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Somali women whipped for wearing bras


Jul 25, 2007
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Somali women whipped for wearing bras

MOGADISHU: Somalia’s rebel group al Shabaab has publicly whipped women for wearing bras they say violate Islam by constituting a deception, north Mogadishu residents said on Friday.

Residents said gunmen had been rounding up any woman seen with a firm bust and then had them publicly whipped by masked men. The women were then told to remove their bras and shake their breasts. “Al shabaab forced us to wear their type of veil and now they order us to shake our breasts,” a resident, Halima, told Reuters, adding that her daughters had been whipped on Thursday.

“They first banned the former veil and introduced a hard fabric which stands stiffly on women’s chests. They are now saying that breasts should be firm naturally, or just flat.” Officials of Al Shabaab declined to comment. Abdullahi Hussein, a student in north Mogadishu, said his elder brother was thrown behind bars when he fought back a man who humiliated their sister by asking her to remove her bra. “My brother was jailed after he wrestled with a man that had beaten my sister and forced her to remove her bra. He could not stand it,” Hussein said. Any man caught without a beard was been publicly whipped. “I was beaten and my hair was cut off with a pair of scissors in the street,” Hussein said. reuters

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Bro, Why do you put such awkward post about insensitive and brutish behaviour in a defence forum... except I can really tell you those d i m w i t s are not qualified to even call themselves Muslims, let alone to enforce Islam on a populace. Pathetic.

That Hussain's brother is a hero though.
What a shame!

Disgusting behavior and a shameful act by these so called "Muslims". If anything, the first woman to use a girdle (Waist/Chest Band) was the mother of Ishmael. Here's the extract;

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 55, Number 583:

Narrated Ibn Abbas:

The first lady to use a girdle was the mother of Ishmael. She used a girdle so that she might hide her tracks from Sarah. Abraham brought her and her son Ishmael while she was suckling him, to a place near the Ka'ba under a tree on the spot of Zam-zam, at the highest place in the mosque.
A sincere thank you to those here who've condemned this outrage.

Very, very sad news for these women and their families.
these are the people who have tarnished the image of Islam & Muslims bringing more & more shame onto us. Due to just few of them, the rest of us have been labeled what not. Shameful act, condemnable to the highest level.
"Shameful act, condemnable to the highest level."

Ejaz, Bezerk, and you deserve plaudits for recognizing such. I'm certain that all of your comments are heart-felt and sincere- not gratuitous.

And, as too often in the past, the others here?

That's the real shame. Condemnable at the highest level? By whom, may I ask? I'm certain that al-Jazerra will NOT be devoting a panel discussion to this particular topic anytime soon.

Again, thank you, Ejaz, for posting this sad article and thank you to Bezerk and you, taimikhan for seeing through your responsibilities as muslims of good heart.
"Shameful act, condemnable to the highest level."

Ejaz, Bezerk, and you deserve plaudits for recognizing such. I'm certain that all of your comments are heart-felt and sincere- not gratuitous.

And, as too often in the past, the others here?

That's the real shame. Condemnable at the highest level? By whom, may I ask? I'm certain that al-Jazerra will NOT be devoting a panel discussion to this particular topic anytime soon.

Again, thank you, Ejaz, for posting this sad article and thank you to Bezerk and you, taimikhan for seeing through your responsibilities as muslims of good heart.

Can assure you that my condemnation was from the core of my heart & do feel ashamed for acts done by people who call themselves Muslims, acts which have no mention in Islam or which go against the very teachings of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (God) HIMSELF.

Such acts are self invented & then linked to Islam to find a justification for such acts.
"Shameful act, condemnable to the highest level."

Ejaz, Bezerk, and you deserve plaudits for recognizing such. I'm certain that all of your comments are heart-felt and sincere- not gratuitous.

And, as too often in the past, the others here?

That's the real shame. Condemnable at the highest level? By whom, may I ask? I'm certain that al-Jazerra will NOT be devoting a panel discussion to this particular topic anytime soon.

Again, thank you, Ejaz, for posting this sad article and thank you to Bezerk and you, taimikhan for seeing through your responsibilities as muslims of good heart.

S-2, you may not be aware of it and it may not be deliberate, but your repeated thanks and enthusiastic plaudits for Ejaz and Bezerk sound patronizing.

If the news above is true (and thats a big if), it is certainly against Islam. And we as Muslims will condemn it because it is wrong. Not to win anyone's approval.
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Can assure you that my condemnation was from the core of my heart & do feel ashamed for acts done by people who call themselves Muslims, acts which have no mention in Islam or which go against the very teachings of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (God) HIMSELF.

