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Singapore voices concern over naming of Indonesian Navy ship

Complaining about curry, this looks extremely strange. :crazy::crazy:

Singaporean Chinese do not discriminate. We will take care our brothers, before extending hospitality to others. We have no problem with local Indians until Indian nationals came in large numbers and fire our people. Even then we still like local Indians.

In fact, we are so hospitable that Singapore is the only place where foreigners can bash up locals, shitt on locals and in the same time, complaint that locals are racist.

Indian nationals came here impose caste system on us. Even local Indians hate them. Then Indians national feign victim by saying Singaporeans Chinese racist, and keep attacking us online. We are piss off.
I think many foreigners other than the top talent are resented and Indians get the most resentment. Indians create the worst riots in SG recently. No one sympathized these Indians.

Little India riot: 18 injured, 27 arrested | TODAYonline


Everybody knows Indians like to fire Chinese then ship in their whole village.

Brilliant.! Do not quote me the recent incident..! I knoe there are many illegal Indians In sing and malaysia. But damn yu, those from China outnumber Indians in anything.
I can link yu to various idiotic chinese activities out there, reported lot of times.
Brilliant.! Do not quote me the recent incident..! I knoe there are many illegal Indians In sing and malaysia. But damn yu, those from China outnumber Indians in anything.
I can link yu to various idiotic chinese activities out there, reported lot of times.

The below is something went viral and you can see how Indian nationals behave. There are many companies in Singapore hated by us, even the local Indians hate them, reason being, these companies are cesspool of Indian caste system.

No doubt there are resentment against PRC, and pinoy. As I have said, Indian nationals are being hated most nowadays, not that other groups are not resented.

From: xxxx
Date: Wed, Nov 2, 2011
Subject: A step in the right direction: discriminatory practices against Singaporeans
To: TANCHUANJIN@mom.gov.sg
Cc: query@fairemployment.sg

Dear Mr. Minister:
I just read the article entitled ‘Don’t hire, promote own kind at expense of S’poreans‘. I cannot begin to say just how thrilled I am to see that the government is FINALLY stepping up to the plate in trying to curb this problem. I have been ranting and raving about this issue ever since I joined the workforce in 2004. I have worked at Hewlett Packard and Frost & Sullivan in Singapore, and both these companies are unabashedly guilty of such hiring practices.

I was a Director at Frost & Sullivan (Singapore) Pte Ltd. and I am well aware of our internal slant towards hiring MBAs from India. There was one time when we made 12 offers in one fell swoop to SP Jain (Singapore campus) and IIM MBA graduates. NOT A SINGLE Singaporean was offered a position. It wasn’t for lack of qualified Singaporean candidates either. Even our campus recruitment was geared towards hiring from Indian universities, instead of NUS, SMU and NTU. Cost was not the factor. We offered many of these graduates between SGD6,000 to SGD10,000 a month.

I can’t help but recall a situation of such irony that to this day, it pains me to have had experienced it at all. At Frost & Sullivan, one of our largest client sectors was the Government sector in Singapore. We brought in well over USD2 million a year in consulting engagements from the Government sector alone – both stat boards and ministries. When we staffed our projects, we would be lucky if we had even 20% of Singaporeans being utilized in the project team.

The entire management team at Frost & Sullivan are foreigners (with the exception of one). We have also helped many of our foreign hires to become Singaporean citizens during the period of their employment. While I am not against using foreign talent, the unfortunate reality is that many of these decently paying positions could have very easily been filled by Singaporeans.

Having done Manpower planning studies for two stat boards in Singapore, the facts and figures are quite startling, to say the least.

During my tenure at Hewlett Packard, I was on several government IT projects. Over 90% of my 100+ person team were foreigners. Like many other companies, how HP cleverly circumvented being “obvious” was to use “contractors”. Our contract was with the employment agencies who, in turn hire almost only foreigners. Hence, the headcount was never really seen. Of the 100+ person who was staffed on this one particular government IT engagement, less than 10% were full-time employees hired directly by HP.

In addition to my own personal experience, I know with absolute certainty that many of my close non-Singaporean friends who head up IT divisions within the banking sector have similar preferences of hiring foreigners over Singaporeans. While I cannot condone such practices, the system makes it far too easy for this to happen. They claim that it is better to hire foreigners because these foreign workers are more than likely to stay as almost all of them want to ultimately obtain Singapore citizenship.

