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Situation in Gwadar

It's all falling apart... Thanks to corrupt establishment's brutality and terrorism.
Oh look these people are still fighting, why i am not surprised ?
its going to be domino effect, one province declares independance, the rest will follow. Very dangerous situation. A super power like SU coundnt keep it all together. Ppl are wise to the Bengrladesh situaton, they see progress.
Kudos to police for taking care of the situation very professionally

You said the same thing I remember hearing from Netanyahu few times.

BTW were you referring that member of security force who picked up the stone thrown by the kid and hurled it back 'very professionally'?

Or were you referring to
very professional deployment of armed security force against unarmed civilians, which has become a norm over the past few months?
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You said the same thing I remember hearing from Netanyahu few times.

BTW were you referring that member of security force who picked up the stone thrown by the kid and hurled it back 'very professionally'?

Or were you referring to
very professional deployment of armed security force against unarmed civilians, which has become a norm over the past few months?
This is how overdue crowds and protests are quelled all around the world. Your analogy of Palestine is pathetic and idiotic.
I actually agree with most of their demands but it doesn't mean the protests paralyze a city obstructing daily life.An ambulance unable to reach a hospital and a patient dying in the way won't affect your health but it will be amount to losing a life that could have been saved.
Can't believe I'm listening to this Rubbish from a US national ..next time watch how your cops take care of protests and learn a thing or two.
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Our forces should stop treating these BLA and TTP folks with soft golves.

Just crush these bastards on Indian payroll.
I actually agree with most of their demands but it doesn't mean the protests paralyze a city obstructing daily life.

In Clip link, security forces are trying to shut down shops. Is that a Halal way of 'paralyzing a city & obstructing daily life?

And in this Clip armed security force can seen dragging unarmed civilian from the home and taking away. There is no protest in sight. Dragging people out of homes is never a way of managing protests in US, however these events are common in Palestine.

You seems to be too very high strung, you need not to skip your medicines. Using fowl language does not make you right, it just make you come across silly.
None of these people have genuine concerns, they are just anti-state in general before any PDM. It's good that they aren't getting any news coverage.

Same ones who also then destroy public infrastructure when it's built for them.

In Clip link, security forces are trying to shut down shops. Is that a Halal way of 'paralyzing a city & obstructing daily life?

And in this Clip armed security force can seen dragging unarmed civilian from the home and taking away. There is no protest in sight. Dragging people out of homes is never a way of managing protests in US, however these events are common in Palestine.

You seems to be too very high strung, you need not to skip your medicines. Using fowl language does not make you right, it just make you come across silly.
Yes, it is, if you are acting like uncivilised animals destroying public infrastructure and setting things on fire and attacking the first person in sight.

Again, some of these people have been like this before any PTI/PDM political rubbish.
Debunked already .
Come again with something new

Nope, human rights organizations have extensively documented her brutal story.

Can't believe I'm listening to this Rubbish from a US national ..next time watch how your cops takes care of protests and learn a thing or two.

You are in North America too lmfao.

None of these people have genuine concerns, they are just anti-state in general before any PDM. It's good that they aren't getting any news coverage.

Same ones who also then destroy public infrastructure when it's built for them.

Yes, it is, if you are acting like uncivilised animals destroying public infrastructure and setting things on fire and attacking the first person in sight.

Again, some of these people have been like this before any PTI/PDM political rubbish.

Thing is with the current political climate and how Pakistan shut down internet and tried to block YouTube during Imran Khan's speeches, that's when people sort of start actively sympathizing with these protestors.

There's a parallel in how Pakistan was treating PTI activists and Baloch activists through detentions and tear gas.
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In Clip link, security forces are trying to shut down shops. Is that a Halal way of 'paralyzing a city & obstructing daily life?

And in this Clip armed security force can seen dragging unarmed civilian from the home and taking away. There is no protest in sight. Dragging people out of homes is never a way of managing protests in US, however these events are common in Palestine.

You seems to be too very high strung, you need not to skip your medicines. Using fowl language does not make you right, it just make you come across silly.
Shops were being closed to enforce curfew after a policeman deputed for their own security was shot dead by one of the armed men In the crowd.
Don't shed your ignorance here without having a background

Yes the police in west does drag a person who is not ready to obey and come along

Try doing that next time with a cop who stops you and asks to step out of car. and see what happens.
Nope, human rights organizations have extensively documented her brutal story.

You are in North America too lmfao.

Thing is with the current political climate and how Pakistan shut down internet and tried to block YouTube during Imran Khan's speeches, that's when people sort of start actively sympathizing with these protestors.

There's a parallel in how Pakistan was treating PTI activists and Baloch activists through detentions and tear gas.
Human rights organizations were asked to jump in by the state itself so the couple can go abroad and their case is built for it. It has no relevance to your point.

So what ... what's your point with where i am... btw same for you. try disobeying a cop and see how they fix you. Try throwing a rock damaging a property.... ..
Human rights organizations were asked to jump in by the state itself so the couple can go abroad and their case is built for it. It has no relevance to your point.

So what ... what's your point with where i am... btw same for you. try disobeying a cop and see how they fix you. Try throwing a rock damaging a property.... ..

Not everything is a conspiracy, the Baloch peoples plight is well documented.

Did you see the BLM riots? The police let them riot all over the place lmfao
Not everything is a conspiracy, the Baloch peoples plight is well documented.

Did you see the BLM riots? The police let them riot all over the place lmfao
So weak.. Shazia khalid is not even a baloch.she is sindhi.

BLM won't kill a cop likewhat happened in gawadar.
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