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Slaughtering the Khmer Rouge 1978: True or False ?

Hey Chinese commenters. Please be gentle to Vietnam a bit. Their leadership now is pro China. Just that this is a quite a well kept secret and not many PRC know it. The Vietnamese are more aware.
Dude, its just a rumour, VNese know all kind of rumours abt our leaders Mr. Trong, Sang, but as I said: just bcz we r scared of 'jasmine revolt' so we have to side wt China now. Just like we sided with China until 1975 and broke up in 1979. Nothing special.
In the long run, Vietnam is an ally. The PRC got to be more informed rather than hitting friends with friendly fire.
Yeah, if they dont hit us, then we wont hit them, but we r not ally, and we dont like to ally wt those low IQ barbarian

China is a 3rd world country with 1.4 billion population still has 5x times larger per capital GDP than Vietnam does.
and still a 3rd , nothing chance for China, even after 100 years more
ChineseTiger1986 said:
Typical delusional Viet, US treats China as enemy, but China is still on the verge of becoming its largest trading partner, soon China will surpass Canada.

The game between the great powers you will never understand.
So when will China get rid of 3rd nation ?? what is ur plan ??
So when will China get rid of 3rd nation ?? what is ur plan ??

It doesn't matter we are first world or third world, the matter fact is that we will still piss on your head.

You said that US is economically helping you, yet i haven't seen any concrete action, not even some lip service.

China and US trade is close to 600 billion, while Vietnam and US has not even surpassed 30 billion.
You could change to another thread for discussing any non-related.
China used Vietnam to fight against US? China didn't force you to fight against US. It was your choice. China threatened US not entering north Vietnam, which saved millions Vietnamese lives.

I didn't not say China's support are unselfish. Politics all have dark side. Japan, India and US now want to cooperate with VN. Do you think they do it for good purpose?

"China threatened US not entering north Vietnam, which saved millions Vietnamese lives." only verbal threaten ? Very funny :rofl:

The Paris Peace Accords of 1973, USA went home. 1974 China attacked and robbed our Hoang Sa Islandsof Vietnam, and so 1979, 1988, how many Vietnamese were killed directly by Chinese ?

And China followed Russian model. Go talk with Russians on this.

Complement for you, you have a good answer.
1. You are now aggressive country and consider yourself No. 2 world military power ... is it enough for others to declare the war to you? or simply attack you anytime ?
2. Who tell you Vietnam want to annex Kampuchea, Laos and Thailand / and ais the No.3 military power? China propaganda ?
1.No. We are not so aggressive as you were.
2.Why VN troops stayed in other country for 10 years? No more excuses. It's a military occupation. Why Thailand fought against Vietnam if you didn't have the ambition for their land? VN did look like an aggressive bastard back then, quite similar to the 1940's Japan, had trouble with every neighbor.
"China threatened US not entering north Vietnam, which saved millions Vietnamese lives." only verbal threaten ? Very funny :rofl:
The Paris Peace Accords of 1973, USA went home. 1974 China attacked and robbed our Hoang Sa Islandsof Vietnam, and so 1979, 1988, how many Vietnamese were killed directly by Chinese ?
Verbal threat is enough. USA dared not send one soldier into North VN. Bombing planes were an exception. Imagine if there wasn't China's Verbal threat. Vietcong may have disappeared already.

In 1974 China grabbed her islands from a thief. Fair and square.
1. You attack everyone nearby then you say you not so aggressive ...
2. You are not Cambodia, to know why, or comment, please find for official opinion of Cambodia government.
They said, they want Vietnam troops stay longer than 10 years, and Vietnam saved their race.
3. About Thailand, can you show us more details on the fighting ...

Verbal threat is enough. USA dared not send one soldier into North VN. Bombing planes were an exception. Imagine if there wasn't China's Verbal threat. Vietcong may have disappeared already.

In 1974 China grabbed her islands from a thief. Fair and square.

Kankan, please drive back to the topic ...
Wikipedia - Cambodian Campaign
The Cambodian Campaign (also known as the Cambodian Incursion) was a series of military operations conducted in eastern Cambodia during mid-1970 by the United States and the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) during the Vietnam War. These invasions were a result of the policy of President Richard Nixon. A total of 13 major operations were conducted by the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) between 29 April and 22 July and by US forces between 1 May and 30 June.

The objective of the campaign was the defeat of the approximately 40,000 troops of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF, also known as Viet Cong) who were ensconced in the eastern border regions of Cambodia. Cambodia's official neutrality and military weakness made its territory effectively a safe zone where Vietnamese communist forces could establish bases for operations over the border. With the US shifting toward a policy of Vietnamization and withdrawal, the US sought to shore up the South Vietnamese dictatorship's security by eliminating the cross-border threat.
Wikipedia - Operation Menu
Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970, during the Vietnam War. The targets of these attacks were sanctuaries and Base Areas of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and forces of the Viet Cong, which utilized them for resupply, training, and resting between campaigns across the border in the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). The effects of the bombing campaign are disputed by historians.

