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Skyroot Aerospace becomes first Indian company to test-fire solid-fueled rocket engine.

No unfortunately but we are working on it especially in avionics fields, for what you gave a article by german Scholar, and do you have anything INDEGENOUS on your MAHAN/VEDIC Tej@$$
I am posting news, did I comment anything on any country? Plus if we are terrorists then why are you GreyListed? FATF on Indian Payroll?

And if west helps us then how did we achieve the feat of making the world’s best Remote Sensing Satellite CARTOSAT-3?

One of Cartosat-3’s cameras offers a ground resolution of 25 cm - this means it can pick up an object of a minimum of that size from a height of around 500 km.

Previously, WorldView-3, a satellite owned by US company Maxar, had the best ground resolution of 31 cm.
Why the heck are you even responding to imbecile trolls??
USA always used us and betrays us in critical time for Pakistan, yeah yeah you had a Vinamas (UFO) in your ancient vedic time and your ministers claiming you had a cell phone and internet technologies in 5000 years ago, So why you're developing SRB this tech is obsolete tech for India because you had VInama (UFO) tech since ancient times??? :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :lol: where its Ex-ISRO scientists firms or not but most probably it was help by west, first we have to straighten up our corrupt political and economic system and improve our social fabric and we are not claiming and intended to be superpower but your pathetic shining fcuk India and WORLD BIGGEST SH!T DEMOCARACY IS CLAIMING TO BE A SUPERPOWER, and you're already in SUPERPOWER category! oh sorry you're in HYPER POWER OF THE UNIVERSE CATEGORY:lol:🤪;):enjoy:
Agreed... That Pakistan has been used and thrown in dustbin...:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:
Yeah i have pain in my foot:yes4: but we are laughing on your this BS INDIGENOUS claim just like your LCA/Tej@$$claim:yu::yes4::sarcastic:
Laughing is good for your heart... Pls tc
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They wont launch anything in the next 10 years. Hope i am wrong but the ecosystem for space launches is not only technical but also demand led.
A country like Japan with the 3rd best space program after Russia and USA, with the capability to undertake complex sample return missions from asteroids, has a negligible launch program, because their domestic market is small. Private companies like spacex are successful now solely because of massive support from the American government in the form of assured orders.
India does not have a large domestic market. And international competition is stiff. The required funding is in the billions not millions. Though a new Zealand based company has launched a few rockets on a budget , i have serious doubts about this company.
So, as per above news Skyroot has changed the configuration of Vikram-1 because according to this page from the company's website the Vikram-1 was supposed to be entirely solid-fueled.

Also, in my limited understanding of these things, Skyroot should have gone for a Liquid Hydrogen + Liquid Oxygen, or Liquid Methane + Liquid Oxygen engines because these can be obtained on other worlds. Skyroot would have gotten experience of beyond-Earth engine building right from the word go.

To be fair, ISRO scientists got initial and later training from the West, including France and USA. ISRO's first rocket was the Nike-Apache, an American sounding rocket.

I will tag three people here. Maybe they will know.

@ps3linux @Hamartia Antidote @Fawadqasim1

a) Hydro+ Ox engines are cryogenic. When you start off a program the last thing you want is complex engines that require cryo storage. In fact the budget to even build the facilities to test and develop that tech will be so high that it will be many times their existing budgets
b) 'entirely solid fuel engines' as per prelim views are not good. Solids are good for booster stage but liquids are better for guidance precision because you can control the combustion better. If you want to launch a satellite, for instance, better to have liquid stages from second stage onwards
c) if they say they're moving from solid to liquid most likely means the use case of the rocket has changed (from upper atmosphere research to sat launch eg. or maybe the type of sats they're launching

Send an army of Pak scientists to train, the result will be the same- Suparco will be a failure. It's not the training that matters but bold leadership. There is no evidence Suparco ever had that. In fact people who did possess it (Abdus Samad) have historically been hounded and attacked.
a) Hydro+ Ox engines are cryogenic. When you start off a program the last thing you want is complex engines that require cryo storage. In fact the budget to even build the facilities to test and develop that tech will be so high that it will be many times their existing budgets

In that case Skyroot should have gone in for semi-cryogenic engine like SpaceX did in its very first rocket the Falcon-1 which had ( Kerosene + Liquid Oxygen ) in both stages. SpaceX aimed high and thus got good experience in cryogenics. Such an arrangement would have given much practice to Skyroot and Kerosene is easily available.

Also, the Raman liquid engine tested by Skyroot uses ( UDMH + NTO ) which again will not give beyond-Earth engine building experience which would come from ( LH + LOX ) and ( LM + LOX ).

Of course, other than the semi-cryogenic engine, the rocket structure would have to be cryogenic-proof as well. SpaceX achieved this right with its first rocket.

Skyroot should aim high. After all, it has ex-ISRO scientists as its designers.

Send an army of Pak scientists to train, the result will be the same- Suparco will be a failure. It's not the training that matters but bold leadership.

I agree that SUPARCO concentrated on military rockets only but to be fair, even ISRO concentrated on satellite launch instead of having a human-in-space program. So both organizations, being almost 60 years old, were never ambitious, but I hope Skyroot, Bellatrix and Agnikul have human-in-space ambition for the 2030s.

There is no evidence Suparco ever had that. In fact people who did possess it (Abdus Samad) have historically been hounded and attacked.

Found this on Abdus Samad :
There are certainly challenges that Pakistan faces to achieve this internationalisation. It must not only incentivise foreign students to study there but also provide motivation for its best and brightest who choose to study abroad to return and give back to Pakistan. Dr Samad suggests that this requires a total overhaul of the research culture in Pakistan, from the allocation of funds to the addition of research components within the Pakistani education system.

“Re-envisioning of a long-term research programme on topics, which are of strategic importance to the people of Pakistan, is needed urgently. This can be done with the help of academic institutions, research organisations, industries, as well as overseas Pakistanis who are experts in their fields.”

Despite the necessity of reforms ahead, and the difficulties that may arise, Dr Samad is encouraged by the spirit emerging within Pakistan: “The entrepreneurship culture is prevailing very fast in Pakistan and must be utilized to spearhead space-based, start-up projects. The solutions to some of the most pressing Space challenges may come out from Pakistan.”
Encouraging. But why do you say he was hounded ?
In that case Skyroot should have gone in for semi-cryogenic engine like SpaceX did in its very first rocket the Falcon-1 which had ( Kerosene + Liquid Oxygen ) in both stages. SpaceX aimed high and thus got good experience in cryogenics. Such an arrangement would have given much practice to Skyroot and Kerosene is easily available.

Also, the Raman liquid engine tested by Skyroot uses ( UDMH + NTO ) which again will not give beyond-Earth engine building experience which would come from ( LH + LOX ) and ( LM + LOX ).

Of course, other than the semi-cryogenic engine, the rocket structure would have to be cryogenic-proof as well. SpaceX achieved this right with its first rocket.

Skyroot should aim high. After all, it has ex-ISRO scientists as its designers.

I agree that SUPARCO concentrated on military rockets only but to be fair, even ISRO concentrated on satellite launch instead of having a human-in-space program. So both organizations, being almost 60 years old, were never ambitious, but I hope Skyroot, Bellatrix and Agnikul have human-in-space ambition for the 2030s.

Found this on Abdus Samad :

Encouraging. But why do you say he was hounded ?
You are full of ....
Typical armchair.

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