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SOG Camp Attacked in South Kashmir

India is not bombing the civilian areas in Kashmir but in your Pakistan, you use Airforce to kill your own Baloch and Pashtun civilians in thousands of airstrikes.

Indian may not be using aircraft but its forces are shooting civilians dead in cold blood. Here is what the BSF have been up to recently.


As for the rest, show me where there have been the mass civilian casualties in "thousands" of airstrikes we have conducted. On top of that the people are supportive in the efforts of the forces, unlike in the case of the Indian army, which is seen as an alien occupying force.
Indian may not be using aircraft but its forces are shooting civilians dead in cold blood. Here is what the BSF have been up to recently.

Six killed in BSF firing; huge protests, mobile services suspended in Kashmir | NDTV.com

As for the rest, show me where there have been the mass civilian casualties in "thousands" of airstrikes we have conducted. On top of that the people are supportive in the efforts of the forces, unlike in the case of the Indian army, which is seen as an alien occupying force.

BBC News - Pakistan 'army air strike kills dozens of civilians'
Bara killings: Police, protesters clash outside Peshawar Press Club – The Express Tribune
Pakistan military accused of human rights abuses in tribal region | World news | theguardian.com

So you pulled out one story regarding an airstrike 3 years ago and a protest. Where are the "thousands of airstrikes" you talk about with the resulting many civilian casualties?

Addressing the incident, firstly the militants were hiding amongst the people in the village when the airstrike struck. The airforce since then has changed its operating procedures and such strikes are no longer conducted in any built up areas due to threat of civilian casualties. Villages are now evacuated and operations conducted.

If there was such anger against the operations we would literally see civil war in the region. The fact is the tribes are on side as are the people, in region notoriously infamous for waging war on anyone who threatens them. Ok let's say that armed mass rebellion is stretching it a little far where is the civil disobedience then? Where are the hundreds of thousands walking in protest in Peshawar? Where are the huge rallies decrying Pakistan and the evil strikes they have done? Where are the shutdowns and I can go on.

As for the protest link, I'll quote the article when it state there was some "aerial firing", unlike your forces who use protestors as target practice and shoot to kill.

The last report is an amnesty study which deals with extra Judicial killings and torture of suspects. The report outlines that some of the detainees do not make it out, whilst the vast majority do. Even that is wrong but the report clearly outlines the difficulties in fighting these brutal insurgents "Amnesty acknowledged the challenge Pakistan is facing in fighting the Taliban along its border with Afghanistan". The report does hold value but then it is based according to their own words the report was based solely on testimonies, "more than 100 testimonies from victims of human rights violations in detention, witnesses, relatives, lawyers, Pakistani officials and militants.". So there is a question of accuracy here. If people were to go to Swat, the tribal areas and ask locals what they thought of all the "human rights abuses" many would say that didn't care and that the militants deserved it. Again that's not a benchmark for us and any wrong should be investigated.
So you pulled out one story regarding an airstrike 3 years ago and a protest. Where are the "thousands of airstrikes" you talk about with the resulting many civilian casualties?

Addressing the incident, firstly the militants were hiding amongst the people in the village when the airstrike struck. The airforce since then has changed its operating procedures and such strikes are no longer conducted in any built up areas due to threat of civilian casualties. Villages are now evacuated and operations conducted.

If there was such anger against the operations we would literally see civil war in the region. The fact is the tribes are on side as are the people, in region notoriously infamous for waging war on anyone who threatens them. Ok let's say that armed mass rebellion is stretching it a little far where is the civil disobedience then? Where are the hundreds of thousands walking in protest in Peshawar? Where are the huge rallies decrying Pakistan and the evil strikes they have done? Where are the shutdowns and I can go on.

As for the protest link, I'll quote the article when it state there was some "aerial firing", unlike your forces who use protestors as target practice and shoot to kill.

The last report is an amnesty study which deals with extra Judicial killings and torture of suspects. The report outlines that some of the detainees do not make it out, whilst the vast majority do. Even that is wrong but the report clearly outlines the difficulties in fighting these brutal insurgents "Amnesty acknowledged the challenge Pakistan is facing in fighting the Taliban along its border with Afghanistan". The report does hold value but then it is based according to their own words the report was based solely on testimonies, "more than 100 testimonies from victims of human rights violations in detention, witnesses, relatives, lawyers, Pakistani officials and militants.". So there is a question of accuracy here. If people were to go to Swat, the tribal areas and ask locals what they thought of all the "human rights abuses" many would say that didn't care and that the militants deserved it. Again that's not a benchmark for us and any wrong should be investigated.

Our forces fought the terrorists and suicide bombers in Kashmir only using guns while your whole airforce failed to tame those TTP terrorist using thousands of airstrikes including bombing the civilian area with airstrikes.

Our forces fought the terrorists and suicide bombers in Kashmir only using guns while your whole airforce failed to tame those TTP terrorist using thousands of airstrikes including bombing the civilian area with airstrikes.