Rather than formulating workable incentives to keep Singaporeans at their jobs, management takes the easy way out. Is this how a country takes care of its own?

As citizens, we give our country two and a half years of our life by going through national service. In that time, our foreign compatriots gain experience in the work force and we, as loyal citizens are penalized. Where is the logic behind this? I strongly believe that our government has a primary and inalienable duty and dedication to its citizens.

The vicious cycle is well engrained in every level of employment. Senior Management positions are given to foreign nationals. They then are inclined to hire their own kind, cutting people like myself completely out in the cold with no options but to seek higher-salaried employment elsewhere.

I am now a foreigner working in China because of the simple fact that many of the high-paying jobs in Singapore have been taken by my foreign friends. I would return to Singapore in a heartbeat if I could make the same sort of salary as I do here.

I have never felt more slighted being a Singaporean than I have during my career in Singapore.

Warmest Regards,

No PRC would conduct themselves like Indian nationals. The silicon valley engineers and colleagues told me same stories about Indians.
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Brilliant.! Do not quote me the recent incident..! I knoe there are many illegal Indians In sing and malaysia. But damn yu, those from China outnumber Indians in anything.
I can link yu to various idiotic chinese activities out there, reported lot of times.

Please link me. :enjoy:
this diplomatic brawl will go unnoticed in the next ten years from now, except some noted memo, no more no less

Just remembering how furious the Singaporean back then when Habibie calling their country as a little red dot, an amateur president without any credibility to lead a Nation as big as Indonesia calling the most wealthy and the most powerfully city states in ASEAN as a little red dot, how insightful. And then couple years later, both country can get over with their minor squabble and continue their cooperation in a lot of areas. Then the Indonesian got irked by Singaporean acts on their reclamation programs in which the Singaporean promoting sand smuggling of Indonesian islands and has caused a lot of hazard to our environment. Then some years later both country can get over with their minor squabble and the cooperation between both countries can go on. And right now, we recall the same mishaps between both countries, the Singapore has been pulling the stride first with their involvement over spying raw, which has involved US and Australia over the Indonesia sovereign. And now the Indonesia, deliberately using those two names to provoke the Singaporean side, for what ever objection they has aimed. I think, Indonesia-Singapore relations never been as bad as Indonesia-Malaysia, and i hope so in the future.
this diplomatic brawl will go unnoticed in the next ten years from now, except some noted memo, no more no less

Just remembering how furious the Singaporean back then when Habibie calling their country as a little red dot, an amateur president without any credibility to lead a Nation as big as Indonesia calling the most wealthy and the most powerfully city states in ASEAN as a little red dot, how insightful. And then couple years later, both country can get over with their minor squabble and continue their cooperation in a lot of areas. Then the Indonesian got irked by Singaporean acts on their reclamation programs in which the Singaporean promoting sand smuggling of Indonesian islands and has caused a lot of hazard to our environment. Then some years later both country can get over with their minor squabble and the cooperation between both countries can go on. And right now, we recall the same mishaps between both countries, the Singapore has been pulling the stride first with their involvement over spying raw, which has involved US and Australia over the Indonesia sovereign. And now the Indonesia, deliberately using those two names to provoke the Singaporean side, for what ever objection they has aimed. I think, Indonesia-Singapore relations never been as bad as Indonesia-Malaysia, and i hope so in the future.

I do not think Indonesian care about our reclamation give we are a small dot. Just flaming by politicians. Indonesia has been our friend.

The only reason I can think of about this spat is Indonesia may want to divert some internal troubles.
this diplomatic brawl will go unnoticed in the next ten years from now, except some noted memo, no more no less

Just remembering how furious the Singaporean back then when Habibie calling their country as a little red dot, an amateur president without any credibility to lead a Nation as big as Indonesia calling the most wealthy and the most powerfully city states in ASEAN as a little red dot, how insightful. And then couple years later, both country can get over with their minor squabble and continue their cooperation in a lot of areas. Then the Indonesian got irked by Singaporean acts on their reclamation programs in which the Singaporean promoting sand smuggling of Indonesian islands and has caused a lot of hazard to our environment. Then some years later both country can get over with their minor squabble and the cooperation between both countries can go on. And right now, we recall the same mishaps between both countries, the Singapore has been pulling the stride first with their involvement over spying raw, which has involved US and Australia over the Indonesia sovereign. And now the Indonesia, deliberately using those two names to provoke the Singaporean side, for what ever objection they has aimed. I think, Indonesia-Singapore relations never been as bad as Indonesia-Malaysia, and i hope so in the future.

