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Situation in Gwadar

Occupied Kashimiris are secessionists. Do you hold the same thoughts about them?

I'll leave it at that.
Occupied Kashmir is an internationally recognised disputed territory. While Baluchistan is internationally recognised Pakistani territory.
So either you are saying that Kashmir is Indian territory or that Balochistan is disputed territory.

Please think before you type.
Occupied Kashmir is an internationally recognised disputed territory. While Baluchistan is internationally recognised Pakistani territory.
So either you are saying that Kashmir is Indian territory or that Balochistan is disputed territory.

Please think before you type.
Sir, you are talking about technicalities. India has writ over Occupied Kashmir and we have over Balochistan. Internationally recognized only means the side supporting the secessionist had enough diplomatic clout. There are much bigger movements and bigger humanitarian catastrophes than Kashmir freedom movement that have gone on but we never heard about them.

Let's face it sir, Kashmiri leadership were snakes, and were ruling on behalf on Indian occupiers comfortably until 1989 when kashmiris started fighting. In 1965, they even caught and handed over our commandos to the Indians. But, I am not discrediting their movement here. Nor supporting baloch separatists. God knows how much I hate ethnic nationalism and assorted ills.

What in your mind would make Balochistan an internationally recognized issue? From the looks of it, India will soon have so much diplomatic edge on us, they can get their way and possibly bring the issue to the UN. Only thing stopping them would be China. There too, it would be our importance to China that would be the reason for their support, not the actual severity of the issue on ground. Same reason China has been veto-ing sanctions against Massod Azhar types and US had been veto-ing sanctions are Omar Khorasani. They have no love lost for these people, but they value their respective relations with Pakistan and India.

In the eventuality Balochistan does make it to the UN, would you concede that it is an internationally recognized dispute, then?

Army should nuke Gawadar and make the biggest DHA they can over there.
Was this city not supposed to be the next "Dubai"? What happened?

Dubai is no model for any city. It’s probably one of the worst designed cities in the world and I hope Gwadar becomes nothing like it.

As far as what’s happening in Gwader…this is what happens when you disrespect the local culture and don’t uplift the local population. The old city is rotting, while they build silly large 6 lane boulevards along the coast.

This is basically DHA Gwadar. This obsession GHQ has with destroying the urban centre of cities and forcing the wealth out into black hole suburban housing schemes is outrageous.

Gwadar Old City should be the epicentre of the development and wealth. Local population should be benefiting from all the development. Nothing like that is happening…

They are building a SIX LANE ROAD from the port, along the beach and towards N-5. Why in the world would you do that?

They built a GOD DAMN CRICKET STADIUM in a city that plays FOOTBALL!

All the road signs are literally in ENGLISH….forget Balochi, they don’t even bother writing it in Urdu.

How is this not British Raj v2.0?
Dubai is no model for any city. It’s probably one of the worst designed cities in the world and I hope Gwadar becomes nothing like it.

As far as what’s happening in Gwader…this is what happens when you disrespect the local culture and don’t uplift the local population. The old city is rotting, while they build silly large 6 lane boulevards along the coast.

This is basically DHA Gwadar. This obsession GHQ has with destroying the urban centre of cities and forcing the wealth out into black hole suburban housing schemes is outrageous.

Gwadar Old City should be the epicentre of the development and wealth. Local population should be benefiting from all the development. Nothing like that is happening…

They are building a SIX LANE ROAD from the port, along the beach and towards N-5. Why in the world would you do that?

They built a GOD DAMN CRICKET STADIUM in a city that plays FOOTBALL!

All the road signs are literally in ENGLISH….forget Balochi, they don’t even bother writing it in Urdu.

How is this not British Raj v2.0?

Bro I remember in 2016 when I first started looking at Pakistani stuff online I used to see Faujeet troll farms spam how Gwadar was gonna be "China's Bahrain" :rofl:

Even today faujeets post promos from Gwadar as if some miracle is going to happen and Pakistan will be supapowa.
Bro I remember in 2016 when I first started looking at Pakistani stuff online I used to see Faujeet troll farms spam how Gwadar was gonna be "China's Bahrain" :rofl:

Even today faujeets post promos from Gwadar as if some miracle is going to happen and Pakistan will be supapowa.

Faujeets think that destroying farmland and building 6 lane roads is development. They have no idea how these things destroy and segregate cities and then are shocked with the local population rise up and protest.

They literally think Dubai is some masterpiece, when most urban planners regard it as a one of the WORST designed cities in the world.

Gwadar as a city is geographically gifted. It as a central dense core and is walkable. It has direct connection to the sea/beach. Why would you destroy that is beyond me….in western cities they are actively taking down expressways built in cities, while in Pakistan we build them! If anything, the old city of Gwadar should be maintained and rebuilt along the lines of how Old City Lahore is being rebuilt. You can still have the dense core, with all modern amenities. That’s the perfect recipe!

Another bone of contention has been the disrespect to local culture. Gwadar Development Authority literally doesn’t know a language Balochi exists. Apparently they are also unaware that Urdu exists. Here’s what a typical road sign in Gwadar looks like now!


Notice how GDA knows how to write Chinese and English, but god forbid if our inferior languages are ever written. We are NOT WORTHY!

That being said, it appears the protests have worked to a certain extent. After more than 10 years of construction, GDA discovered that Gwadar was actually a fishing town before and had a local population!

The thing is Gwadar is actually in a very geo-strategic location. If handled correctly it could become the gateway to Central Asia as the Russians and Central Asians envisioned.


It has unspoiled beaches and the weather is warm but never humid. Gwadar and the entire Marian Coast could become such a go to place….for sunbathing and sightseeing. But good luck trying to build anything like that when most of our society is upset about a woman showing her belly button in a film.

Meanwhile, this is one of the only deep sea ports that STILL doesn’t have a connection to the railway. How in the world do you expect to move cargo without a railway connected to your port.

This is why people in Gwadar are upset and I don’t blame them!
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