Your forces also raped many women and killed innocent civilians, whilst they fought the rebels. Our forces have not done that. Don't try to even take the moral high ground here.

Kunan-Poshpora: Can Kashmiri Rape Victims Get Justice Against Indian Military After Two Decades?

Failed to tame the TTP? They hold no ground, no land and are splintered and have their bases in another country. Yes they resort to terrorist assaults and that's it. You had a cop and and a paramilitary solider killed today in Kashmir. Your words regarding "taming" are hollow to the point of hilarious.

As for the article I wanted to see the many civilian casualties you talk of. The fact you don't use your airforce is your own issue even though there have been many calls, including from politicians to do so.

Bidanda Chengappa: A case for using air power against Maoists - Analysis - DNA
@waz Most of the terrorists killed in Kashmir come from Pakistan, 98% of the terrorists are outsiders mostly Punjabis. Perhaps you are forgetting act of your army in Bangladesh in 1971. The people fighting in FATA are your own Pashtuns tribesmen.

There is a difference between a call and actually using the airforce.
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@waz Most of the terrorists killed in Kashmir come from Pakistan, 98% of the terrorists are outsiders mostly Punjabis. Perhaps you are forgetting act of your army in Bangladesh in 1971. The people fighting in FATA are your own Pashtuns tribesmen.

There is a difference between a call and actually using the airforce.

I won't discuss the Jihadis but seeing as you bought them up let's talk about that. The "Punjabis" are subdivided into many other groups, some of those are refugees who came from Jammu during partition. If most of them are Punjabis, to them Kashmir is part of Pakistan, henceforth their origin makes no difference to them. If you really want to apply the same yardstick then the vast majority, I'd go as far as to say well over 95% of military and paramilitary forces are Indians from outside Kashmir. Now you will say that they are defending Indian land likewise the rebels say they defend their land.

The weakness in your argument is becoming more and apparent and true to form, like many of your compatriots, you bring up 1971, an event that occurred over forty years ago....The issue is your forces in this day and age still commit gross human rights violations. This may come as a revelation to you but we are no longer in Bangladesh! Shall I bring operation Bluestar? Stick to the topic at hand.

The people that our forces fight in tribal regions are terrorists and don't even form a majority in their own tribe (Meshud).
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The people that our forces fight in tribal regions are terrorists and don't even form a majority in their own tribe (Meshud).

Not to mention that the FC - the paramilitary force fighting in the Tribal Areas - are drawn almost overwhelmingly so from the Tribals themselves ! :unsure:

And that the guy responsible for transforming them into an admirable fighting force from a poorly trained & equipped frontier force, is Lt.General Tariq Khan - a Pukhtoon from Tank, South Waziristan ! :undecided:

Then there are the Tribal Aman Lashkars going into the tens of thousands ! :smokin:
lol no I meant influenced by star plus, I have heard few Pakistanis use Bhagwan. Its like Hindus using Allah when trying to plead/convince a Muslim.

Clutching at straws.

You herd like that...
well i didn't herd so far, as i belong to the land you are talking about...
All i see is a lame blame only, is there anything else you can do buddy :happy:
thats the difference dude you have wait and look for the crack we dont have to. Its an open field there.

Why i am getting something refresh in my mind like 1965 war, that was a open field too, when your forces ran like a hell out from that...what was behind that "a bad logic" or a "bad planning" or your forces got so overwhelm by their own fears :whistle:
Why i am getting something refresh in my mind like 1965 war, that was a open field too, when your forces ran like a hell out from that...what was behind that "a bad logic" or a "bad planning" or your forces got so overwhelm by their own fears :whistle:

Plz go though the thread on PDF about 65 war .and enlighten yourself.
Why i am getting something refresh in my mind like 1965 war, that was a open field too, when your forces ran like a hell out from that...what was behind that "a bad logic" or a "bad planning" or your forces got so overwhelm by their own fears :whistle:

Bhutto fooled Ayub Khan to lead a failed invasion of Kashmir and used the same issue for his downfall. :lol:

I won't discuss the Jihadis but seeing as you bought them up let's talk about that. The "Punjabis" are subdivided into many other groups, some of those are refugees who came from Jammu during partition. If most of them are Punjabis, to them Kashmir is part of Pakistan, henceforth their origin makes no difference to them. If you really want to apply the same yardstick then the vast majority, I'd go as far as to say well over 95% of military and paramilitary forces are Indians from outside Kashmir. Now you will say that they are defending Indian land likewise the rebels say they defend their land.

The weakness in your argument is becoming more and apparent and true to form, like many of your compatriots, you bring up 1971, an event that occurred over forty years ago....The issue is your forces in this day and age still commit gross human rights violations. This may come as a revelation to you but we are no longer in Bangladesh! Shall I bring operation Bluestar? Stick to the topic at hand.

The people that our forces fight in tribal regions are terrorists and don't even form a majority in their own tribe (Meshud).

That looks a childish comment.
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