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Six of the 19 surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles failed in drills - Taiwan

This is a lie. Taiwan deliberately failed to launch.
Taiwan urged Americans to sell weapons through this drama.

Exactly :

Will Taiwan’s Missile Flop Score U.S. Pity Points?
China | Danger Room | Wired.com

It was sold as a demonstration of Taiwan’s high-tech defenses against a rapidly rising China. But Tuesday’s firing of 19 air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles before an audience of top government officials and reporters might end up having another equally important effect for Taiwan: scoring pity points with China hawks in Washington.

That’s because the test was a flop. Six of the missiles missed their targets. One, a Sparrow air-to-air missile, “cascaded harmlessly into the South China Sea less than 30 seconds after launch,” according to the Associated Press.

“I’m not satisfied with the results,” Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou said.

But failure has its perks. The missiles likely missed because they are, like much of Taiwan’s weaponry, simply old and outdated. So the botched test underscores Taiwan’s perceived need for a fresh supply of U.S.-made weaponry.

Taiwan is trying every trick out there to get U.S. weapons
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