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Singapore Breaks Down Covid Deaths by Vaccine, With Moderna Seeing Lowest Rate

Yet another smear against Sinovac making Singapore a disgrace. GoS has actually do a Pontius Pilate, and all sophiscated readers are able see through that GoS does not even hide that fact the she is mis-interpreting statistics.

"Be mindful we are calculating this based on quite a small sample of 247 deaths"

In addition, Sinovac uptake is low in Singapore due to deliberate inhibition by GoS, less than 10%. Also many of the mRNA takers are already on booster, and today booster rate is close to 50%.

No booster info on Sinovac, Sinopharm, but I believe it is quite low. Because GoS just roll out booster program for Sinovac.

You probably get 3 - 4 Sinovac takers died. Many of Singapore Sinovac takers in Singapore have allergy, old people or people with primary dieseases, and cannot take mRNA. Without breaking down sample profile, GoS mis-interpreting again.

Sinopharm takers are even lower. You cant get it with government. It is not free and you got to buy it. I am not sure why it is mentioned.

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When I see someone cautioning his own sampling size in academic papers in strong wordings, I straight away throw out this paper, and or I read it as if I am reading a tabloid. This is writer way of telling expert readers that he is writing a scam and he is issuing a non liability statement.

GoS has access to US CDC database. I guess some Sinovac countries are willing to share with Singapore also. They can have good samples if they want.
There is a lot of medical researcher producing results concluding Sinovac/Sinopharm is FK up -- one big publisher of Sinovac fkup lab is HK. And very curiously GoS are so fixated against Sinovac that every now and then, she go on TV and bash bash bash -- often pulling out reports from HK. But if we do comparison across countries, UAE using Sinopharm has far lower cases than mRNA countries.

UAE looks like having a small inflexion point amid omicron now while elsewhere Omicron rages like crazy.



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I just find it's hilarious when daily new infection global records are being set in US and Europe ever couples of hours and here there are still some people arguing which vaccines are better than others.
UAE using Sinopharm is having far lower case than Singapore using mRNA in September. Note that Singapore was ends curfew on September while UAE never have a draconian restriction of Singapore.

In September, Singapore spike like crazy once curfew ends while UAE has not much cases.

Now Singapore has 50% 3rd doses, and her Covid compared to UAE is not remarkable either.

If so, why US and Europe keep smashing infection world record every passing day? do their vaccines prevent people from getting infected or help them do so?

Why compare to the West which have people who don't give a damn about Covid restrictions and would rather protest against restrictions or masking/vaccination mandates every other week?

The US have a relatively high proportion of unvaccinated. The unvaccinated makes up 5% of adult population in Singapore but they make up 70% of deaths, which means to say even if vaccines prevent 100% of deaths we can only reduce up to 30% of deaths attributed to Covid. Now you can imagine why hospitals are getting overwhelmed in the US or Europe when the unvaccinated makes up 20% or 30% of their adult population.

For the vaccinated in SG, the death rate is half of influenza. And because 95% of our adult population are vaccinated, there are no excess deaths for the overall population in SG despite 200K+ getting infected in just the past few months. In fact, deaths attributed to pneumonia (including Covid) was actually lower for the past 2 years in SG.






If you want to compare vaccine efficacy, you should compare different vaccines within the same country and time period which are subjected to the same environment, like the study in Singapore above. Or like the study in Malaysia, Chile, or Thailand.

Otherwise you will get into stupid conclusion like because there are more deaths currently compared to back in 2020, thus not getting vaccinated is better than getting vaccinated.
I have deliberately drawn statistics with countries that got a high booster, good and accessible basic healthcare infrastructure. mRNA performance is very bad,



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Why compare to the West which have people who don't give a damn about Covid restrictions and would rather protest against restrictions or masking/vaccination mandates every other week?
We are talking about western vaccines and Chinese vaccines, of course we need to compare with the west, besides, the west is setting up world record in infections, and they are not using Chinese vaccines to get there.



We are talking about western vaccines and Chinese vaccines, of course we need to compare with the west, besides, the west is setting up world record in infections, and they are not using Chinese vaccines to get there.

Like I said above:

If you want to compare vaccine efficacy, you should compare different vaccines within the same country and time period which are subjected to the same environment, like the study in Singapore above. Or like the study in Malaysia, Chile, or Thailand.

Otherwise you will get into stupid conclusion like because there are more deaths currently compared to back in 2020, thus not getting vaccinated is better than getting vaccinated.
Like I said above:

If you want to compare vaccine efficacy, you should compare different vaccines within the same country and time period which are subjected to the same environment, like the study in Singapore above. Or like the study in Malaysia, Chile, or Thailand.

Otherwise you will get into stupid conclusion like because there are more deaths currently compared to back in 2020, thus not getting vaccinated is better than getting vaccinated.
China doesn't have any deaths for a year already, I care more about how vaccines along with other measures preventing the infections and deaths, US and Europe are smashing world record every passing day , and still some foreign cheerleaders brag about how effective their vaccines are, I just find it hilarious.
Even not against delta, mRNA efficacy drop to 16% against infection at the 6 months, and 39% for 3-6 months as per Israel MOH (pic 1). This results concurs GoS MOH findings of mRNA 40% protection. Until Israel publishes her data, I see almost everyone got the same data of Malaysia as regards to Pfizer.

Israel MOH data make them concede.


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China doesn't have any deaths for a year already, I care more about how vaccines along with other measures preventing the infections and deaths, US and Europe are smashing world record every passing day , and still some foreign cheerleaders brag about how effective their vaccines are, I just find it hilarious.

And I find it hilarious that you can't rebut the study done above in SG and Malaysia, other than comparing China with the US/Europe without taking control groups into consideration.

Like I said, according to your logic which ignores normalization, we should not take vaccines since there are more deaths currently than back in 2020 lmao.
And I find it hilarious that you can't rebut the study done above in SG and Malaysia, other than comparing with the US/Europe without taking control groups into consideration.
Different studies show different results, how effective various vaccines work varies a lot since the very first day of their birth. I care more about hard undisputed ground reality. US and Europe are competing setting new global infection record every couples of hours is one of the undisputed ground reality.
Different studies show different results, how effective various vaccines work varies a lot since the very first day of their birth. I care more about hard undisputed ground reality. US and Europe are competing setting new global infection record every couples of hours is one of the undisputed ground reality.

Real world studies in SG, Malaysia, and Chile shows the same results; Pfizer > Sinovac. Antibody studies in SG, HK, and Thailand shows the same results; Pfizer > Sinovac. Even the head of China's CDC Gao Fu expressed similar concerns.

But yeah, we should not take vaccines since there are more deaths currently than back in 2020 according to your 'ground reality' logic LOL.
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