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Sindh education minister opposes Single National Curriculum

Aijaz Kolachi


New Recruit

Aug 11, 2021
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Sindh education minister opposes Single National Curriculum

KARACHI: Provincial Education Minister Sardar Shah has said that the Sindh government won’t adopt the Single National Curriculum launched by the federal government.

“We have already expressed our reservations on the SNC. After the 18th Amendment, education is a provincial subject. Therefore, provinces have the right to develop their own curriculum.”

Shah said that the implementation of the SNC was not mandatory for every province. It’s up to the provinces to accept the same curriculum or not. In the light of the 18th Amendment, we have the power to make our own decision. Also, the federal government cannot impose its unconstitutional decisions on every province.

He pointed out that Federal Minister Shafqat Mehmood had said that SNC was a part of PTI's manifesto. Therefore, it is not obligatory for the Sindh government to fulfill the election manifesto of PTI. The SNC cannot be a national and uniform curriculum without the participation of Sindh. “We stand by on our principled position."

The minister said Sindh will accept only good changes in science subjects. But in social studies, each province has its own history, culture, and heroes. We have included lessons on national heroes in our curriculum. If we want to teach Sindhi with Urdu and English, it is our constitutional and historical right and we won’t give it up.

Link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/879350-sindh-education-minister-opposes-single-national-curriculum
Sindh education minister opposes Single National Curriculum

KARACHI: Provincial Education Minister Sardar Shah has said that the Sindh government won’t adopt the Single National Curriculum launched by the federal government.

“We have already expressed our reservations on the SNC. After the 18th Amendment, education is a provincial subject. Therefore, provinces have the right to develop their own curriculum.”

Shah said that the implementation of the SNC was not mandatory for every province. It’s up to the provinces to accept the same curriculum or not. In the light of the 18th Amendment, we have the power to make our own decision. Also, the federal government cannot impose its unconstitutional decisions on every province.

He pointed out that Federal Minister Shafqat Mehmood had said that SNC was a part of PTI's manifesto. Therefore, it is not obligatory for the Sindh government to fulfill the election manifesto of PTI. The SNC cannot be a national and uniform curriculum without the participation of Sindh. “We stand by on our principled position."

The minister said Sindh will accept only good changes in science subjects. But in social studies, each province has its own history, culture, and heroes. We have included lessons on national heroes in our curriculum. If we want to teach Sindhi with Urdu and English, it is our constitutional and historical right and we won’t give it up.

Link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/879350-sindh-education-minister-opposes-single-national-curriculum
This corrupted crimenal group (ppp) completely gone mad safe Karachi from this evil party...
Shah said that the implementation of the SNC was not mandatory for every province. It’s up to the provinces to accept the same curriculum or not. In the light of the 18th Amendment, we have the power to make our own decision. Also, the federal government cannot impose its unconstitutional decisions on every province

So because it is not "mandatory" and constitutionally they can not be forced to accept. They won't accept ? They saying we have to power to say no hence we are saying no. There is no other reservation or objection provided against SNC only hathdarmi.
What exactly have they done for Sindh? Bilawal and his sisters are fighting to save their business investment and thier tomb were their family and leaders are buried.
They dont gave care for the common citizen.
Shane on the public for accepting to be their dumb followers.

I really don't understand how such a moronic family can be allowed to gain so much control.

I think its time the federation took some harsh decicions and forcilbly take control of Sindh for its own good.
I really don't understand how such a moronic family can be allowed to gain so much control.

I think its time the federation took some harsh decicions and forcilbly take control of Sindh for its own good.
How was a terrorist able to control the huge urban metropolis of Karachi sat in a foreign country? Altaf Hussain for years had control.
The people are to blame. Some sections of society look upon the Bhutto family as devine saints.
Zardari has becpme old, frail and weak. His son has taken over and now his young daughter is making speeches. They have taken pakistan like thoer own family business. No hope for the Sindh province.
If one can explain how money would be made from half hearted implementation of the SNC, Sindh government may go ahead with it.

The program is ambitious. I think Sindh can afford to wait on its practicality. Similar for Benazir Health Card and Benazir SmartLoans.
Sindh is looking to import curriculum from Iran and India.
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