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Sino-Japanese War still stings China 120 years later


I blocked Atawolf's posts, but I checked what he said, the fact you thumbs up his posts shows exactly where your feelings are. You may try to sound like a moderate, but please, you think today's my first time talking to people. I been dealing with people as the primary means of my spending money since I was 16.

I agreed with @atatwolf 's positing that had it not been for the United States' intervention, the outcome in China would have been different. Imagine, the war with the United States was our immediate priority, taking up resources in Naval, Air and Ground forces. Because of this, we had to divert a considerable amount of forces from the China Theater into the Pacific Theater. Lastly, why do you care who I "like" ? I don't go into personal affairs as to why you "like" or who "agree" with in this forum.

I have been trying to search on Xinhua's website and cannot even find any piece, even tiny mention of this war, please, do you just make comments based on imagination and prejudice?

新华网_传播中国 报道世界 Well please do tell me where Xinhua even talked about his war.

You know, people really should at least google before making comments on things they are not sure about. Good habit! Even though googled information might not be accurate but at least you tried.

I'm referring to this:

Japanese war criminal confession reveals murder of 172 Chinese - Xinhua | English.news.cn


What can you expect? Japan claimed its so called liberal democracy and then painted a fake picture to stroke their ego. lol I used to hold high regard of modern Japan, gee. now I am really in doubt!

I agreed with @atatwolf 's positing that had it not been for the United States' intervention, the outcome in China would have been different. Imagine, the war with the United States was our immediate priority, taking up resources in Naval, Air and Ground forces. Because of this, we had to divert a considerable amount of forces from the China Theater into the Pacific Theater.

I'm referring to this:

Japanese war criminal confession reveals murder of 172 Chinese - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Ok so you are citing this piece of English article to support your claim that China is fueling nationalistic sentiment to its populace. Even I don't read English news on Chinese websites, lol.
What can you expect? Japan claimed its so called liberal democracy and then painted a fake picture to stroke their ego. lol I used to hold high regard of modern Japan, gee. now I am really in doubt!

Ok so you are citing this piece of English article to support your claim that China is fueling nationalistic sentiment to its populace. Even I don't read English news on Chinese websites, lol.

We Japanese read articles such as this. I mean, come on, seriously. I know you're Chinese and you probably will have extreme devotion to China, but can you step outside of the "box" and objective analyze what the purpose is of such articles? Do you not think it is to rouse the Chinese public? To stroke the Chinese nationalist sentiment , and directing it in an Anti-Japan direction?

If your feelings and your opinion of Japan changes, that is your decision. All I am saying is that the Chinese media and government have been on an 'ANTI-JAPAN' momentum these past 4 years.

Our response is a reaction. We see that Chinese media is vilifying us. What do you think our response is going to be? Also, do you not think it is only natural to feel offended to see such grave reaction and protestation by our Chinese partners?
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We Japanese read articles such as this. I mean, come on, seriously. I know you're Chinese and you probably will have extreme devotion to China, but can you not step outside of the "box" and objective analyze what the purpose is of such articles? Do you not think it is to rouse the Chinese public? To stroke the Chinese nationalist sentiment , and directing it in an Anti-Japan direction?

Cannot you even read what I said? Even as I, a person who can speak good English, don't even read English news in China, what percentage of Chinese in China even read English news? You claim this piece is to fan up nationalistic sentiment? Gee, please. Also I don't think anything wrong with this article. It's newsworthy since it's new confession by a Japanese soldier.
I agreed with @atatwolf 's positing that had it not been for the United States' intervention, the outcome in China would have been different. Imagine, the war with the United States was our immediate priority, taking up resources in Naval, Air and Ground forces. Because of this, we had to divert a considerable amount of forces from the China Theater into the Pacific Theater. Lastly, why do you care who I "like" ? I don't go into personal affairs as to why you "like" or who "agree" with in this forum.

Even without the US intervention, you still cannot fully swallow the entire China.

Imagine a greedy snake wanna eat a weakened elephant for lunch. It was not going to happen.
A new confession? My dear, the confessions were made over 60 years ago. The Chinese media are posting it now, and headlining it in an effort direct national sentiment towards Hatred for Japan.
A new confession? My dear, the confessions were made over 60 years ago. The Chinese media are posting it now, and headlining it in an effort direct national sentiment towards Hatred for Japan.

My wording might be off, read the first line of the article. It first shows to the world, i.e. confession first known to the world.
I agreed with @atatwolf 's positing that had it not been for the United States' intervention, the outcome in China would have been different. Imagine, the war with the United States was our immediate priority, taking up resources in Naval, Air and Ground forces. Because of this, we had to divert a considerable amount of forces from the China Theater into the Pacific Theater. Lastly, why do you care who I "like" ? I don't go into personal affairs as to why you "like" or "agree" with in this forum.

Now we get to the real reason there's this conflict, you don't feel you lost to China.

