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Sep 10, 2008
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an intresting article like people mind when we say they are kufar why don't the westerners mind when jews call the rest of the world gentile!oh forgot ur not suppose to criticise jewish wrong doings my bad,an intresting article

The Ugly Truth

The Joy Of Being Gentile

Yes, I used to get angry. I used to get outraged. I used to grit my teeth and bare my knuckles whenever I came in contact with it, meaning whenever someone from within the Jewish community ‘cut the cheese’, meaning he or she suffered a slip of the tongue and let the anti-Christian/anti-gentile cat out of the bag for all to see and smell.
Now however I just smile. Confidently. Assuredly. Almost arrogantly, some might say. And despite the fact that all appears calm on the outside, the truth is I am exploding inside with anticipatory satisfaction.
No, it is not a capitulation or a surrender on my part and it’s not that I’ve mellowed in my advancing years and now find humorous what yesterday I found insulting by an overbearing, racist, elitist, obnoxious, hypocritical Jewish mass media always lecturing the rest of us on how we shouldn‘t be overbearing, racist, elitist, obnoxious, or hypocritical.
I smile because it’s an indicator, much like the winter solstice. As soon as it arrives, everything changes. Things are looking up, despite the fact you are still in the dead of winter.
And likewise with the tidal wave of chutzpah we gentiles are forced to endure these days in the now-completely-Judaized West. It is an indicator that they no longer fear us, just as Jewish columnist Joel Kline wrote in one of his LA Times pieces when he said–
‘That’s what happens when you Gentiles forget to keep scaring us. So now that we’ve assimilated to the point where we’re completely the same as white people, we’re trying to re-create a community by shoving our culture down your throats…
But, just as the old saying goes, pride precedeth the fall, and this is why I smile at the overt insults these days. The more they do it, the more legions of enemies spring up below their very feet and the sooner we can kick them the hell out of here and get back to living peaceful, productive lives.
Put another way, it is like watching your worst enemy who is falling down drunk as he plays Russian Roulette, who thinks he is charmed and that God somehow favors him to the point he can engage in reckless, suicidal behavior such as this and that his number will never come up. To the cheers of the assembled crowd, each time he puts that gun to his head and pulls the trigger, that blessed trigger and each time the gun doesn’t go off, emboldening him to open the cylinder, spin it anew, close it and then do it all over again in front of his adulating fans. Despite the fact he is unaware of it, you know however that eventually Lady Luck will tire of his shenanigans and decide she is needed elsewhere and then that cylinder, that blessed cylinder, is going to come up loaded like that wheel at the craps table and then he will pull the trigger for the last time and then the nightmare will be over.
And for lack of better imagery, it is like that when I watch the boldness of the Jewish community these days as they shove it in our faces–meaning the way they loathe us, our culture, our religion and whatnot–when they wouldn’t dare do it before. Before they knew they had to hide their hatred for our non-Jewishness, or, more importantly, our ‘goyishness,’ as they sneeringly put it. When they uttered their daily ritual prayer ‘Thank you Lord, that I was not born a gentile’ they had to do it under the breath. When passing by a Christian church or cemetery and they spit they had to do it in a way that appeared innocuous.
Now however, they are ‘living large,’ as the saying goes and are reveling in and exalting the joy of being Jewish. They have the media, Wall Street and a terrorist nation with hundreds of nukes pointed at all of us, and so they think they can get away with being ‘comfortable’ in their ‘Jewishness,’ which in effect can be summed up thusly–
F*** you gentiles, we can do whatever the f*** we want and you can’t say a f****** thing about it’ or we’ll blow your goy as*** to f****** kingdom come…’

