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Somebody is trying to use the incident of Madina Masjid to incite discord

For all the dirty cleanshave ruling pakistan incuding , jahil judges !your openly hostile behaviour towards islamic issue is only strengthening the unity . inshaAllah, one day we will take our revenge from cleanshave sharabis , be it lal masjid /drones/affia siddiqui and killing of 80000 of ours ppl while forgetting kashmir,Your time is coming to an end and islamic law will reign supreme in pakistan.
You're a national security risk, wouldn't be surprised if you went boom in public soon...

If it was up to you, Pakistan would be even worse than Afghanistan is today.
You're a national security risk, wouldn't be surprised if you went boom in public soon...

If it was up to you, Pakistan would be even worse than Afghanistan is today.

It is hilarious to see people terming certain religious people as being a security threat, and turning a blind eye to the economic slavery in front of the IMF. Your Prime Minister wants to go 'boom' in front of the IMF. Had he not been stopped, he would have gone boom long ago. When are you advising him to go back where he came from, i.e., London?
Yeah yeah

Lal masjid: done by cleanshave donkey generals to make seculers and west happy
Afia siddique :done by donkey generals for dollars by Selling ppl
Drones :allowed by donkey cleanshave generals kashmir: zilch, nada ,nothing in 70+ years all because of generals and their currupt brothers in crime cleanshave politicians who suck life out of their own ppl for foreign aquity, firms and visas. NO molvi is involved in all of these crimes.

I have yet to see cleanshave "educated" politician or general who is not corrupt or outright traitor .
all this mess of lal masjid happen when mullah terrorist start imposing law burning tvs occupying children library and kidnapping ranger police . they got what they deserve . they fight with state and state give them medicine .

afia was captured in afghanistan . he story have so many questions . he life is full of so many suspicious activities . she was not saint ether.

drone allowed to kill terrorists mullahs at that time no one have drones like USA .

all in all this all war of terror was started by terrorist mullahs like mullah umer osama bin laden etc and common ummah have paid the price of their crimes.
Don't push people against a wall, where this is a matter of Defending the House of Allah.
Don't be double face. You were defending deoband masjid while 4 mosques are already near. You said you have right to defend deoband mosque as other have right to pray. The Holy Prophet P.B.U.H already warned of violent sectarianism ahead .

"Do you imagine that I will be the last of you to die? No doubt I will be among the first of you to die and coming after me will be sects that destroy each other.”

عن واثلة بن الأسقع قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَتَزْعُمُونَ أَنِّي آخِرِكُمْ وَفَاةً أَلَا إِنِّي مِنْ أَوَّلِكُمْ وَفَاةً وَتَتْبَعُونِي أَفْنَادًا يُهْلِكُ بَعْضُكُمْ بَعْضًا
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