Such acts are self invented & then linked to Islam to find a justification for such acts.

taimi, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You did not do this. Every body is responsible for their own actions. We can't go around being ashamed for every Tom, Dick and Harry (or in our case, every Bin Laden, Mehsud and Zawahiri) claiming to be acting in the name of Islam. There is no need to be apologetic.
taimi, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You did not do this. Every body is responsible for their own actions. We can't go around being ashamed for every Tom, Dick and Harry (or in our case, every Bin Laden, Mehsud and Zawahiri) claiming to be acting in the name of Islam. There is no need to be apologetic.

Totally agreed, but still being a Muslim, we do have a collective thinking for the actions done by people calling themselves Muslims & defaming Islam, our religion. But off course we all can't be held responsible for the actions of these sickos.
"and thats a big if..."


Seeking my approval or that of others from the west? Don't disparage the courage of others to forthrightly offer here what you won't. I don't seek toady conformity to my views. I seek universal condemnation of this crudeness inflicted upon Somaili women.

Here? You offer "a big if" to this incident. What about Reuters or Pakistan's Daily News, much less the direct quotes of those affected, would engender such from you? The story is straightforward with supporting quotes yet you seek to disparage.

Read the same sh!t last spring when that girl was beaten in SWAT from some, and that was hardly the worst inflicted on THOSE poor women.

You dissemble sir. The story isn't me. The qualifications offered by you, though, are fascinatingly similar to that often seen by other apologists here for the acts of other evil creatures upon women.

S-2 - You seem surprised that Muslims on here found this repugnant; what little opinion you have of us - that's not entierly your fault but ours.
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"You seem surprised that Muslims on here found this repugnant"

Oh, no sir. I KNEW there are always a few with the courage and forthrightness to see and call evil for what it is. Thus Ejaz, Bezerk, and taimikhan.

My surprise, sir, is how few of you do and how, now, I'm more of a story than these poor women.

Save your thoughts and words for those whom matter most and it sure as hell isn't me.

Do you dissemble too sir? It seems so.


Seeking my approval or that of others from the west? Don't disparage the courage of others to forthrightly offer here what you won't. I don't seek toady conformity to my views. I seek universal condemnation of this crudeness inflicted upon Somaili women.

For this particular event, if true, you will likely get widespread condemnation that you so crave. "Universal" may be hard to achieve considering the views of the perpetrators. The problem is who defines "crudeness". We may agree on this one. But I may label something else as "crude" or "barbaric" that you will deem perfectly acceptable. And yet you will still seek universal consensus on its acceptability or condemnation. Get over it, and stop imposing your values on others.

Here? You offer "a big if" to this incident. What about Reuters or Pakistan's Daily News, much less the direct quotes of those affected, would engender such from you? The story is straightforward with supporting quotes yet you seek to disparage.

I don't know about you, but I usually don't take news stories at face value. There is no news organization on earth that has no political agenda. I would be surprised if you think otherwise. In case you didn't know, news agencies, newspapers and journalists have been known to report inaccurate accounts, half truths, even outright lies. Direct quotes? How do you know? How can it be verified? You think shabab or any other such organization is going to sue Reuters for a misquote or a lie?

Read the same sh!t last spring when that girl was beaten in SWAT from some, and that was hardly the worst inflicted on THOSE poor women.

I wish you had the same compassion for the millions of women and children who have died in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Your compassion is self serving.

You dissemble sir. The story isn't me. The qualifications offered by you, though, are fascinatingly similar to that often seen by other apologists here for the acts of other evil creatures upon women.

The story is you sir. Its the likes of you who invaded Afghanistan and continue to rain hellfire missiles on Pakistan. It was the likes of you who took it upon themselves to "rescue" Somalia. The creatures you characterize as evil have a very striking resemblance to those claiming to be bearers of "democracy" and "civilization".

"You seem surprised that Muslims on here found this repugnant"

Oh, no sir. I KNEW there are always a few with the courage and forthrightness to see and call evil for what it is. Thus Ejaz, Bezerk, and taimikhan.

My surprise, sir, is how few of you do and how, now, I'm more of a story than these poor women.

Save your thoughts and words for those whom matter most and it sure as hell isn't me.

Do you dissemble too sir? It seems so.


There have always been more of us to condemn such atrocities, than there are individuals carrying them out in our name; and you know it.

It is your attention seeking anecdotes and snide remarks that have caused you to become the bigger story; and you know it.

Have a nice day.
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