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So what exactly did Modi say on Rafale jet

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So much of sukhoi s amazing abilities of fending off threats then. It couldn’t even defend it self. Whole fleet was missing in action

Especially by a plane you inDian arm chair generals dismissed. JF17 !!!
I think its kinda stupid to even say that Rafale's could change the results of the skirmish because if IAF have Rafale's and using them for years, than PAF would have come up with a counter strategy long ago, either with a Long range SAM with maybe J-10C's or AESA were introduced on JF block 2's , either way PAF will know that IAF has Rafales and they will plan their strikes keeping that in mind .. I won't make much of a difference .
From a strategic point of view India waisted at least 15 billion dollars on plane that is so far useless with its pesa radar??

Because for Indian waiting for Rafale while they have almost 200 Su-30MKI is really embarrassing.
This was the clip where Modi talked about Rafale jet .
So much has been made on this particular statement right on this place , i thought why not show you clip and you can hear yourself what modi exactly said about rafale jet and decide .

So in the clip though Modi says " India missed the absence of Rafale (sic) , if we had Rafale jet with us , then perhaps Result would have been even better ."

Yes , as u can hear him say " To sayad Eshey bhi nateje kuch aur hota " in hindi , and if u see his hand gesture what he meant was if we had Rafale with us then perhaps Result would have been even better .
Amazing that u created an entire thread about this...instead u could've just posted this on the thread that already exists about this statement of Modi.

As for ur attempt at translating his words into English...either u don't have as much command on English as u think...or u intentionally translated it in a way to suit ur needs and mislead ppl.

Here is the correct translation:
Nateeja = result
Kuch Aur = something different, something else, other than
Hota = would have been

To put it in order as per English grammar...it would be "the result would've been different"

...and not "the result would've been even better"...for this idiotic translation...the words Modi would've said in ur fantasy would be...
Nateeja = result
Aur behter = even better
Hota = would've been
...so together it would've been "nateeja aur behter hota".

Mods plz delete this misleading thread.
@Oscar @Dubious @The Eagle @waz
Amazing that u created an entire thread about this...instead u could've just posted this on the thread that already exists about this statement of Modi.

As for ur attempt at translating his words into English...either u don't have as much command on English as u think...or u intentionally translated it in a way to suit ur needs and mislead ppl.

Here is the correct translation:
Nateeja = result
Kuch Aur = something different, something else, other than
Hota = would have been

To put it in order as per English grammar...it would be "the result would've been different"

...and not "the result would've been even better"...for this idiotic translation...the words Modi would've said in ur fantasy would be...
Nateeja = result
Aur behter = even better
Hota = would've been
...so together it would've been "nateeja aur behter hota".

Mods plz delete this misleading thread.
@Oscar @Dubious @The Eagle @waz
I think he proved our point...We should thank him and throw him a party :coffee:
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