How else can we characterize it all? I realize that the language may be a little on the salty side here, but nevertheless it is what it is. Besides the typical business found on mainstream TV 24/7, we have real whoppers such as the recent How to Cook A Gentile cartoon that appeared in Heeb Magazine. We have Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon boasting that ‘We, the Jews control America, and the Americans know it’ back in 2003, right after America invaded and destroyed Iraq per Israel‘s instructions. We have the ADL and all the other Jewish groups collectively crapping their pants just prior to the release of Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ as well as some Jewish groups calling upon King George to have all those associated with the creation of the movie arrested and tried as terrorists. More recently there was the lovable, adorable, simply irresistible/be-still-my-cartwheeling-stomach-lest-I-lose-my-lunch Sandra Barnhart doing her stand-up shtick at a Jewish comedy club where she screeches out at Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, telling her to ‘Stay with your New Goyish, crappy, shiksa, funky bullshit! Don’t you touch my Old Testament, you *****! to the roarous, raucous applause of both the audience and media critics who praised her work as ‘cutting edge’.
And then, of course we have that little doll of the Jewish entertainment industry, the one and (Thank God) only Sarah Silverman who boasts of the Jews having killed Jesus and who swears she would do it again in a heartbeat if she could, as well as her music video “Give The Jew Girl Toys” that in part goes something like this–
I hate to say it, Santa
but you’re acting like a di**.
You should give toys to everyone who’s good and not just to your personal clique!
If you bring me a toy to open Christmas morning,
I’ll let you be my boyfriend all bearded, fat and horny, oh yeah
Oh yeah
What do you have to do with Jesus?
You’ve got as much to do with him as you do your mother’s pe***, oh yeah
Give the Jew girl toys!
Give the Jew girl toys!
Don’t be a douche, what would Jesus do?
He’d say, “Give the Jew girl toys!”
Don’t be a douche, what would Jesus do?
He’d say, “Give the Jew girl toys!
Give the Jew girl toys.”

And so, whenever a new whopper comes out, I smile. I do not let my blood pressure go up anymore. I look upwards (just like our nice Jewish neighbors do when they say their daily prayer about not being born gentile) and say ‘Thank You Sir…may I have another?’
Because, I know what it all means. It means that their arrogance is making them sloppy. The fact that so many of their spies were arrested on 9/11, some in circumstances as incriminating as cheering at the destruction of the towers is proof positive of it. They think we are too stupid to figure it all out and therefore they’re not throwing as much money at the whole thing in terms of production, make-up and perfume in trying to hide the organically, irreversibly ugly face that comes with the joy of being Jewish.
Yes, it stinks, for sure, the attacks and the oppression, but it is a burden worth bearing, because pretty soon people will get tired of smelling it and will decide to flush the toilet on the whole mess at which point we can all start breathing clean, refreshing air again.
But it goes much further than that. Like many bad things in life, there are other upsides as well. On a more personal level, seeing it–meaning the mockery of our Gentile civilization, the war in the Middle East, the ****-saturated society, the murder of the unborn and the general elevation of all things abhorrent–seeing it in all it’s ugliness makes me appreciate the joy of being gentile. I realize now and celebrate the fact that ‘gentile’ is the origin of certain complimentary words such as ‘gentleman’ and ‘gentlewoman’ and I relish it. When I see these people who lose themselves, lose their dignity, their sense of humanity, their fear of God and their reverence for all things good in such an over-the-top manner, who wallow in their own chutzpah the way a swine wallows in its own ***** that comes with the territory of the joy of being Jewish, I realize how lucky I am that I wasn’t born one of them. ‘Peace is priceless,’ as they say and I would not trade the peace of mind that comes with being a gentile for living in a state of perpetual war with everyone that comes with the ‘joy’ of being Jewish, and not for all the shekels in the world.
And so, in the spirit of the day, when they–meaning the Jews–look at me and–in whatever fashion, quietly or loudly, through their control of the media, Wall Street or the fact that it is the gentile world fighting Israel’s wars for her in the Middle East and elsewhere and say in effect ‘Thank you Lord, that I was not born a gentile’ I say with equal gratitude ‘Thank you Lord that I WAS born a gentile’ . I couldn’t imagine living a better life, where I can go to sleep at night not worrying about who’s out to get me as if I were Cain and had just murdered my brother Abel. Being relieved of the burden of self-worship and its mirrored-reflection (meaning the institutionalized hatred of everyone else) results in the sleep of the just and that rests just fine with me. When I see the ugliness and the hatred my Jewish masters entertain against me for not being like them, it just makes me want to sing out, just like that old Carol King song ‘Natural Woman’–
‘You make me feel…
You make me feel…
You make me feel like a na-tu-ral GENTILE!…

And perhaps this was what Jesus was talking about in his sermon on the mount when he said ‘Blessed are you when men curse you because of me’ and in this sense I have learned–as we all should–the joy of being gentile.
(c) 2008 Mark Glenn
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