What happened to let's put all this behind us, what happened to moving past it. The truth is you can't move past it, because according to official history China is one of the victorious allied nations and Japan unconditionally surrendered. China is one of the SC5, Japan is not.

Why nationalize the islands, why name it, you could have done any of those since 1972, you could have made the islands officially part of Japan in 1972 or on wards, but you didn't. Because China at that time was weak, and there was no need to show off as the big man.

Why do it now? China past Japan's GDP, and is increasingly distancing ourselves, Japan is not only no longer undisputed most powerful in Asia.

Don't try to bring this on us, if you really got past it, why is it that you keep posting this crap, when none of the Chinese members do. This article is posted on Japan today.

If you want to talk about why we film so much Sino Japanese war material, well we also film a lot of crappy soaps, that are just as lame. TV is running out of ideas. That and no war has since happened that we definitively won, so, just wait until we win another one sometime in the future and then it's Japan who, unless you are the enemy in that one, then it's back to square one.
My wording might be off, read the first line of the article. It first shows to the world, i.e. confession first known to the world.

Come now, seriously. You're just playing coy.
Come now, seriously. You're just playing coy.

I am playing coy? Go read the article, gee. Ok, I am done with semantics.

Also I would comment on your previous comment on my Chinese identity. You do know this is rather tabooed tactics in debate, right. We all have backgrounds, and we are all biased to certain degree. So finding fault of my Chinese background to justify your Japanese objectivity is rather immature and double-standarded.
Now we get to the real reason there's this conflict, you don't feel you lost to China.

What happened to let's put all this behind us, what happened to moving past it. The truth is you can't move past it, because according to official history China is one of the victorious allied nations and Japan unconditionally surrendered. China is one of the SC5, Japan is not.

Why nationalize the islands, why name it, you could have done any of those since 1972, you could have made the islands officially part of Japan in 1972 or on wards, but you didn't. Because China at that time was weak, and there was no need to show off as the big man.

Why do it now? China past Japan's GDP, and is increasingly distancing ourselves, Japan is not only no longer undisputed most powerful in Asia.

Don't try to bring this on us, if you really got past it, why is it that you keep posting this crap, when none of the Chinese members do. This article is posted on Japan today.

If you want to talk about why we film so much Sino Japanese war material, well we also film a lot of crappy soaps, that are just as lame. TV is running out of ideas. That and no war has since happened that we definitively won, so, just wait until we win another one sometime in the future and then it's Japan who, unless you are the enemy in that one, then it's back to square one.

Dear, ive seen so much Anti-Japan movies from the 70s to the present. Its funny that in our media we don't do such things. We have no movies that degrade old enemies. But alas, there is a difference in national psyche. Japan is different to China. When we say we want to move past old differences, we mean it. Our partners in China, on the other hand, like to put salt on old wounds.
@Nihonjin1051 nice propaganda picture :lol:, you Japanese just took advantage of the weak moment of the falling Chinese empire to boast Japan up, we Chineses have never consider that as an honnorable fair fight. During the Battle of Baekgang, the defeat of Yamato+Baekji to Tang + Silla shown that when China was on the rise, our swords are equally sharp as enemies, we were not afraid of blooshiting in the battle.

For now we just bide our time to equaly gear up as Japan technologically, throughout Chinese history war is not just a matter of month, year or decades but centuries such as Han-Xiongnu...then we will look for the rematch with Japan.

What are you going to do China? Suck on it. Your worse days are still to come for the crimes you commited and aggresion you show to your neighbors. One would say they would be accomodating to avoid another humiliation but they seem to repeat history.

They should be kissing the hands of US a hunderd times for they have saved their skin in WW2. But unfortunately as ungrateful they are, they even bark at US and don't show a glance of thankfulness to their savours.

US has created a monster the region has to deal with now.
I'm sorry, please tell me how ungrateful China? does China went to containment the US in Caribbean? Chinese interference in the internal affairs of the US?

WWII ,Why the United States entered the war late?When USA interests have been the Japanese aggression, he joined the war!this is u so-calledU.S. to save China?If not Chinese hold millions of Japanese, can USA so easy to win the Japanese?
Maybe American be defeated !Please donot think of World War II so simple. This will make you look very foolish
stupid ata.U.S. does not have much relationship with you, why are many Turks hate America?
You a "Turkic Greeks," China didnt have any relationship with you, please do not always ask for trouble
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Dear, ive seen so much Anti-Japan movies from the 70s to the present. Its funny that in our media we don't do such things. We have no movies that degrade old enemies. But alas, there is a difference in national psyche. Japan is different to China. When we say we want to move past old differences, we mean it. Our partners in China, on the other hand, like to put salt on old wounds.

oh yea, concentrate on the last least significant part of my posts, you never respond to a post in its entirety, you know what don't respond to this.

This is lame. I'll debate with people who actually debates.
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