How long would it take Singapore to annex Indonesia?
Singaporean Chinese do not discriminate. We will take care our brothers, before extending hospitality to others. We have no problem with local Indians until Indian nationals came in large numbers and fire our people. Even then we still like local Indians.

In fact, we are so hospitable that Singapore is the only place where foreigners can bash up locals, shitt on locals and in the same time, complaint that locals are racist.

Indian nationals came here impose caste system on us. Even local Indians hate them. Then Indians national feign victim by saying Singaporeans Chinese racist, and keep attacking us online. We are piss off.

How they impose caste system on you Chinese, seems you can't stop talking gibberish. :wacko: Can outsiders really tell the citizens of Singapore not to cook their basic Indian foods at their home, is it the way of behaving in a foreign country. :crazy:

Good hardware but most soldiers do not enjoy all the fundings. Our military spending goes to help fund the bankrupt US defence industries as well as paying our generals high salary.

When I was in the army, the food sucks and even our cook house was sub contracted to state companies. The food is cheap while army spend heavily on our food, just to give profit to state-own companies, never think about our welfare.

How they impose caste system on you Chinese, seems you can't stop talking gibberish. :wacko: Can outsiders really tells the citizens of Singapore not to cook their basic Indian foods at their home, is it the way of behaving in a foreign country. :crazy:

We have Indians citizens here for generations and we are defending them against PRC and their PAP backers.
I do not think Indonesian care about our reclamation give we are a small dot. Just flaming by politicians. Indonesia has been our friend.

The only reason I can think of about this spat is Indonesia may want to divert some internal troubles.

we are give a damn concern about your reclamation program, beside the sands matter, it was EEZ matter came into our concern. As the more larger Tumasik Islands, hence the more larger Exclusive Economic Zone of the sea around those islands the Singapore can claimed and unfortunately the reclamation program looking to southward in to the Indonesian sides. Many of our navy higher ups thinking this was a deliberately acts of "soft aggression" into our territory and sovereignty.
we are give a damn concern about your reclamation program, beside the sands matter, it was EEZ matter came into our concern. As the more larger Tumasik Islands, hence the more larger Exclusive Economic Zone of the sea around those islands the Singapore can claimed and unfortunately the reclamation program looking to southward in to the Indonesian sides. Many of our navy higher ups thinking this was a deliberately acts of "soft aggression" into our territory and sovereignty.

Indonesia should be worried about these reclamations as its concerns territorial encroachment

Singaporean fighters suspected of breaching RI airspace | The Jakarta Post

The head of the airport’s flight safety division, Indah Irwansyah, said that on Friday an F-16 or F-4 fighter allegedly belonging to the Singaporean military was detected over Batam. It headed from Singapore to airspace over Sekupang district and then moved on to Nipah Island.

“It moved very quickly, so it was difficult to detect as we don’t have radar here at Hang Nadim,” Indah said on Saturday.

According to Indah, the aircraft was monitoring Nipah Island, which borders Batam and Singapore.

“Singapore is very interested in Nipah while Indonesia continues to maintain it. The fighter was flying low,” she said.

The possibility of Singaporean fighter jets using Indonesian airspace without permission could add to existing tensions between the countries.
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we are give a damn concern about your reclamation program, beside the sands matter, it was EEZ matter came into our concern. As the more larger Tumasik Islands, hence the more larger Exclusive Economic Zone of the sea around those islands the Singapore can claimed and unfortunately the reclamation program looking to southward in to the Indonesian sides. Many of our navy higher ups thinking this was a deliberately acts of "soft aggression" into our territory and sovereignty.

You have no idea of international law. Don be bombastic on EEZ or whatever, show your stupidity
You have no idea of international law. Don be bombastic on EEZ or whatever, show your stupidity

Surely, it was your government idea of soft aggression no less no more and we bear it with dignity and compassion. And Usman Harun is one of our government idea, no more no less.
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