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SOG Camp Attacked in South Kashmir

That looks a childish comment.

What's childish about it? You're the one who bought up irrelevant rubbish into this thread i.e. 1971 blah blah. I think the term childish is more appropriate for your own post.

The next time, if you can't muster up any thoughts to write a post properly don't resort to silly attacks.

Post reported and my last to you.
As I said, the profile of militants killed should give you an idea about the profile of militants in prison. I doubt we keep many prisoners anyways, they are better off 6 feet under the ground.

So you have no figures on the amount of "foreign" militants in jails as compared to kashmiris?.....As i said before you probably have none or only a tiny amount.
Now your asking me to take the word of the indian army that a certain percentage of those killed and buried "6 feet under the ground" are foreign militants......its so very convenient for the indians to have no prisoners in large numbers to prove there point that its all foreign militants doing the fighting but then strangely point to mass graves and tell us there all foreign militants.

Your original question was, how many Pakistanis, Arab, Chehchens are in prison. I told you about Pakistanis, who form bulk of the militants anyways. Stop clutching onto straws.

Its seems its you "clutching onto straws" buy diverting the question from the amount of foreign militants in kashmir jails to who makes up the bulk of one group(LeT) memberships.
Do tell us who makes the majority of the membership of Hizbul Mujahideen?

The day the indian army fighting in kashmir is made up of majority kashmiris then you have a right to ask pakistani fighters not to get involved.......you bring indians from from all over india to fight in kashmir and then some how have the cheek to ask the kashmiris to the "fight with kashmiri fighters only".
@Roybot Foreign militants are of the brainwashed idiots variety and do not normally surrender to be arrested, and out security forces are not interested in arresting them too. However it is well documented that within years of the instigated militancy in 1989, thousands and thousands of kashmiris surrendered and some formed pro-india militias called ikhwans.

These ikhwans were notorious for operating outside the law (like the Pakistani lashkars) and hence were eventually disbanded. However many kashmiris caught and surrendered were sent to jail.

When we have actual substantive evidence, expect a known apologists to invoke the right of a Pakistani to use self serving logic to create a conspiracy theory or offer an apology for terrorism flying right in the face of researched and established facts.

Can't blame him though, when reality sucks, perceptions must be altered :)
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@Roybot Foreign militants are of the brainwashed idiots variety and do not normally surrender to be arrested, and out security forces are not interested in arresting them too. However it is well documented that within years of the instigated militancy in 1989, thousands and thousands of kashmiris surrendered and some formed pro-india militias called ikhwans.

These ikhwans were notorious for operating outside the law (like the Pakistani lashkars) and hence were eventually disbanded. However many kashmiris caught and surrendered were sent to jail.

When we have actual substantive evidence, expect a known apologists to invoke the right of a Pakistani to use self serving logic to create a conspiracy theory or offer an apology for terrorism flying right in the face of researched and established facts

Can't blame him though, when reality sucks, perceptions must be altered :)

They were never disbanded. Ikhwans and J&K SOG are the same, just different names ;)
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So you have no figures on the amount of "foreign" militants in jails as compared to kashmiris?.....As i said before you probably have none or only a tiny amount.
Now your asking me to take the word of the indian army that a certain percentage of those killed and buried "6 feet under the ground" are foreign militants......its so very convenient for the indians to have no prisoners in large numbers to prove there point that its all foreign militants doing the fighting but then strangely point to mass graves and tell us there all foreign militants.

Its seems its you "clutching onto straws" buy diverting the question from the amount of foreign militants in kashmir jails to who makes up the bulk of one group(LeT) memberships.
Do tell us who makes the majority of the membership of Hizbul Mujahideen?

Mate its simple, you were harping about prison statistics(not that you have brought any stats to the table) to prove that Militancy in Kashmir is mainly domestic, I showed you the casualty statistics to prove that its mostly foreign fighters and not local Kashmiris. Why are you allowed to use prison stats to prove your point and why am I not allowed to use casualty statistics to prove mine? :undecided:

If the prisoners in J&K are mostly Kashmiris, then if anything it goes to show that Indian Army goes easy on the domestic ones, and prefers to finish off the foreign ones. Cause according to the casualty statistics 98% of LeT militants killed are actually Pakistanis(majority Punjabi) and only 1% are Kashmiris.

The day the indian army fighting in kashmir is made up of majority kashmiris then you have a right to ask pakistani fighters not to get involved.......you bring indians from from all over india to fight in kashmir and then some how have the cheek to ask the kashmiris to the "fight with kashmiri fighters only".

*Yawn* please by all means bring all of Pakistan to fight, like we or the Indian Army gives a hoot about that. But in the mean time stop this hogwash that Kashmir militants are mostly local Kashmiris, you can fool your gullible Pakistanis with that, we won't buy it.

Its funny that first you try to prove that LeT and JeM militants are majority Kashmiris and in the same breath try to justify the presence of Pakistani militants in Kashmir(a whole 98% of them). Confused much? :woot:
Mate its simple, you were harping about prison statistics(not that you have brought any stats to the table) to prove that Militancy in Kashmir is mainly domestic,

It was you indians that keep bringing up the point about foreign militants and when asked for proof you want us to look at mass graves and just point at dead bodies and give them any nationality you want......sry doesnt work like that.

I showed you the casualty statistics to prove that its mostly foreign fighters and not local Kashmiris. Why are you allowed to use prison stats to prove your point and why am I not allowed to use casualty statistics to prove mine? :undecided:

You cant give to stats to back your point but instead try to tell me the make up of LeT as some proof that all the fighters in kashmir are foreign fighters but when asked what the membership of other groups fighting in kashmir is made up off, Hizbul Mujahideen as an example......you go quiet.
Why dont we take just the membership of the Hizbul Mujahideen and base your assumption on that......no thought not.

If the prisoners in J&K are mostly Kashmiris, then if anything it goes to show that Indian Army goes easy on the domestic ones, and prefers to finish off the foreign ones.

LOL.......what a pathetic excuse.

Cause according to the casualty statistics 98% of LeT militants killed are actually Pakistanis(majority Punjabi) and only 1% are Kashmiris.

And what the majority Hizbul Mujahideen members and there casualty list?........nearly all kashmirs and from kashmir.
Trying to pick and choose your examples to prove a point hasnt really worked out for you.

The majority of the indian army casualties are not of kashmir decent but fighters bought from all over india........the day you use just kashmiris in the indian army ops in kashmir then you can ask pakistan not to send fighters from pakistan.
You want to send fighters from all over india put then try to put demands on pakistan that only Kashmirs should fight.......sorry no can do.

*Yawn* please by all means bring all of Pakistan to fight, like we or the Indian Army gives a hoot about that. But in the mean time stop this hogwash that Kashmir militants are mostly local Kashmiris, you can fool your gullible Pakistanis with that, we won't buy it.

The majority of the fighters are from Kashmir and they help from pakistani based fighters just like the indian army calls fighters from all over india to fight in kashmir so does pakistan.

Its funny that first you try to prove that LeT and JeM militants are majority Kashmiris and in the same breath try to justify the presence of Pakistani militants in Kashmir(a whole 98% of them). Confused much? :woot:

Well going of you skewed facts of linking everything to just the LeT and ignoring all the other groups is bound to get you confused..........pakistan should help the people of kashmir with what ever they need to get rid of indian aoccupation.

How many of the indian army in kashmir are actually from kashmir?
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