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Some in Indian military are calling for "limited action" against China

This is how india's "limited action" ended when it tried it against a powerful military last time. Just a reminder :lol:

Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured 2.jpg
Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured.jpg
Mig-21 Downed.jpg
Russia Today Laughing at India blowing up its own helicopter.jpg

is that same indian general with a funny mustache who is always on Arnab's show?....

didnt he say to Pakistan..."all options are on the table"

I think what Indians meant was

"limit any action" against China

instead of

"limited action" against China

i think you indians meant..

"we got bitch slapped red... the whole world laughed at us.. and now we will do the indian thing.."


Such advisors took India to the point of return without 'turban' and point of no return without 'lungi'.
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