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Snowfall hits the northern provinces of Saudi Arabia

You might dislike her post now. But by the time, you will used to and take her as an entertainment. Emotional lady always entertaining. I really have no intention to ruin yor thread. Thanks for the beautiful pics

Brother, it is a he, not a she. A woman could not possibly act in such a way. That individual is a famous individual around the internet. He has had 3-4 users on this forum and he is posting Al-Asshead propaganda and anti-Muslim propaganda on many platforms across the internet apparently. If we believe the sources put forward by many users on this very forum.
Brother, it is a he, not a she. A woman could not possibly act in such a way. That individual is a famous individual around the internet. He has had 3-4 users on this forum and he is posting Al-Asshead propaganda and anti-Muslim propaganda on many platforms across the internet apparently. If we believe the sources put forward by many users on this very forum.
How come a man act on emotion like that? Man act with brain not with emotion. Whether it is a she or he, it doesn't matter. What matter is she/he is entertaining. Her post sometimes make me laugh loud. But i promise not to invite her anymore in your post.

I visited Vietnam a few times and never met a single vietnamese whose give a damn shit about muslim/arab matters. This elis guy must be a very very very special Vietnamese.

Well, Turkey is not a fully ME state. If you look at your link then there are different way of measuring it and in the second method they are more or less the same, although I personally doubt that they have included the 1300 tropical Saudi Arabian islands and the coastlines there. Anyway outside of the question mark with Turkey, KSA is number 1 in the MENA region.

Winter sets in; more rains on the way


Published — Saturday 14 December 2013

Last update 14 December 2013 4:57 am

Wintry weather continues to hit the Kingdom with snow blanketing parts of Tabuk and medium to heavy rain falling over Makkah region.
On Friday, rain fell over many parts of Makkah region including its southern coasts and Al-Laith, Al-Shaqah and Alwasagh. Moderate rain showers also fell over Tarba, Maysam and Al-Sahan. More rain is expected to fall over the country this weekend.
The cooler weather and rain has encouraged many residents and citizens to head outdoors, particularly since it coincides with the weekend. Many families have gone to see the beautiful flowing waterfalls in the villages of Bani Malik, south of Taif.
Col. Saeed Sarhan, spokesman for the Makkah Civil Defense, warned people to be careful when heading out to risky areas. He said parents should not let their children play alone near ponds, swamps and dams.
Snow continued to fall for the second day in a row in Tabuk region, including Al-Zaher and Aleghan, lasting from 2 a.m. to sunrise, with temperatures falling below zero.
Col. Mamdouh bin Sulaiman Al-Anzi, media spokesman for the Civil Defense in Tabuk, warned of low visibility during the cold weather, particularly in snowstorms. He said there was also a danger of avalanches.
The Met Office said there were partly cloudy skies in the northern and southern parts of the Kingdom, and potentially more rainfall over Al-Wajeh, Tabuk, Tarif and Al-Qurayyat.
The report also predicted surface winds of 15 to 42 km/h on the Red Sea, causing higher than usual waves.

Winter sets in; more rains on the way | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
Snowfall, cold wave disrupt life in north


Published — Sunday 15 December 2013

Last update 15 December 2013 1:21 am

Life came to a halt in the northern parts of the Kingdom on Saturday as the mercury dipped below zero, with cold winds accompanied by rain and snowfall lashing the region. The chilly weather has crippled normal life in Tabuk, Turaif, Jouf and Arar.

The cold wave is expected to prevail in the northern border areas for some time and will spread to Madinah on Sunday, according to weather experts.
Poor visibility in Turaif resulted in a road accident which killed a Bangladeshi expatriate and injured two others. In Tabuk, a Saudi citizen died in a road accident on Saturday while several tourists were injured in a stampede as they clambered to see the snowfall in the mountain region. Traffic police director Brig. Gen. Mohammed Al-Najjar said that there were nine accidents related to people who were trampled upon as they rushed to see snow falling in the mountains.
Tabuk authorities airlifted 26 people caught in snowfall and freezing temperatures on the directives of Gov. Prince Fahd bin Sultan. The governor also ordered the distribution of first aid to citizens on his personal expense.
Civil Defense director of Tabuk region Brig. Mastour Al-Harity told SPA that there was no death due the severe weather conditions.
Mount Louz, Aqlan and the mountains near Tabuk are registering sub-zero temperatures and are blanketed by snow.
Tabuk residents told Arab News by the telephone that life in the Zaita area near Jordan had come to a standstill due to the freezing temperatures.
Ala Shawan, an Egyptian resident and business executive said that though Tabuk city is not covered with snow, the cold wave and occasional sleet is hampering normal life.