An official United States Air Force record of US bombing activity over Indochina from 1964 to 1973 was declassified by US president Bill Clinton in 2000. The report gives details of the extent of the bombing of Cambodia, as well as of Laos and Vietnam. According to the data, the Air Force began bombing the rural regions of Cambodia along its South Vietnam border in 1965 under the Johnson administration. This was four years earlier than previously believed. The Menu bombings were an escalation of these air attacks. Nixon authorized the use of long-range B-52 bombers to carpet bomb the region.
Cambodian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Cambodian Civil War was a conflict that pitted the forces of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (known as the Khmer Rouge) and their allies the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and the Viet Cong against the government forces of Cambodia (after October 1970, the Khmer Republic), which were supported by the United States (U.S.) and the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam).

The struggle was complicated by the influence and actions of the allies of the two warring sides. People's Army of Vietnam (North Vietnamese Army) involvement was designed to protect its Base Areas and sanctuaries in eastern Cambodia, without which the prosecution of its military effort in South Vietnam would have been more difficult. Then following the Cambodian coup of 1970, the North Vietnamese Army's attempt to overrun the entire country in March–April 1970 plunged Cambodia into civil war.[4] The U.S. was motivated by the desire to buy time for its withdrawal from Southeast Asia, to protect its ally in South Vietnam, and to prevent the spread of communism to Cambodia. American and both South and North Vietnamese forces directly participated (at one time or another) in the fighting. The central government was mainly assisted by the application of massive U.S. aerial bombing campaigns and direct material and financial aid.
1. You attack everyone nearby then you say you not so aggressive ...
2. You are not Cambodia, to know why, or comment, please find for official opinion of Cambodia government.
They said, they want Vietnam troops stay longer than 10 years, and Vietnam saved their race.
3. About Thailand, can you show us more details on the fighting ...

Kankan, please drive back to the topic ...
1. China didn't occupy others' land. And only has problem with several neighbors.
2, Brain washed excuse. Most Japanese still believe they invaded other countries to liberate them from westerners. Same thing here.
3. I don't have more source about Thailand-Vietnam war. I thought you knew it. Seems your government doesn't want you to know it.
Ho Chi Minh said a apology to Vietnam people for his mistakes in "land reform" campaign was made following chinese model.

Nobody forced him, he is supposed to be a leader taking good decisions for his people
no one believes your lies evil and murderous Yuons, smh these immoral Annams always peddling their lies

not sure if already posted but here look your crimes

Yellow rain was the subject of a 1981 political incident in which the United States Secretary of State Alexander Haig accused the Soviet Union of supplying T-2 mycotoxin to the Communist states in Vietnam and Laos for use in counterinsurgency warfare.[1]

Refugees described many different forms of attacks, including a sticky yellow liquid falling from planes or helicopters, which was dubbed "yellow rain". The US government alleged that over ten thousand people had been killed in attacks using these chemical weapons.[2]

The charges stemmed from events in Laos and Vietnam beginning in 1975, when the two governments, which were allied with and supported by the Soviet Union, retaliated against Hmong tribes, peoples who had sided with the United States during the Vietnam War. Refugees described events that they believed to be chemical warfare attacks by low-flying aircraft or helicopters; several of the reports were of a yellow, oily liquid that was dubbed "yellow rain". Those exposed claimed neurological and physical symptoms including seizures, blindness, and bleeding. Similar reports came from the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in 1978
Yellow rain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nobody forced him, he is supposed to be a leader taking good decisions for his people
look these Annam race, no matter what they said can't help but wanted to enslave them

look here the your uncle
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Verbal threat is enough. USA dared not send one soldier into North VN. Bombing planes were an exception. Imagine if there wasn't China's Verbal threat. Vietcong may have disappeared already.

In 1974 China grabbed her islands from a thief. Fair and square.

One day China said " US imerialist is paper tiger" next day China begged Nixon to drop in Peking, shaked hands with Nixon. US plaid with China like unstable mentality kid. US don't cared what is verbal talking of China

US went home, China showed his face as sea pirates, robbed Islands of Vietnam. China is biggest thief in the world.
Nobody forced him, he is supposed to be a leader taking good decisions for his people

He was forced or not, in any circumstances, at least he admitted his failure. and said that he is responsible for mistakens made in the land reform campaign in Vietnam.

Other leaders of Vietnam, communist and nationalists don't have it, very sad.
China had reason to start the war with VN in 1979. When Vietnam was a very conceited and aggressive country. Veitnamese believed they are the No3 world military power. They wanted to annex Cambodia, Laos and part of Thailand to make a large country and sought hegemony in SEA, which was a big threat to other SEA countries, as well as China.

China did not start the war for Pol Pot. As long as Cambodia stays independent, it's fine with China. You must know Cambodia King Sihanouk was staying in Beijing and well protected by China.
Vietnam may be a big threat for others, but China? is it a joke?
Fact is Vietnam has never been a threat for China throughout history.

We have learned our lesson. Next time, if Cambodia (or Thailand, Malaysia or other in the region) commits suicide, we will stay away. Let them kill themselves and let them massacre other ethnics such as Chinese. We will act like the French and the British, we´ll send in paratroopers only to protect our Vietnamese people.

We saved Cambodia from the genocide, and what did we received?
invasion from China, US-China alliance against Vietnam, international santion and isolation. no humanity, no integrity, neither morality. The mass murder Pol Pot killed millions, but all applauded him.
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