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Slovakia refuses to accept Muslim migrants


May 26, 2013
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Sri Lanka
United Kingdom
Slovakia has said it will not accept any Muslims under an EU scheme to share migrants more evenly between member states.

“We want to help Europe with the migration issue. We could take 800 Muslims but we don't have any mosques in Slovakia so how can Muslims be integrated if they are not going to like it here?” Ivan Metik, an interior ministry spokesman, said.

Slovakia is to host 200 migrants under an EU plan to redistribute 40,000 away from Italy and Greece, which are overwhelmed with the numbers arriving across the Mediterranean.

The Slovakian government said it plans to ask the migrants their religion on arrival.

The European Commission expressed its displeasure at the Slovakian plans. “We act here in the spirit of the treaty, which prevents any form of discrimination,” Annika Breidthardt, a spokesman, said.

Slovakia refuses to accept Muslim migrants - Telegraph

This country has some balls.
Well can't blame them either.. With all the security and law and order problems rest of the EU is having with thier migrant communities, No wonder thy're cautious even though some may find it xenophobic
All Countries should have a right to accept or reject Immigrants.

Pakistan should know better. We accepted 3,500,000 Afghans when Soviets invaded Afghanistan and look what a mess they created.

Back then , all of Europe was insisting that we accept Afghan Refugees.

We did and 35 years later those pests are still here.
Slovakia has said it will not accept any Muslims under an EU scheme to share migrants more evenly between member states.

“We want to help Europe with the migration issue. We could take 800 Muslims but we don't have any mosques in Slovakia so how can Muslims be integrated if they are not going to like it here?” Ivan Metik, an interior ministry spokesman, said.

Slovakia is to host 200 migrants under an EU plan to redistribute 40,000 away from Italy and Greece, which are overwhelmed with the numbers arriving across the Mediterranean.

The Slovakian government said it plans to ask the migrants their religion on arrival.

The European Commission expressed its displeasure at the Slovakian plans. “We act here in the spirit of the treaty, which prevents any form of discrimination,” Annika Breidthardt, a spokesman, said.

Slovakia refuses to accept Muslim migrants - Telegraph

This country has some balls.
Sounds like a nice place to visit.
Their country, they choose to accept migrants or not. It isn't related to religion, not all migrants are Muslim.
i support them better if they deport all muslims they have or else it will be like UK




This country has some balls.

Not sure what balls has to do with this. Europe has immigration because it sponsors it. European nations can end immigration, they simply don't however. If you don't want immigration then take up to the ministry responsible for it. Why aren't you?
Sahi kaha Imran Bhai.....
wakt ne sabit kiya

Why still coming if they hate us so much? Lol

these Muslim migrants story

they born in Muslim country in dirt - hunger - jobless - corruption terrorism extremism no services and with no future

they sold something and try day night their whole best to get out of their country

finally thy got visit visa and then seek asylum at any cost in western country even with fake stories of rape and torture

when they have given right to live in west they can not adjust in society

they well establish and now have job and everything a human need for life

there kids have every goody of life and they growing nicely with civilized society

but problem is elders follow same old way of their country and push kids also to be same backward minds as parents

their old men come back to their home country and build mosques rather then schools or hospitals

while their next generation in west join Islamic radicals and want to convert Islamic

yes same Islamic where their parents leave ( Muslim country in dirt - hunger - jobless - corruption terrorism extremism and with no future )

now tell me why they migrate ? they can better live in their original Islamic country with Islamic goodies

while westerns also welcome only extremists mullahs with long breeds and reject liberals educated .
their country they can reject however if they dont have mosques it is not an issue Muslims can pray at home till the time they build some
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