Dr. Anwar Deshmukh, assistant professor in Tabuk University said that children are falling sick due to the severe snow fall and cold winds in the regions bordering Jordan.
They also said that the sea level had risen with the waves encroaching on the pavements in the Corniche in Duba near Tabuk.
The civil defense authorities in the Northern border areas are prepared to deal with any emergency situation as a result of the adverse weather conditions. Captain Abdul Rahman Al Ahmari, spokesperson of civil defense in the Northern borders region has cautioned people in the region to be vigilant due to the snow fall accompanied by rain.
A long time resident of Arar city and sports coach Mirza Imtiaz Ali Baig told Arab News that, “Life has been difficult for the last four days due to the cold weather in the Northern border areas.”
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, assistant professor in Al Jouf University and living in Sakaka told Arab News, “There is no snow fall in Jouf but the cold wave is continuing. However, the weather on Saturday is somehow better compared to Friday.”
Shaikh Altaf, an automobile shop executive in Hafar Al Bateen said that the weather has affected businesses in the area.

Snowfall, cold wavedisrupt life in north | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
Look what i have found. :lol:

Well, I was talking about the culture. You have to agree that culturally Turkey does not belong in Europe. I am referring to the geography. A part of Turkey, although small, belongs to Europe and it is very much the frontier of the Middle East. Some consider it as Europe even. I have seen Turkish users saying that they consider it Europe.

Nah Screw u @al-Hasani for keeping such a beautiful country hidden away from us :angry::sick:


Well, I was talking about the culture. You have to agree that culturally Turkey does not belong in Europe. I am referring to the geography.

If you are referring as geographical, than you can include Turkey into the contest about who got longer shore, don't you ? ;)

A part of Turkey, although small, belongs to Europe and it is very much the frontier of the Middle East. Some consider it as Europe even. I have seen Turkish users saying that they consider it Europe.

Mate, i think many Turkish users will confirm me saying that "We belong neither Europe nor ME - not western, not eastern"

We are Turks, nothing more. :)
Nah Screw u @al-Hasani for keeping such a beautiful country hidden away from us :angry::sick:
It is not solely al-hasani's fault but ksa as a nation. They are too secretive about their nature's beauty. May be they want to keep it just for their self.:(:butcher:.

When I was in dammam airport in 2007, I found it as a good and decent airport but it was too black and white. I do not see any effort to promote the local natural beauty as you will see in any airport in the world.

From some of al-hasani's threads it looks changing now. May be late, but better than never.
Well, Turkey is a special case since it is both a part of Europe and Asia so not a FULLY Middle Eastern country. All I am saying. You quoted a post of mind that talked about culture, religion etc. while this has nothing to do with geography.
It is not solely al-hasani's fault but ksa as a nation. They are too secretive about their nature's beauty. May be they want to keep it just for their self.:(:butcher:.

When I was in dammam airport in 2007, I found it as a good and decent airport but it was too black and white. I do not see any effort to promote the local natural beauty as you will see in any airport in the world.

From some of al-hasani's threads it looks changing now. May be late, but better than never.
It's not KSA fault man ... they get so many applications for religious purpose, they must have never felt a need for tourism sector. But lately @al-Hasani mentioned that KSA is trying to explore their tourism sector as well. It's a good step forward in positive direction.
It is not solely al-hasani's fault but ksa as a nation. They are too secretive about their nature's beauty. May be they want to keep it just for their self.:(:butcher:.

When I was in dammam airport in 2007, I found it as a good and decent airport but it was too black and white. I do not see any effort to promote the local natural beauty as you will see in any airport in the world.

From some of al-hasani's threads it looks changing now. May be late, but better than never.


It's not KSA fault man ... they get so many applications for religious purpose, they must have never felt a need for tourism sector. But lately @al-Hasani mentioned that KSA is trying to explore their tourism sector as well. It's a good step forward in positive direction.


So, here before I was about to go to bed (somehow I can't sleep tonight) a friend sent me this through FB:


The first video is beautiful:

How do people react to snow in Saudi Arabia - YouTube


‫ثلوج منطقة تبوك الجمعة 10/2/1435‬‎ - YouTube
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