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Somalia calls for UN action against UAE base

UAE building a base using mercenary group which our gov flatly reject.they are playing destructive role in my country.
That is why I don' give asht about Arab solidarity issues let Israel enjoy them.
Somali should ask for Turkish action against UAE base.....Erdoğan would like to send that base in to rubble.
Why would they ask Turkey to replace a Turk like country..What they need is follow the example of the Houthis and chase the UAE...
Syria and Iraq are shit holes, everyone can come and do ther load. We can smell it from our border, if the owner can't clean it somebody else will.
Just like my cat, Turkey chases litter boxes..
Did you know that a great amount of Somaliland origin people live in UAE?
I see those who live in Somalia (Somalilanders) sometimes post anti-Turkey posts (accordingly with what they are being told or paid) but it is so strange Somalilanders in UAE mostly post pro-Turkey and Erdogan :)
There is only Somali and we demand UAE to respect our gov and it' people.stop trying dividing somalia like they did to Yemen.our gov have many options in regard to this by getting closer to iran.Saudi Arabia is behind this by pushing little UAE into destructive roles.time is on our side and good by selling Arab issues to us.we have seen your true colors.long live Israel.

never knew somalia split into 2 countries
That is untrue.
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