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Sitar maestro Pt Ravi Shankar dies at 92

Musician Kabir Suman tells a Bengali channel that when he was in New York, a black taxi driver refused to take money from him saying, he couldn't ask money from a person who came from Pandit Ravi Shankar's country.

RIP Punditji

He could have done a lot more actually. He could have made a fortune by doing fusions with the popular rock and roll music of the late 60s and the 70s at the height of his popularity. I remember in one of his interviews where he was asked this question and he answered that he wanted to maintain the sanctity of Indian classical music and therefore didn't cross that line.
A great loss, gap created will never fill. May his soul rest in eternal peace, amen.

Unfortunately we don't have many performers left.. Bhimsen and now Ravi Shakar, two legends in two consecutive years.
Not many approved of his fusions with the beatles..
and these maestros were always at war with each other..
But in the end, legends are going.. and sadly.. Anoshka isnt what her father was.. nor will she be able to carry that.
RIP to the Gem of India.

Good to see many non-Indians know him.
Not many approved of his fusions with the beatles..
and these maestros were always at war with each other..
But in the end, legends are going.. and sadly.. Anoshka isnt what her father was.. nor will she be able to carry that.

You forgot about Nora Jones.
"nainam chindanti sastrani
nainam dahati pavakah
na cainam kledayanty apo
na sosayati marutah"

Rest in Peace Pandit Jee...

Lets see how many can identify the other legend playing Tabla....
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He could have done a lot more actually. He could have made a fortune by doing fusions with the popular rock and roll music of the late 60s and the 70s at the height of his popularity. I remember in one of his interviews where he was asked this question and he answered that he wanted to maintain the sanctity of Indian classical music and therefore didn't cross that line.

Ustad Vilayat Khan was actually not in favour of any fusion ... He had famously told " Robu Da has popularised India's music all over the world at the cost of his own music" ....

Sitar has lost its strings within a decade... First Ustad Vilayat Khan and now Pandit Jee...

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