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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Gulen is not lone wolf behind the coup, there is much bigger picture and more actors behind the scene. In order to understand who is behind, better approach would be to understand why Erdogan regime was targeted. There are two main reasons to consider 1) independent external policy Turkey taking lately, especially - rapprochement with Russia and revival of Russian gas pipeline, back channel action to mend fence with Syrian regime, giving Syrian refugee permanent residency in Turkey etc. were red lines for western actors.
2) there are sizeable kamelist/secularist in politics and in military in Turkey; their discontent and marginalization triggered desperation.

Western power behind the scene used that desperation (2) to dislodge Turkish independent policy making by Erdogan regime (1) . Western countries do not care about democracy or who is in power, so long they are in control, independent policy making is THE red line.
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Terrorists are surrendering in batches. Special forces are mopping them up. Turkey will be too constrained for them...
clear indication where the nod for it came from but ultimately people power won. Alhamdu lillah
En çok senin gibi bi boktan anlamayan cahil insanlara kaldığımıza yanıyorum..

A government official is asking these terrorists - how could you fire on unarmed civilians being the members of the Turkish Army??? Is any Haya left in these suicide bombers brainwashed into the slaves of Gulen who in turn is the lowest kind of slave of Turkey's enemies? Public spitting on their faces should be where the punishment starts..

Turkey must demand the extradition of Gulen. This man is accused of plotting and overthrowing the legitimate democratically elected government of Turkey. He has sought refuge in the US and must be brought to justice.
International standing of Erdogan's Turkey among the West has always been mired with duplicity. Besides, I can't believe that the supporters of democracy in the West are today so disappointed at this failed hostile dictatorial takeover. I guess we live in a world full of double standards. Dictatorships are good when it serves the interests of hypocritical world powers. They become bad and evil when they don't. This is certainly something we have learnt from Egypt before and now Turkey. The people of Turkey have spoken though and not even a superpower can't do anything about that. A fine example that when the people rise to protect what is theirs they become the final authority.
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America welcomes and supports Erdogan

a commentator in Pakistan said.. if the coup had succeeded even them America would have said it supports the new leadership

morality and justice takes a backseat its duplicity and self interests
and public beheadings is where it should end ?

You are right about that. That by the way is an extremely soft ending for murderers who killed their own people, bombed their own institutions and wanted to overthrow a democratically elected government.
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America welcomes and supports Erdogan

a commentator in Pakistan said.. if the coup had succeeded even them America would have said it supports the new leadership

morality and justice takes a backseat its duplicity and self interests

Using morals is a strategy used to push an agenda for self interests.
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