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Smokers' Joint

to be honest, if you set your mind to it you can do just about anything (except maybe defy gravity)

i have quit before - the longest time being 2 months. I relapsed a couple years ago -which is most unfortunate.

we are paying money to kill ourselves....that is called failing. I'm really thinking about quitting again.
to be honest, if you set your mind to it you can do just about anything (except maybe defy gravity)

i have quit before - the longest time being 2 months. I relapsed a couple years ago -which is most unfortunate.

we are paying money to kill ourselves....that is called failing. I'm really thinking about quitting again.

I've been thinking about it too. In my family everybody smokes. My bezurgs only ever smoked after a meal, once or twice a day, and most of the time smoked hooka instead of cigarettes.

Honestly I am astounded by how much self control by Grandfather and his brothers had.
U know what i have to pay 15$ for a pack of cig here in newzealand......
A pack has 20 cigs...and it costs me 15$s....:drag::cry:
The government is trying to make Newzealand smoke free in future...
According to reports a pack will cost around 100$ by 2022....
Jeezz im getting out of this country by then for sure....:)
I've been thinking about it too. In my family everybody smokes. My bezurgs only ever smoked after a meal, once or twice a day, and most of the time smoked hooka instead of cigarettes.

Honestly I am astounded by how much self control by Grandfather and his brothers had.

not many smokers in my family......my uncle was a heavy smoker but then he had heart bypass surgery; was ordered by doctor to leave cigs. Alhamdolillah he quit and is healthy now.

he tells me that he would rather see me drink a glass of scotch rather than smoke cigs... :laugh:

it really is a f*cked up habit.....but still we do it. I'm trying to cutback now, Inshallah will quit once i put my mind to it.
U know what i have to pay 15$ for a pack of cig here in newzealand......
A pack has 20 cigs...and it costs me 15$s....:drag::cry:
The government is trying to make Newzealand smoke free in future...
According to reports a pack will cost around 100$ by 2022....
Jeezz im getting out of this country by then for sure....:)

It's hell expensive in Europe too... about 10-12 dollars per pack in UK... more expensive in France, Holland and Scandinavian countries... only 5 euros in Italy so slightly cheaper in Italy
not many smokers in my family......my uncle was a heavy smoker but then he had heart bypass surgery; was ordered by doctor to leave cigs. Alhamdolillah he quit and is healthy now.

he tells me that he would rather see me drink a glass of scotch rather than smoke cigs... :laugh:

it really is a f*cked up habit.....but still we do it. I'm trying to cutback now, Inshallah will quit once i put my mind to it.

Scotch? Lol, that scotch will make you smoke 2-3 cigarettes.

Alcohol only compliments cigarettes.
did you quit cold Turkey?

i am finding nowdays that when i keep chewing gum on me i have fewer cravings......on work day i'll smoke about 7-8 cigs but then on weekends i can easily go through almost a dibba - depending on what activity im doing

My approach was a little different. I didn't set out to quit smoking, I actually promised myself that I wouldn't be buying any more cigs, that was about 6-7 months back. It's probably the same thing but that's how I started. The first 10-15 days were difficult, but I resisted the temptation to buy one, once I passed that phase it was easy. I wasn't a heavy smoker anyway, probably that helped. Now even if I smoke occasionally with friends(only with drinks and I still don't buy it !!) I don't feel the urge to go back again. I am going to keep it that way.
Scotch? Lol, that scotch will make you smoke 2-3 cigarettes.

Alcohol only compliments cigarettes.

unfortunately, that is the truth! :lol:

My approach was a little different. I didn't set out to quit smoking, I actually promised myself that I wouldn't be buying any more cigs, that was about 6-7 months back. It's probably the same thing but that's how I started. The first 10-15 days were difficult, but I resisted the temptation to buy one, once I passed that phase it was easy. I wasn't a heavy smoker anyway, probably that helped. Now even if I smoke occasionally with friends(only with drinks and I still don't buy it !!) I don't feel the urge to go back again. I am going to keep it that way.

thats good for you....most people who are serious about quitting have to set a date of when to quit, and then stick to that date

i workout very regularly so i'm still in good physical shape - but the health aspect is something i dont want to ignore. Of course the main concern is that your hunger gets out of control - but that also takes self control. This is where prayer and level-mindedness is needed.
The one time I did really quit, I had to crumple and throw away the smokes I had on me, if I waited till the pack was done...I would always buy another.
to be honest, if you set your mind to it you can do just about anything (except maybe defy gravity)

i have quit before - the longest time being 2 months. I relapsed a couple years ago -which is most unfortunate.

we are paying money to kill ourselves....that is called failing. I'm really thinking about quitting again.

HAHA, you wish! it's over now...:chilli:
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