the Iranians what to think and I am in no position to do so, but Iran is a friendly country and Iranian people are a generous people, so I feel the need to share my concerns for their welfare with them. History has shown that the chinese are unreliable and untrustworthy so Iran please be careful.
It's not that we can't or won't pay, we have $4 trillion in currency reserves, we have the money.
Yeah mate . Everyone knows China is very rich , so thats not the case .

The problem is that Iran got itself blocked off from SWIFT by Europe and America, which means it's nearly impossible to transfer funds to Iran.

Especially because Iran mostly wants payment in USD/Euro but they are being sanctioned by both.
Firstly , Again , one of the reasons Iran is under sanctions now is that friendly countries like China and Russia Voted FOR it . it means that they wanted iran to get some pressure .

Secondly , the money could be transfer-ed Via other means not just SWIFT . as an example India is paying iran in its own currency . or the transactions between iran and turkey are based on Gold . china could do it with technology export as @Daneshmand said

There is more than 1 way to pay them up .

Note : all these being said , we definitely are NOT sad or angry about oil's money . our concern is that we are looking for someone to trust (if you get my point )
Yeah mate . Everyone knows China is very rich , so thats not the case .

Firstly , Again , one of the reasons Iran is under sanctions now is that friendly countries like China and Russia Voted FOR it . it means that they wanted iran to get some pressure .

Secondly , the money could be transfer-ed Via other means not just SWIFT . as an example India is paying iran in its own currency . or the transactions between iran and turkey are based on Gold . china could do it with technology export as @Daneshmand said

There is more than 1 way to pay them up .

Note : all these being said , we definitely are NOT sad or angry about oil's money . our concern is that we are looking for someone to trust (if you get my point )

Are you sure that we have voted for your sanctions?

Even the western press claimed that China is always against the unilateral sanctions on Iran.

China says it opposes Western sanctions on Iran| Reuters
Are you sure that we have voted for your sanctions?

Even the western press claimed that China is always against the unilateral sanctions on Iran.

China says it opposes Western sanctions on Iran| Reuters
I know bro , but yeah , For UN sanctions which are the most sever one's , there was a voting held at the security council and China and Russia voted For the sanctions .

Since 2007 , iran is under UN sanctions .

Unilateral sanctions are actually least of our concerns .

Again , i don't want this thread to be one sided . lets hear what you guys expect from iran .

Remember friendship is build on Mutual trust . nothing more , nothing less .
I know bro , but yeah , For UN sanctions which are the most sever one's , there was a voting held at the security council and China and Russia voted For the sanctions .

Since 2007 , iran is under UN sanctions .

Unilateral sanctions are actually least of our concerns .

Again , i don't want this thread to be one sided . lets hear what you guys expect from iran .

Remember friendship is build on Mutual trust . nothing more , nothing less .

We didn't vote the sanctions on you, but if the western nations wanna apply the sanctions on you, there is nothing we can do to stop them.

Getting China to Sanction Iran | Foreign Affairs

We had also vetoed against the war on Iraq, but did the US give a sh1t about the UN vetoes?
We didn't vote the sanctions on you
Bro , here are UN sanctions on iran :

Sanctions against Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UN security council as you know is consisted of China and Russia too .

We had also vetoed against the war on Iraq, but did the US give a sh1t about the UN vetoes?
well Fvck US for all we care . they act like a wild zombie than cannot be contaminated .

US is not a reasonable actor . they think they can go up against China , Russia ,Iran all alone .

What we are asking is also clear : we want a triad of our countries to stand up again this shyte that US is pulling .
Bro , here are UN sanctions on iran :

Sanctions against Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UN security council as you know is consisted of China and Russia too .

well Fvck US for all we care . they act like a wild zombie than cannot be contaminated .

US is not a reasonable actor . they think they can go up against China , Russia ,Iran all alone .

What we are asking is also clear : we want a triad of our countries to stand up again this shyte that US is pulling .

This was the accommodation vote, since the previous Chinese government wasn't so hawkish, while Putin was initially not very tough with the West.

But now China got a new hawkish government, and Putin has been pushed into the corner by the West.

China and Russia have decided to form a new camp in order to revolt against the western hegemony order, and let's see if there is any change in the future.
Yeah mate . Everyone knows China is very rich , so thats not the case .

Firstly , Again , one of the reasons Iran is under sanctions now is that friendly countries like China and Russia Voted FOR it . it means that they wanted iran to get some pressure .

Secondly , the money could be transfer-ed Via other means not just SWIFT . as an example India is paying iran in its own currency . or the transactions between iran and turkey are based on Gold . china could do it with technology export as @Daneshmand said

There is more than 1 way to pay them up .

Note : all these being said , we definitely are NOT sad or angry about oil's money . our concern is that we are looking for someone to trust (if you get my point )

I think at this stage it is too much asking China to use its Veto for Iran in case of those sanctions. Since we never have had strategic partnership with China or even Russia. And your mention of intention of China and Russia wanting some pressure on Iran is kind of an understatement. China and Russia basically had calculated in period 2002-2014 that Iran would soon either capitulate to, or totally be destroyed by West. This was their strategic thinking. So they saw no use for Iran beyond it being as a future supplier of oil and gas to international markets and importer of consumer products, after its capitulation or invasion by West.

It was in 2014 when Iran had resisted and survived and when the world had started to change, whether by open admission of US about its hostility to China in East Asia or the American hostility to Russia in Europe, or the rise of zombies in Syria and Iraq that a new calculus is emerging. Now position of Iran has become more central in geostrategic terms. Still, Iran is not in a strategic relationship with anyone, since no world power is ready to accept Iran as an independent power. But this might change in near future. Otherwise, Iran will have to go on building its own mini-empire and accumulating geostrategic power. There is really no other choice. With China or without China.

As for the bad quality products, sorry about that, since our private enterprises are thick skinned and only care about the profit rather than its reputation. Now we are purging on those counterfeit products, but it will take a while for this to be fully accomplished. So I advice Iran to cooperate more with our state-owned enterprises who are generally more responsible and care more about their reputation.

Yes, we should redeem with more technological offer, and if Iran has any request, I think China will mostly accept under the table.

Oh, you do not need to be sorry. I was just giving an objective data to you. I fully understand how these things work.

And I agree with you that some technological transfer deals should be pursued under the table. After all, those dollars and the oil money is basically useless for Iran now, since Iran can not buy any useful things with it from West. Better to buy technology with it from China.

By the way, another aspect to China-Iran relations, (if it is of any interest to you) is the historical perspective. Both China and Iran are the oldest continuous civilizations on planet earth. The original silk route was basically connecting these two giants together. There were even marriages between Iranian and Chinese princes and princesses. One such marriage was described by Marco Polo when he had accompanied the Chinese princess on her way to Iranian wedding. In terms of history, the era that we are living in, is rather the trough of our relationship. Its rise inevitable.

There are alot of things Iran can do for China (eg Iran has the power, capacity and integrity to take care of Chinese interests in middle east and providing energy security to China since Iran has this planet's largest hydrocarbon reserves ie oil+gas) and alot of things China can do for Iran (for instance taking care of Iranian interests in global politics and markets). Let's hope for better days ahead.

Any how, once again I personally thank you for having shown respect to Iran by opening this thread. You are magnanimous.
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