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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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I see brave men who gave their lifes for secular,Ataturk's Turkey.Military men with honour in their blood,they probably knew it was a risky affair but they know battles can't be won if you don't fight them.They gave everything for Turkey and they lost.Turkey lost.
They were traitors and will meet their fate
Its over by now. Many commanders are arrested and moved to unknown places.

Hang these fvckers and make a great example out of them. Preferably in an open square. So that the entire world sees what it mean to screw around with a credible elected democracy. Anything less will be considered insufficient.
Glad it's almost over, traitors should be punished in the harshest way after attacking their own civilians who they are supposed to protect.
This is PMLN and AKP day......:cheers:
Isnt't it better for just buzz off for today....seeing your counterparts in handcufffffssss & In chaddis infront of ordinary civilains....:bunny:
I share the funny side of it with you
I just had a call with a veteran (he was part of military courts during Zia's martial law) he was laughing at the Turkish army men who surrendered to police and public

but NO, seriously man.... this was a half hearted coup or ill planned where even the army chief didnt know and was a hostage.. no wonder he is now removed from command

it is time to have some trolling at our own Khakis (touche)
Erdogan's domestic political base may have been strengthened but surely Turkey's international standing is ruined. A fragile and precarious country trying to maintain a semblence of being a western power and also holding the key to Syria and the refugee crisis in Europe.

I feel bad for these soldiers. They were only following orders.

Yes....If these guys didn't kill any civilian unlike their rest of buddies....then I do feel sorry for them and respect to these following soldiers who don't become part of Gulan' s evil plan against Mr. Erdogan......

Erdogan's domestic political base may have been strengthened but surely Turkey's international standing is ruined. A fragile and precarious country trying to maintain a semblence of being a western power and also holding the key to Syria and the refugee crisis in Europe.

International standing of Erdogan's Turkey among the West has always been mired with duplicity. Besides, I can't believe that the supporters of democracy in the West are today so disappointed at this failed hostile dictatorial takeover. I guess we live in a world full of double standards. Dictatorships are good when it serves the interests of hypocritical world powers. They become bad and evil when they don't. This is certainly something we have learnt from Egypt before and now Turkey. The people of Turkey have spoken though and not even a superpower can't do anything about that. A fine example that when the people rise to protect what is theirs they become the final authority.
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