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So much can change in 3/4 century, Poland appeals to Germany to save Europe

In fact I wasn't talking about non-European colonies.

German colonization was local. It was European domination, Austria, Hungary, Poland etc.

That was not colonization. Those countries you have mentioned had a significant German speaking population. The Anschluss, invasion of Sudetenland were all part of Hitler's Lebensraum philosophy
In fact I wasn't talking about non-European colonies.

German colonization was local. It was European domination, Austria, Hungary, Poland etc.

Err, Austria-Hungary was an empire rivaling with Prussian-Germany. Poland was the victim of these two empires and Russia. Poland as a tiny country divided by three was certainly not the source of German industrialisation. Just compare German to French and British colonies.
Götterdämmerung;2342903 said:
The colony in China was a loss making business. Germany wanted a show case colony to show of to France and Great Britain. They used the best material and technology to build Qingdao. The famous Qingdao beer is one of the German legacy. :cheers:

You mean
Qingdao & Tsingtao_Brewery
That was not colonization. Those countries you have mentioned had a significant German speaking population. The Anschluss, invasion of Sudetenland were all part of Hitler's Lebensraum philosophy

take lithuania or poland then.

personally I see resource drainage as a characteristic of colonialization when that resource drainage favours one group of people over another.
Götterdämmerung;2342782 said:
You seem to know little to nothing about German history.

First of all it was the Weimar Republic, because the republic was proclaimed in the city of Weimar. The Wehrmacht was Germany's military.

Germany's industrialisation was set up with the reparations from the Franco-German war when Germany was victorious and the Second Reich was proclaimed in Versailles. Now you also understand why Germany had to pay such high reparations to France after WWI. It was the revenge for 1871 and the humility that the German nation was proclaimed in the Hall of Mirrors in Versaille, the magnificient palace of King Louis XIV.

Russia was until the October Revolution a agrarian society. The Inustrialisation did't really start until the Bolshevik takeover. German industry and technology was superior to Russia, even today our tool machines are second to none.

War reparations = plundering economies by the victors.

The spread of industrialization occurred from West to East. The Soviet Union did come after Germany though the Soviet UNion's economy always was larger than Germany's before or after industrialization.

What Germany did with industrialization, the Russians were doing without because of the size of the country. The Russians were just as innovative as the Germans of the era.
take lithuania or poland then.

personally I see resource drainage as a characteristic of colonialization when that resource drainage favours one group of people over another.

Lithuania was never ruled by Prussia-Germany. Contrary to French and British colonial rule in Africa and India, the new German territory in Poland already had centuries of a large German speaking population and Polish people were not treated like how the British treated Indians. As there has been Germans on Polish territories for centuries, the resources were used on place and not carried all the way to the old part of Germany.
I'm not sure why you're bringing up other examples to try and justify German colonization of Poland or Lithuania, the people probably didnt like it in those countries.

I'm not sure either you can justify Lithuanian land belonging to Germany when colonization 200 years before pushed Lithuanians out of their land. If Lithuanians conquered the East of Germany and moved Lithuanians into there instead of Germans would you accept Lithuania had a right to the land some 200 years later?
War reparations = plundering economies by the victors.

The spread of industrialization occurred from West to East. The Soviet Union did come after Germany though the Soviet UNion's economy always was larger than Germany's before or after industrialization.

What Germany did with industrialization, the Russians were doing without because of the size of the country. The Russians were just as innovative as the Germans of the era.

Yes, it was the loot of the victors, but France didn't become a German colony.

Russia's larger economy was based on agriculture and resource exploitation until mass industrialisation in the Soviet time. but in terms of innovation, Germany was ahead of most countries of the era. Heck even the Soviets and the US kidnapped German scientists after WWII and many of the modern war toys are based on Germany innovations.

In consumer production, Germany has always been far above Russia. Just compare a Lada, Volga with a Mercedes or BMW of the respective era
I'm not sure why you're bringing up other examples to try and justify German colonization of Poland or Lithuania, the people probably didnt like it in those countries.

I'm not sure you can justify Lithuanian land belonging to Germany when colonization 200 years before pushed Lithuanians out of their land.

I never justify any colonisation and land grab of Poland and Lithuania. I was trying to explain the situation of the that time.

And remember, there was no Germany prior 1871. Germany was fragmented into hundreds of little states with Prussia being the strongest and most dominant.
Götterdämmerung;2343364 said:
Lithuania was never ruled by Prussia-Germany. Contrary to French and British colonial rule in Africa and India, the new German territory in Poland already had centuries of a large German speaking population and Polish people were not treated like how the British treated Indians. As there has been Germans on Polish territories for centuries, the resources were used on place and not carried all the way to the old part of Germany.

Germany was colonial country, in fact one of the most brutal and agressive in history.Your colony was Poland and central Europe.You attacked us in 1795 together with Austria-Hungary and Russia and completly wiped us out of the map for 123 years ! The Polish people suffered greatly under Prussian rule and were brutally discriminated, Polish language was forbidden, Polish property stolen, Poles become slave in their own country every Polish history book tells terrible horrors of that time.Poland was huge,after Russia second biggest country till XVIII and Prussia/Germany greatly benefited from out stolen land and property, you took like 1/3 of Poland.

The 'large' German speaking population argument is absurd and no reason for agression but in fact it was used by Hitler to invade Austria,Czechoslovakia and then Poland.We got some Germans in Polish land because you occupied us for 123 years, you germanized a lot of Polish people and bring colonist from Germany.
WWWI took away your colonies from you in Africa and it took away Poland from Germany which forced you to counter attack in WWWII to regain your colonies and create new ones from eastern nations.You failed but Poland, Russian and whole central Europe suffered insane loss of property and population because of your agressive colonization.My own grandfather and his brother were shot by Wehrmacht death squad :angry:

German economic/scientific achievements are no doubt impressive, Germany could be what is USA today if not colonization.Albert Einstein left Germany and it was great loss for your science.After WWWII you were saved by USA if USSR got you whole you would as rich as Romania today.

Despite german madness in the past , Germany should lead Europe now, they are well organized and have all assets to build united, federal europe we need to badly to fight USA/China/India/Russia.
We Poles are for federal united Europe and Germany has historical chance to clear their name and become the leader of freedom and not oppression.
Why would Germany do it? Every global crisis that so far taken place is all the United States doing. Believe it. Once the world gets rid of the US will there be real peace and stability.
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